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New and wanted to know...
I have been on here a week now and kinda got a picture of the political landscape on this board. However, I do not know why people choose their alligence to one party or to another. I thought it would be thought provoking if I could hear why you like the political party that you do.

I also think it would be fair to lay down a few rules...

1. you can not tell me why the other party is so bad
2. you can only talk about the party you support (basically, here is your chance to be a cheerleader)

I will start this will be a little bit random but I try to keep my thoughts together the best that I can:

As some of you already know, I am a Libertarian. I like the idea of personal responsibility, the free market, and the government staying out of my life. Ironically, I am also a teacher:biggrin:

I like the idea that we should just protect our own country.
I am in favor of term limits in congress and a balance budget.
I think that the Fed bank manipulates the market as so does every tax break. I think that the market unmanipulated will control itself by simple supple and demand economic laws. However, I do disagree with my party. I am for high tariffs on incoming products, because the world does not play by free market rules.
I would also get rid of minimium wage.
I also think that we went out of the way of the framers intention and should go back to a sales tax.
Get rid of the IRS! Get rid of the Department of Energy, Education, Homeland Security, all big waste of money.
Instead of simplfing the systems, it seems that we complicate it with more red tape. I would also get rid of boarder security and actually put military there.
I care less if someone lives an alternative life style ( the way I see it my sins are no greater than theirs).
I also do not like religion to be preached at our schools ( just think Muslims are the fastest growing religion)
I also do not believe that the ten commandments should be hanging up in the public because I can not stand the thought of my children looking at the pentagram and having to explain to them these other beliefs.
I also have no problem in legalizing pot, I think it is no worse than drinking.
I do believe in public education though it can go against freedom of choice, even if it wasn't my job.
I think everyone should be educated, kind of giving everyone an equal oppertunity before turning them loose.
I think that Wel-fare, even though a good intention has crippled us, as well as Medicaid and Medicare.
I think people should be given the oppertunity to fail. I think charity from churches would help take care a poverty. However, that does mean the church would have to take on responsiblity instead of builiding the biggest gyms or whatnot in the local community.
I digress, anyway these are a few of my beliefs and I look forward to reading about yours.
I am a small "l" libertarian but I support national Republican candidates because the party comes closest to my individual political and economic philosophy. On the national level, I do not believe that Libertarian Party candidates will ever be electable because they are and have always been a dysfunctional party. In other words, their tent is small and not likely to grow much bigger despite the fact that conservative Americans agree with them on most major issues.

The reason that I will never, ever vote for a national Democratic candidate for national office is because the party that owns the majority controls the political agenda. The greatest conservative Democrat alive can not accomplish much in Washington if he votes for Nancy Pelosi for House Speaker. The worst liberal Republican (a/k/a "RINO") does more good with his or her vote against Pelosi than any Democrat can possibly do, IMO.

The Republican and Democratic Parties have much, much different agendas, and it makes no sense to me to waste a vote on a good candidate who belongs to a misguided political party. At the state and local levels, I am willing to consider candidates who belong to any political party, depending on the circumstances.

Famous people who best articulate my political philosphy include Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Neal Boortz, Paul Ryan, Herman Cain, former Congressman James Rogan, and the late, great Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan.

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