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Just had Knee surgery
I just had surgery yesterday and I must say it blows... I hate not being able to do anything.... My knee is swollen today the size of a basketball and the pain well that another story...

So how many of you out there has had knee surgery... Mine wasnt nothing major but still surgery is surgery.

so let me know what you did to keep from going stir crazy.
I have had 5 knee surgeries in the past and have been told that eventually I will have to have total knee replacement. Movies, Movies and more Movies. Lots of ice packs on the knee and lots of percocets
Hope all goes well Batpuff!!!!
Junior year in high school, during a football game, my femur was fractured and my MCL was torn completely off the bone.

The femur was just a hairline crack, so it didn't need a cast, but I had to have surgery on my MCL.

I will say this, their were only 2 bad parts about it. 1) The nervousness before the surgery, and then 2) the rehab afterwards.

For the first 2-3 weeks after surgery I was hopped up on morphine (at the hospital) and then Loritabs after that, so I didn't feel very much, and I don't remember much. About the only thing I remember from my downtime was watching the Price is Right and playing some kind of handheld video game.

But I will say this, if you have to do rehab, the worst part for me was the electric shock thing they used to keep the rest of the muscles in my leg toned. Once I got done with that, rehab was pretty much just lifting weights.

Though I have complete use of my leg and knee now (and went on to play my senior season) my knee has never felt the same.
Batpuff Wrote:I just had surgery yesterday and I must say it blows... I hate not being able to do anything.... My knee is swollen today the size of a basketball and the pain well that another story...

So how many of you out there has had knee surgery... Mine wasnt nothing major but still surgery is surgery.

so let me know what you did to keep from going stir crazy.

I actually blew my knee out in 2006 when I was playing baseball in college. It was a freak accident when I was on the bases and I finished it off in CF going for a fly ball and it just popped and that was the end of the career. I ended up tearing my LCL, MCL, PCL and did some damage to my meniscus. I was on crutches for roughly 12 weeks or so, but to pass the time I picked up a guitar and have been playing since.
Batpuff I know EXACTLY what your going through...Movies, video games, and have lots of company over..a month after I got crushed I had lost 20 lbs...Ive gained about 10 of it back, LOL..
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Hope all goes well Batpuff!!!!

Yea this is my 2nd surgery on the same knee and I dont remember it hurting this bad last time lol..... But as long as it stops hurting long enough for me to go watch the Dawgs play East Carter tom I will be fine lol.
IRISH4 Wrote:I actually blew my knee out in 2006 when I was playing baseball in college. It was a freak accident when I was on the bases and I finished it off in CF going for a fly ball and it just popped and that was the end of the career. I ended up tearing my LCL, MCL, PCL and did some damage to my meniscus. I was on crutches for roughly 12 weeks or so, but to pass the time I picked up a guitar and have been playing since.

Yea I hurt mine a little over a month ago.. Was playing some pick up basketball trying to get back in shape.. I didnt twist it or anything just started hurting and never stopped. So finally after three weeks of pain went to the DR and found I had a tear in my meniscus and some other stufff i dont remember... But I had the same knee cut on about 10 years ago.. What stinks the most is just trying to get up to goto the bathroom.
son you hang in there! I am happy you even want to go to Pikeville tomorrow to watch your Dawgs! I hope this all goes well for you AND QUICKLY but I have had many friends, who have had to have knee surgery and 'quickly" has never been a word i have heard any of them use...LOL! Take care... gotta go bake some cupcakes for my niece's Cheer Bake Sale!
(one thing you could do while convalescing... you could figure out how to navigate the chet thing on here now.... it certainly is a time consumer!LOL)
I had a torn ACL from playing basketball as well. Thing is, the game I tore it, I was told at halftime that I didn't tear anything and to just tape it up and go back in the game. So I did. 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter, I tried to pivot, and my knee felt like it came completely out of socket. So I went and found out I had a torn ACL. Well, being my senior year, there was no way I was sitting out. So I went to rehab for about 2 weeks and deemed myself "healed". I got to test it out late in the 4th quarter of a game that we were getting killed in. I got a steal, went down the court, went up for a left handed layup, and landed on the bum leg. Well, come to find out, it wasn't healed. It twisted it again and I had to crawl to the bench.

Well, the next day, we had practice and I decided to get in on the action because I had full intentions of playing in the next game. Everything was going fine until at the end of practice we were doing a rebounding drill and when I went up for a rebound and came back down, it just happened to be on that same leg. This time I heard popping and the pain was far worse than any of the other mishaps. I laid there in pain for a few minutes then realized I couldn't bend nor straighten that leg. I had to be carried to my automobile (which luckily for me wasn't a standard considering it was my left knee), maneuvered into it because I couldn't budge my leg, and drove home.

I finally realized that basketball wasn't worth never being able to walk again. Once I went in for surgery, they found that I had a torn ACL, partially torn MCL, torn meniscus, and scarred tissue. Surgery took about 2 hours to complete, and let me tell you, when I woke up, it was the worst pain that I had ever felt. That pain went on for 3 weeks. There was nothing I could do to ease it. I stayed doped up but it did not fase me.

But after about 3 weeks the pain finally subsided and the only aggravation I had was the brace that went from my upper thigh to my ankle. When the wound starting healing, it started itching very badly but couldn't get to it to scratch it because of the brace and all the cotton filling that was shoved under the brace.

Moral of the story, there was absolutely nothing I could do to ease the pain and sometimes that is the case with knee surgeries. And thanks to my lack of intelligence and desire to continue my basketball career, I will have to have a new knee cap by 35 (so said the Dr.).

The End! LOL
Hey Bat... in case something happens and you can't get to Pkv.... we'll be playing in a Softball tournament in Louisa tomorrow!:biggrin:
I've had knee surgery as well. I propped myself up in bed and watched television for the biggest part of it. My friends came to visit and I'd go places with them and my mom since I couldn't drive. I never took any pain meds through it even though they were prescribed (I hate taking medicine and pretty much all out refuse to do so). It was years ago so I don't really remember what I did through much of it, just kept myself occupied I guess. I feel you with the knee the size of a basketball, mine was grossly huge as well. Hope you have a speedy recovery Bat my boy.
IISnakE Wrote:Hey Bat... in case something happens and you can't get to Pkv.... we'll be playing in a Softball tournament in Louisa tomorrow!:biggrin:

HA HA. lol who is playing. lol But I will get there one way or the other. lol
Had knee surgery a little over a year ago. Tore my ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, Meniscus, and had a bruised bone. I guess I have been the luckiest of all of you all. I didn't have any pain at all considering the damage that was done.
Hope you get to feelin' better Batpuff!
Hope you start to feel better, Batpuff.
I had Knee Reconstruction in '96. Standard 6 months of rehab and I did it in 4 months. Its starting to give me trouble now that Im getting older. I can tell when its gonna rain before it even gets cloudy LOL!

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