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Bush Bashing
This guy comments on it perfectly:

<<I picked up Denis Leary's book Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid with high hopes. I think Leary is a funny guy and a good actor, and I like his bitter-sarcastic style.
Alas, while there is much that's funny here, Leary hasn't actually done any thinking, which is a disappointment. I guess that for me, it's the kiss of death when you invoke the name of George W. Bush as the epitome of all evil.
Not because I expect everyone to assess him and his presidency as I do, but because this Bush-is-evil mantra is an absolutely surefire marker of mindlessness.
Since there is no rational measure of Bush's actual behavior in office that is markedly "evil" (everything he's hated for is well within the behavior patterns of previous presidents of both parties, and/or was voted for by many or most Democrats in Congress), when a commentator takes it for granted that Bush is evil, what he's really saying is, "I'm an idiot who is repeating the groupthink of the insane Left, and therefore if you are not one of the club that 'thinks' this way, you might as well quit reading."
So ... I took that message clearly from Leary and quit reading.
How long do you suppose it will be after Bush leaves office before the Left actually has a rational thought again?
Future historians will read these documents and talk about the "mania" of bush-bashing, regarding it as a strange phenomenon. They will assess Bush as being somewhere between an ordinary and an excellent president, and they will marvel that the American intelligentsia was so uniform in their irrational condemnation of things they approved of when done by Democrats. They will call this an era of irrational partisanship, with the most irrational utterances coming from the Left.
Meanwhile, I can't wait till most of our smart and talented writers start thinking again.>>
jetpilot Wrote:This guy comments on it perfectly:

<<I picked up Denis Leary's book Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid with high hopes. I think Leary is a funny guy and a good actor, and I like his bitter-sarcastic style.
Alas, while there is much that's funny here, Leary hasn't actually done any thinking, which is a disappointment. I guess that for me, it's the kiss of death when you invoke the name of George W. Bush as the epitome of all evil.
Not because I expect everyone to assess him and his presidency as I do, but because this Bush-is-evil mantra is an absolutely surefire marker of mindlessness.
Since there is no rational measure of Bush's actual behavior in office that is markedly "evil" (everything he's hated for is well within the behavior patterns of previous presidents of both parties, and/or was voted for by many or most Democrats in Congress), when a commentator takes it for granted that Bush is evil, what he's really saying is, "I'm an idiot who is repeating the groupthink of the insane Left, and therefore if you are not one of the club that 'thinks' this way, you might as well quit reading."
So ... I took that message clearly from Leary and quit reading.
How long do you suppose it will be after Bush leaves office before the Left actually has a rational thought again?
Future historians will read these documents and talk about the "mania" of bush-bashing, regarding it as a strange phenomenon. They will assess Bush as being somewhere between an ordinary and an excellent president, and they will marvel that the American intelligentsia was so uniform in their irrational condemnation of things they approved of when done by Democrats. They will call this an era of irrational partisanship, with the most irrational utterances coming from the Left.
Meanwhile, I can't wait till most of our smart and talented writers start thinking again.>>

I blame our economic problems on the goverment period not just bush or not bush at all. The problem i had with bush is that his administration lied to get us into Iraq we never found weapons of mass destruction. and that's why we went over there for a false reason and i think 9/11 would've been prevented if they would've beefed up national security when reports surfaced that said we could get an attack by the Taliban. So yeah. i don't think he'll be considered a great president
Stardust Wrote:boring....
No doubt!

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