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What advise can anyone give to Coach Eviston
about becoming the new head coach @ CCH?

I'll start, Trust yourself, and your coaching staff, and DO NOT listen to ANY parents about how CCH should move forward in football. Keep your head on a swivel. :argue: best of Luck Coach Eviston.
Beat Highlands
Maybe have his supporters learn how to spell 'advice'. Confusednicker:
Beat Highlands and all will be good at CCH. Continue to lose to HHS and the rumblings will begin quickly.
Don't go to message boards for "advice".
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Maybe have his supporters learn how to spell 'advice'. Confusednicker:

that is great advice.
pjdoug Wrote:that is great advice.

I apologize to all the English teachers on this message board, that I hit the wrong key in spelling a word, please forgive me oh English masters, and typing scholars, and typing key masters. : igiveup:

Advice: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer coach.
Lol, none of u should be givnig him any advice. The guy can coach and always has the respect of the kids. Dont be surprised if he wins a title in the next few years. Im just hoping he can convince wags to play so he can stick it to ncc for running him out after winning 2 titles in three seasons. One thing he will have at cov cath that he never had at ncc is players to work with. There is a big difference between having 7-10 good players at ncc and having 20-25 good players to work with at cov cath. My question at this point, if ur a dad and u can send ur kid to ncc for football or cov cath, whats ur choice? I can tell u this, my son would have graduated from cov cath. Jermaine, get dillon over there, its ur only chance to win a title.
NKYfootballfan91 Wrote:Lol, none of u should be givnig him any advice. The guy can coach and always has the respect of the kids. Dont be surprised if he wins a title in the next few years. Im just hoping he can convince wags to play so he can stick it to ncc for running him out after winning 2 titles in three seasons. One thing he will have at cov cath that he never had at ncc is players to work with. There is a big difference between having 7-10 good players at ncc and having 20-25 good players to work with at cov cath. My question at this point, if ur a dad and u can send ur kid to ncc for football or cov cath, whats ur choice? I can tell u this, my son would have graduated from cov cath. Jermaine, get dillon over there, its ur only chance to win a title.

Lol, Confusednicker: then why should ONLY you be allowed to give Coach Eviston your advice, your Majesty? One last thing, isn't CCH in Highlands district still? How's that rivalry been working out as of late? :blabbermo
Tiger Roar Wrote:Lol, Confusednicker: then why should ONLY you be allowed to give Coach Eviston your advice, your Majesty? One last thing, isn't CCH in Highlands district still? How's that rivalry been working out as of late? :blabbermo

Probably b/c he was on Eddie's staff at NewCath and worked with him closely.
NKYfootballfan91 Wrote:Lol, none of u should be givnig him any advice. The guy can coach and always has the respect of the kids. Dont be surprised if he wins a title in the next few years. Im just hoping he can convince wags to play so he can stick it to ncc for running him out after winning 2 titles in three seasons. One thing he will have at cov cath that he never had at ncc is players to work with. There is a big difference between having 7-10 good players at ncc and having 20-25 good players to work with at cov cath. My question at this point, if ur a dad and u can send ur kid to ncc for football or cov cath, whats ur choice? I can tell u this, my son would have graduated from cov cath. Jermaine, get dillon over there, its ur only chance to win a title.

I think very few people in NKY make their decision based on who has best coach or program. Most pick according to tradition and where mom/dad and grandparents/aunts/uncles went to school. Wife is from Cincinnati and it is the same way there. 2 and 3 generations of families have been going to NCC and a new coach is not going to make them change schools!
Lol, u been living in a cave for the last 50 years??? Im glad im not that blind to the real world. Money and winning talks buddy boy. Cov cath has the money, they will now start winning.

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