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Purple Penguins
It all started back in 2010 with the repeal of DADT. There is always a convincing rationale attached to any social "change" being foisted upon our culture by the present administration. And, the argument that went along with DADT was that it was unpatriotic to deny our brave (gay) soldiers the dignity they have earned through their service. FTR not one single Democrat voted against the repeal of DADT. Since that sad day in our nation's history we have seen an avalanche of compromise with regard to the gay agenda, culminating in present day with gay marriage now legal in 30 states and, depending on the imminent ruling coming down from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, that number could soon swell to 39.

As I have mentioned, the gays will not be satisfied with the gains they have made. Case in point, out in Lincoln Nebraska teachers have been told not to refer to their students as boys and girls any longer, as that could scar the psyche of some as yet undetermined transsexual. (The foregoing statement is my opinion FWIW)

Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a training document given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

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Now folks, stupid is as stupid does. The longer lucid thinking and morally inclined citizens sit on their hands and do nothing, the more a reasonable and sane living environment will slip through their fingers. But, this is the kind of stuff we get for electing, and reelecting, liberals to high office.

BTW, did you catch the part about creating classroom names? That way perhaps they can talk some little boy into being called something like Linda while he's at school. No agenda there. :please:
When I'm chaperoning a bunch of high school kids, I generally find that screaming SHUT UP to the top of my lungs, will normally get their attention.
TRT, did you ever think you would see issues like the gay rights agenda blow up nationwide during your lifetime? Even with a liberal in office such as Bill Clinton in the 1990's, at least Clinton had enough decency to sign DOMA.

Now, fast forward first to 2008 - Obama comes in stating that marriage is between a man and a woman with the belief of a civil union (although he had supported SSM in the past). Pretty much the same position as his predecessor, George W. Bush held.

Fast forward again to May of 2012 - Obama's position on gay marriage "evolved." He now supports it. And now, all of a sudden, anybody who is against gay marriage is an enemy of human decency, as Justice Scalia mentioned in his dissent to the overturning of section 3 of DOMA. Anybody that does not follow Obama is a hateful, intolerant bigot.

With that disappointing day in 2013, section 3 of DOMA was overturned. Section 2 of DOMA was not challenged on that day, thus it still stands.

"No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right to claim arising from such relationship."

Even if the liberals succeed in holding all 50 states to gunpoint to force gay marriage, they won't stop there. Next up? Forcing it down our throats using the school system, as TRT has mentioned. That is the exact same thing Hitler did. After nearly a decade of students being indoctrinated, he was able to rise to power in a fashion that nobody has ever been able to do. California has already signed into law a bill to replace the terms "husband" and "wife" with spouse. The simple fact that "husband" and "wife" were removed shows that marriage was redefined and a redefinition is being forced on us that will now be open to further redefinition.
^^You know, I knew that the closer we get to the end of time the crazier and scarier things were going to be. But, you just cannot imagine all that in real terms. In watching it all begin to unfold, the head scratching anti-logic and jaw dropping horror is more intense and even more out of hand than I could have foreseen. And I must confess, I thought the United States would be more like a final sanctuary for sanity and calm. Instead I see our leaders up in front of the lemming rush headed for certain destruction. Frankly, I did not anticipate the level of willful ignorance to which men would so eagerly bow. I talk about politics a lot because the news is replete with reports of misdeeds and evidence of untruth involving those in high office. And yet, just as exasperating are things like the EPA forcing the closure of coal fired electrical generating stations. The end of which will be a lack of power to the masses, while the crushing cost associated therewith will then be passed down to you and me by the parent companies that were forced to close them.

We have the director of the CDC coming on TV time after time, mostly to tell the citizens of the US that we cannot initiate a travel ban from West Africa to our country without making the spread of Ebola worse. Any 5th grader knows one does not spread a disease to one's country by limiting or stopping the entry of the potentially sick. And nothing says we couldn't send as much help to West Africa as we can muster. However, reentry to the US would require a 30 day step down somewhere over there in a safe zone, for those who have gone over to help.

But no, I never dreamed to see my federal government consumed with the advancement of gay rights and the rest of the social justice agenda. Let alone see it all happen in a 5 year time frame while the rest of the world's nations in which we are so heavily invested burn to the ground.

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