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Classes canceled @ EKU
Classes today starting at or later than 6:00 pm have been canceled due to the weather. I know we have some members on here who go there so I thought I'd put it out there for ya.
hmmmm..I was under the impression that classes were NEVER canceled, or at least thats what someone posted in a different thread.
Well my cousin will be happy, lol.
I was happy lol
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ACE_21 Wrote:hmmmm..I was under the impression that classes were NEVER canceled, or at least thats what someone posted in a different thread.

This is the first time in three years that I have ever known classes to be canceled. Thanks :thumpsup:
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
I saw that on the news tonight and thought that it must be one BAD storm to cancel classes there. Glad you all were scotch free tonight.

Actually Tribe we probably didn't even get an inch if that.
My class last night was cancelled too... Big Grin
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Haha, that's awesome DT. I had like an inch at my house and Pike Co. schools were closed for a week.

Yeah but my class tonight is going to suck *** bad! I was suppose to have a test Tuesday night which will be tonight I'm sure and we were suppose to cover a section out of the book after the test and then originally tonight we were suppose to do three more sections (which takes up the entire hour and 45 minutes itself). So now tonight we have to do 4 sections and the test...
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:My class last night was cancelled too... Big Grin

I hate night classes. The only reason I have one this semester is because I like that instructor. I'd MUCH rather have them early and get them over with and have the rest of the day to sleep.
I have liked night classes a lot better... there has only been one we had to stay the entire time... my others don't last long at all... and my teachers always get behind so we don't have as many tests lol
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I don't like them for a couple reasons...

1.) I have to walk across campus AFTER DARK afterwards
2.) By the time it gets to class time I just want to go to bed
3.) It limits what I can do after my other classes.

Tuesday I was soo excited I didn't have class. i ate at Burger King and came back to the dorm and fell asleep at 5:30 and woke up at 9:00 and went back to bed at like 12:00. I have gotten to where all I want to do is sleep. When I get up every morning I go back to sleep for 30 minutes after I
Early classes are so much better for me becuase I can make myslef get out of my warm comfy bed and go and then when I get out i can come back here and SLEEP! I love my MWF classes because I go from 9:05 and geto ut at like 11:00. Needless to say I'm in bed asleep by 11:30.
So how is EKU.. Im thinking about going there. I want to be a X ray Tech. Any tips?
I like it a lot... You can get on their website and request for information about a major
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cards_athlete Wrote:So how is EKU.. Im thinking about going there. I want to be a X ray Tech. Any tips?

I LOVE it! I'm majoring in Occupational Science with a minor in Spanish and I'm planning on getting my masters in Occupational Therapy. I love the campus and MOST of the people (although the soroity girls in my GEO 210 class KILL me!) It's a great place and Richmond is a great little college town. There's alot to'd be surprised. And campus food isn't bad at all...

I'd check out the eku website and try to schedule a campus tour or something on one of the Spotlight days. They show you around the entire campus, unless you have a friend who goes here then you can come on the weekend and get your friend to show you around.
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:I like it a lot... You can get on their website and request for information about a major

Im really confused about what to major in for that profession though. Help? Thought about UK, but possibly too big for me. EKU seems like the perfect size. But if I go I dont want to til my junior year, want to go to a small one around here first. Maybe?
Hmm... I'd say look at the EKU website becuase I'm not sure if EKU offers X-Ray Tech. I wanted to do that for like a week and changed back to OT. This is my freshman year and I had wanted to come here since I was like in 4th grade but my senior year I started looking at a community college at home for my first couple years because I was nervous but I sucked it up and came and I couldn't be happier. I have friends that came down here as well and a girl I was really good friends with in high school lives on my floor so I see her like everyday. I've made alot of new friends since I changed dorms...I'm friends with maybe 1/2 of the people on my floor and I see them and hang out with them everyday, even if it's just to go outside with them while they smoke since I don't.
I really do hope they offer it. OT doesnt look too bad tho, and from what ive read the classes times and such looks great. I know I will be coming home alot, so thats why I want to stay home the first 2 years. Its probably around 2 and a half hours to get there from where I live. Driving that every weekend would be hard. Ill check the website out though. This is really helping me. Thanks!
I'm majoring in Criminal Justice... I really like the classes.. they're very interesting... I went to a Community College for 2 years and got most of my General Education classes in...
Here's a list of Academic Programs EKU offers...
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15thRegionCrazy Wrote:I'm majoring in Criminal Justice... I really like the classes.. they're very interesting... I went to a Community College for 2 years and got most of my General Education classes in...
Here's a list of Academic Programs EKU offers...

Thank you so much!.. what community college did you go to? I plan on doing the same.
Prestonsburg Community College... well now its Big Sandy Community and Technical College lol... I'm glad I did... I ended up having a lot of easy classes there... and I got a lot of my Criminal Justice classes there too... and if you aren't sure about what you want to major in you can just go ahead and get the basics out of the way...
if you need anything else just send me a pm or add me to msn
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the only bad thing about that is you'd have to check to see what the equivalents are. EKU's gen ed requirements is ALOT different than bsctc's. Espically since they changed the gen ed's this year. That would be the biggest problem I could see, b/c if they don't match up between the two schools you could really have problems. You'd have to re-take the classes that you didn't get credit for and you'd basically lose the credits you did take at bsctc that came from classes that EKU doesn't even offer.
I was lucky... all of mine transferred... there is usually a place on their website that has the equivalents for different schools
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Cali Wrote:This is the first time in three years that I have ever known classes to be canceled. Thanks :thumpsup:

About three years ago I had a friend who was a sophmore there and they had their classes cancelled due to snow, it may have been your freshman year, maybe not., but your welcome:Thumbs: glad to be of assistance:thumpsup:

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