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What I Wish Obama Would Have Said
I wish Obama would have said this: "Of course there have been communications between my team and the Governor's office. Of course I have a preference for who would fill my Senate seat. However, there was no quid pro quo participation on my part." This statement would closely match the facts of the court documents. This statement would make sense. I wonder if the fear of how the media will "play" things makes politicians overthink seemingly simple responses.
I wonder why we can't have decent human beings going into politics.
I don't think Obama had anything to do with the corruption part of the scandal. And personally have no problem with him telling the Gov. who he would like to fill his Senate seat, especially since he is going to be the next President. I haven't heard anyone except for some loons on MSNBC or CNN try and link the buying of the seat to Obama. And those people were probably told to say that by those news orgs.

I don't think this should effect him in anyway, escept in brings to light how corrupt the chicago political machine really is.
It's amazing that Obama rose to such prominence through the cesspool of Chicago politics without becoming tainted. My fellow conservatives may as well let this one go. Nothing is going to stick to this guy. It is funny why the prosecutor pulled the plug on his investigation so early. Why didn't he wait until a deal was made? That way he could have prosecuted the buyer as well as the seller of Obama's seat. This is sad.
lawrencefan Wrote:It's amazing that Obama rose to such prominence through the cesspool of Chicago politics without becoming tainted. My fellow conservatives may as well let this one go. Nothing is going to stick to this guy. It is funny why the prosecutor pulled the plug on his investigation so early. Why didn't he wait until a deal was made? That way he could have prosecuted the buyer as well as the seller of Obama's seat. This is sad.

Are you implying that the prosecutor pulled the plug in order to protect Obama? Are you suggesting every politician in Chicago is corrupt? Ever heard the Raymond Chandler line about gum shoe detectives? "A man must walk through these mean (corrupt) streets who is not himself mean (corrupt)?
thecavemaster Wrote:Are you implying that the prosecutor pulled the plug in order to protect Obama? Are you suggesting every politician in Chicago is corrupt? Ever heard the Raymond Chandler line about gum shoe detectives? "A man must walk through these mean (corrupt) streets who is not himself mean (corrupt)?

They're not all corrupt. It's sad though that 90% of Chicago politicians give the other 10% a bad name. If you were the prosecutor would you have pulled the plug? He said that it was a crime wave of political corruption.
Raymond Chandler?
lawrencefan Wrote:They're not all corrupt. It's sad though that 90% of Chicago politicians give the other 10% a bad name. If you were the prosecutor would you have pulled the plug? He said that it was a crime wave of political corruption.

If I thought an appointment to the United States Senate was hinging on the governor's wife getting a higher paying job, I'd pull the plug. He was only going to do more of what he'd already been doing. I pull the plug on a murderer even if, chances were, he was going to kill two or three more.
thecavemaster Wrote:If I thought an appointment to the United States Senate was hinging on the governor's wife getting a higher paying job, I'd pull the plug. He was only going to do more of what he'd already been doing. I pull the plug on a murderer even if, chances were, he was going to kill two or three more.

That's a terrible comparison. I know you can do better than that.......
lawrencefan Wrote:That's a terrible comparison. I know you can do better than that.......

How many counts of abuse of power does it take to remove a governor? to put him in Club Fed? Here is the comparison: one count of murder is enough to pull the plug....similarly, one round of tapes was enough, factoring in the whole "appoint a Senator" scenario. The comparison was not murder= abuse of power=murder. Of course, I know you knew that.

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