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Nationals shutdown Stephen Strasburg for rest of season
Was watching the Auburn/Mississippi State Football game on ESPN and one of the updates that was coming from Sportscenter was that the Nationals have shutdown Stephen Strasburg for the remainder of the season.

I have to ask, why? 15 Game winner and you shut him down? Are they afraid he's gonna get hurt or something?
I know they are keeping the big picture in mind, but this is very risky for an organization that has never been in a playoff race. I dont agree with it. If Strasberg was having problems with his injuries then I can see them doing this, but he's been healthy and pitching well, and I think his recent struggles on the mound have been a result of the impending shutdown. I dont agree with may pan out in the long run, but again, its very risky.
I don't agree one bit either, I'm very worried he'll lose his momentum. Not pitching is not going to help him come playoff time. I know it's because we want to protect his golden arm, but it's a whole different ball game from pitching BpP to pitching in a real game scenario.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Fellas, even if the Nats make it, Strasburg will not pitch in the playoffs either. He is done until 2013 regardless.
Nats = worst organization in baseball
bad move nationals

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