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Raceland 49 Nicholas Co. 14
Final from Carlisle. RAMS start slow but cruise to victory tonight.
Ho hum
Congratulations to the Rams gets tougher next week
Probably be some guys setting next week too
(10-21-2023, 11:26 AM)RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote: Probably be some guys setting next week too

Sitting guys against LCA?
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Probably. Got some guys that need to heal up before the real season starts. Nothing major but no need to take a chance with a game that doesn’t matter. Looks to me like the RPI is pretty much going to be what it is. Don’t see 1 thru 4 changing.
With the RPI likely set in stone, I don’t see a benefit from playing cut throat bully ball to win this game Friday. Sure you want to win every game, but a miracle win against LCA is not what the season is about. If someone is dinged up, I say rest them. If you are at full tilt…go battle but it’s not worth risking more injury to someone that’s already banged up.
I hate the current schedule set up in the state right now. District games should be the last few games of the regular season. We don’t want to see teams flopping all over the state cause week 11 doesn’t matter. They all should matter cause the kids work way to hard for ten games as it is. If we start this mentality of….it doesn’t matter then why play ten games. Then it will be why play 9 games. We need to fix the issues with the district scheduling or something with the RPI so that every game matters.
The Pikeville putty tats have set the precedent for not playing and going up in the RPI.
I know Pikeville has no control of that but that is something that needs addressed. A team shouldn’t be penalized for a team dropping g out of their game with them, but they shouldn’t gain points for it. Hell Raceland plays the games they had to play in the district and lost points by blowing those teams out. Imo, these two examples prove without question that the RPI needs to lead to the dissolving of the districts. Pikeville had to scramble to find games only to have those teams cancel. Gotta find some sort of incentive for bigger and better schools to continue scheduling the better small schools. I don’t see the Raceland/Highlands game continuing. I just don’t see Highlands benefiting from it enough for them to renew a contract. I hope they do but will be surprised if it happens again.

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