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BGR Fantasy Football?
Where is the link to the fantasy football games to pick your games for the week. I've looked all over and I guess I'm blind!!!
SeaOfRed Wrote:Where is the link to the fantasy football games to pick your games for the week. I've looked all over and I guess I'm blind!!!

It is being converted to the new template and database.. Ill try to have it ready today. :rock:
Man QQ, You have to be the busiest person I know.
blackcatfan4life Wrote:Man QQ, You have to be the busiest person I know.

feeding greyson with one hand.. mouse in the other running database queries:lmao:
LOL. What dedication you are showing.

What are the advantages of being an admin instead of moderator?
blackcatfan4life Wrote:LOL. What dedication you are showing.

What are the advantages of being an admin instead of moderator?

Its all worth it. I have made numerous friends on here and actually chatting with everyone.

Admins, can make changes to things such as smilies, ranks, change passwords..

I will make a few more of you all admins that has been with us from the get go. Even through the hardest of times.
No hard times's all been FUN!!! :dancepart
Beef Wrote:No hard times's all been FUN!!! :dancepart

Thanks for all you have done QQ.. you've put a lot of work in it and it's looking great!! everybody on here loves it!
I agree 15th
Thanks QQ. You're the best.
Thank you QQ and keep up the good work!!
I tell you what QQ, you are taking over, baby!

Keep up the good work, chief.
blackcatfan4life Wrote:LOL. What dedication you are showing.

What are the advantages of being an admin instead of moderator?

Ya get to sit in the VIP lounge and hang out with the best dancers lol
The Gu is just a QQ wanna be.

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