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MLB -- 3 Strikes You're Out!
Quote:Steroid penalties much tougher with agreement

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Major league players and owners agreed to toughen penalties for steroid use to a 50-game suspension for a first failed test, 100 days for a second and a lifetime ban for a third.

:omg: ....Should stop steroid use IMO.
It is about time. If they didn't do it, congress was going to do it in the next month or so.
im glad that they finally did something about the steriod problem in the mlb
Should be one strike and you're out...
I agree with the MLB, I like this new rule !
This will only drive people to find something else that is not detectable. Look at the people who have got caught already it's middle of the road guys who would do anything to get that little bit more out of their bodies. It's guys who would not make it unless they juiced. So it's either try and get away with it and make it or not make it straight up, people will still use, and try and get away with it.

That being said, I applaud the Commissioner and the players for their efforts in getting this done.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:This will only drive people to find something else that is not detectable. Look at the people who have got caught already it's middle of the road guys who would do anything to get that little bit more out of their bodies. It's guys who would not make it unless they juiced. So it's either try and get away with it and make it or not make it straight up, people will still use, and try and get away with it.

That being said, I applaud the Commissioner and the players for their efforts in getting this done.

Bud Selig had no choice. If he didn't step in, the Congress was going to. If anyone gets props for setting the standards, it's them.
I think imo if your caught with steriods in your system or what ever they classified as performace enhancing drugs it should be a life time ban, or any other drugs in there system, no questions.
not stiff enough and it does not apply to all banned substances...

first time should equal = 80 games... half a season
second time = whole season
third = lifetime and a chance to get back in after 5 seasons.
I kind of like the penalty of being banned if 3 drug tests are failed. As much of a baseball fan as I am, I don't agree with players "cheating" to help their respected team win, or to increase stats. I agree with what baseball and the government have done.
The new ruling is great.
The new rule is a great start. I believe it will be a cat and mouse game between the designer's of the new drugs and MLB. Whatever the rules are someone out there will come up with a new drug to get around the system.
I think it is a great idea for MLB.
bout time. great idea.
Glad to see this happen.

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