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ANOTHER segment on Tim freakin Tebow
On college football gameday...Jeez-o-pete. This guy is the Brett Favre of college football when it comes to publicity. But a segment on his stupid halftime speech? Somebody PLEASE punch this guy in the mouth. Every week. Punch him right square in the mouth, EVERY SINGLE PLAY..penalties be ****ed. Then when he plays Bama in the SEC Championship, he becomes nothing more than a memory, a bad one. I cant stand this guy...anybody other than me tired of his "aww shucks hardy har har, Im so excited to be playing college football, and I dont go out with girls because their dirty, and I love to celebrate scoring against Charleston Southern as much as I do Oklahoma" BS??
Tim Tebow is definitely my favorite college player, and I agree that all of it can be aggravating, but he is much better in college than Favre is in the NFL.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:On college football gameday...Jeez-o-pete. This guy is the Brett Favre of college football when it comes to publicity. But a segment on his stupid halftime speech? Somebody PLEASE punch this guy in the mouth. Every week. Punch him right square in the mouth, EVERY SINGLE PLAY..penalties be ****ed. Then when he plays Bama in the SEC Championship, he becomes nothing more than a memory, a bad one. I cant stand this guy...anybody other than me tired of his "aww shucks hardy har har, Im so excited to be playing college football, and I dont go out with girls because their dirty, and I love to celebrate scoring against Charleston Southern as much as I do Oklahoma" BS??

I'm with you.
I think Tim Tebow's handling the publicity very well. It's not his fault that the media wants to talk about him so much.
Couldn't agree more...Hope he enjoys playing on Saturdays because he sure won't be playing on Sunday..
Like it or not, the Tim Tebow express is here to stay this season.
I have a respect for Tebow and I would much rather him get the attention than guys like Vick, Stallworth, etc...

I hope he does well in every game except ones with UK in the box score. Smile
TidesHoss32 Wrote:On college football gameday...Jeez-o-pete. This guy is the Brett Favre of college football when it comes to publicity. But a segment on his stupid halftime speech? Somebody PLEASE punch this guy in the mouth. Every week. Punch him right square in the mouth, EVERY SINGLE PLAY..penalties be ****ed. Then when he plays Bama in the SEC Championship, he becomes nothing more than a memory, a bad one. I cant stand this guy...anybody other than me tired of his "aww shucks hardy har har, Im so excited to be playing college football, and I dont go out with girls because their dirty, and I love to celebrate scoring against Charleston Southern as much as I do Oklahoma" BS??

Sounds like you're jealous to me. Tim Tebow is a great guy. He has standards, what is wrong with that? What is wrong with doing what's right? Tim Tebow is a special young man and an excellent role model. He certainly is a better choice to put on a pedestal than some of the other college "party boys" that can't seem to stay out of trouble.
I don't have one problem with seeing Tim Tebow's face all-over ESPN. Guy does nothing wrong, great football player, leader and a role model to all the young kids out there.

I hate Florida, but Tim Tebow is one of the best college football players ever.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Sounds like you're jealous to me. Tim Tebow is a great guy. He has standards, what is wrong with that? What is wrong with doing what's right? Tim Tebow is a special young man and an excellent role model. He certainly is a better choice to put on a pedestal than some of the other college "party boys" that can't seem to stay out of trouble.
Oh I would love to have Tebow on my team, but I get sick and tired of seeing him on EVERY SINGLE COLLEGE FOOTBALL show, no matter what it is, where it is, or what its about...****, give me Colt McCoy, he has high standards and morals, dont get into trouble, or Sam Bradford, who won the Heisman trophy last year. Or why not take some of his 18 hours a day on television, and give it to some lesser known players, like Jevon Snead, who is a GREAT football player, will be a top 10 draft pick, led Ole Miss past Tebows Gators in the Swamp last year, taking a team picked to finish last in the conference, and ended up winning the Cotton Bowl. Yet nobody will hear anything from Snead, who is a class act, does everything right, and wins, because of the media's love affair with Tebow. Im not saying Tebow isnt a good guy, because lord knows the cameras arent away from him long enough for him to get a date, but I just get sick of seeing two hours of prime time TV devoted to seeing him and Urban Meyer talk about Tebows collection of white socks and Good Housekeeping magazines. And for the record, I would rather have Snead on my team than Tebow.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I don't have one problem with seeing Tim Tebow's face all-over ESPN. Guy does nothing wrong, great football player, leader and a role model to all the young kids out there.

I hate Florida, but Tim Tebow is one of the best college football players ever.

Couldn't agree more..:Thumbs:
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I don't have one problem with seeing Tim Tebow's face all-over ESPN. Guy does nothing wrong, great football player, leader and a role model to all the young kids out there.

I hate Florida, but Tim Tebow is one of the best college football players ever.

Don't you know, Tim Tebow's way too nice! (At least, that's all the media has against him.)

I hope Tim Tebow doesn't do anything bad because the moment he does, not only will people looking up to him be disappointed, but also the media will use whatever bad action he did against him. (I heard a lot of the media is trying their best to find a way to make Tebow question his faith or at least make him look bad.)
How can you not like tim tebow, i despise florida with A pation, i would love to see them loose every game, but Tim Freakin Tebow Is a great role model to every young football player in the nation, this guy plays with all his heart, he doesnt talk smack. he plays the game he loves with all he has, tebow doesnt look for media atention, when u win 2 titles and a heisman in 2 out of 3 years you seem to get the publicity,

But you being a alabama fan i understand y u hate him
cant stand him either thats why he did not go into the draft because with all the other talent in the draft he would not have went #1 so he whined like a little baby i want to play college football next year cause im committed to this coach this team and this state go florida BULL SH#$
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How can you not like tim tebow, i despise florida with A pation, i would love to see them loose every game, but Tim Freakin Tebow Is a great role model to every young football player in the nation, this guy plays with all his heart, he doesnt talk smack. he plays the game he loves with all he has, tebow doesnt look for media atention, when u win 2 titles and a heisman in 2 out of 3 years you seem to get the publicity,

But you being a alabama fan i understand y u hate him
Do I like him? No. Do I hate him? No, I dont hate him...not at all..I just get tired of seeing him mentioned in every single story concerning college football, thats all..He's a good player, but give the world a break from Tim Tebow..and yes, it would thrill me to see Florida get handled by anybody (except Tennessee or Auburn)..I promise you, that when Bama and Florida hook up for the SEC Championship, he's gonna get knocked on his ***. Over and over again..Florida's offense isnt as good as last years, and Bamas defense will be the best defense theyll see all year. Ill guarantee you that.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I don't have one problem with seeing Tim Tebow's face all-over ESPN. Guy does nothing wrong, great football player, leader and a role model to all the young kids out there.

I hate Florida, but Tim Tebow is one of the best college football players ever.

Dagone right:rockon:
BigBlueBobcatFan Wrote:cant stand him either thats why he did not go into the draft because with all the other talent in the draft he would not have went #1 so he whined like a little baby i want to play college football next year cause im committed to this coach this team and this state go florida BULL SH#$

he stayed because hes not going to be a star at all ion the nfl, hes not a nfl type Qb he will probally try and switch to half back or something
Tuck Febow!!!!
HAHA TidesHoss is just a typical Bama fan.

Don't get me wrong, it is probably my favorite football fanbase in America, but BAMA fans hate when they have to play 2nd fiddle to anyone else in the SEC (just like UK Basketball fans). The irony is if ESPN was doing the same number of pieces on Julio Jones, or if Tebow was in Crimson, not only would Alabama fans not complain, they would porbably be upset that more pieces weren't being done about them Big Grin
Tim Tebow is all over TV because he deserves to be. He is a freak on the field, a church going guy whose parents are missionaries, and he goes in the offseason to help kids in need in other countries. He is a perfect example of how stars are supposed to act. That is why he is on ESPN because he goes out of his way to do the right thing. I am a Texas fan and agree Colt McCoy deserves some spotlight because he also does nothing wrong, but Tebow does extra things to stand out. He might not go on to be a great NFL player, but you can bet no one plays harder. Everyone on here who says they hate him and are sick of him, are fans of another SEC team and are mad because he kills your team
EKUAlum05 Wrote:HAHA TidesHoss is just a typical Bama fan.

Don't get me wrong, it is probably my favorite football fanbase in America, but BAMA fans hate when they have to play 2nd fiddle to anyone else in the SEC (just like UK Basketball fans). The irony is if ESPN was doing the same number of pieces on Julio Jones, or if Tebow was in Crimson, not only would Alabama fans not complain, they would porbably be upset that more pieces weren't being done about them Big Grin

I think Bama fans are jealous that Tebow picked Florida over Bama? I bet if Tebow was in Crimson they would have no complaints, but Bama fans only know 2 sports Football and Spring Football
RedSeal Wrote:I think Bama fans are jealous that Tebow picked Florida over Bama? I bet if Tebow was in Crimson they would have no complaints, but Bama fans only know 2 sports Football and Spring Football
Which is two more than Notre Dame fans know Big Grin ....but hey, congrats on your huge program changing victory over Nevada. That might spring you all to 8 wins this year!:Clap:
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Which is two more than Notre Dame fans know Big Grin ....but hey, congrats on your huge program changing victory over Nevada. That might spring you all to 8 wins this year!:Clap:

The sad part is that if Notre Dame wins 8 games they still get to go to a BCS game.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:The sad part is that if Notre Dame wins 8 games they still get to go to a BCS game.
Notre Dame is the only team in America the Big 10 loves to face in big boy bowls :biggrin:
IMO..I think Tebow is one of the best Quarterbacks I have seen in a while...He can do it all...2 time champion i mean come on he is a great football player witha bright future so yall might as well get over it because youre gonna hear his name a whole lot in the future...:Thumbs:
logmountainboy64 Wrote:IMO..I think Tebow is one of the best Quarterbacks I have seen in a while...He can do it all...2 time champion i mean come on he is a great football player witha bright future so yall might as well get over it because youre gonna hear his name a whole lot in the future...:Thumbs:
We'll hear it until the second week of January, and we'll never hear it mentioned as Tim Tebow the quarterback again. Ever.
tim tebow will do nothing in the nfl. if he goes as one of the top picks he will probably be the biggest bust in history. hes really annoying.

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