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Top Stories on as of 11:05am on 5-18-15
By the time most of you see this, I'm sure the front page will have changed, but here are the two stories I'm talking about

9 dead in a gang shooting in Texas.

The White House is banning certain types of vehicles and equipment for police departments in the Country.

Non federal Law Enforcement agencies (Some, not all) need this type of equipment. New York City needs more weapons/equipment/vehicles than Pineville. But that doesn't mean that Pineville doesn't need weapons/equipment/vehicles to protect their community.
Most Law Enforcement agencies do not have the equipment to protect their community as it is now.

Our Nation is being taken apart from the inside out. Yes, we have the best Military on the planet. But the Military and non-federal law enforcement are on different ends of the spectrum.

Trying to disarm the people & restricting the police.... if somebody didn't know better, you would think that certain people are trying to make our nation defenseless.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Praying for those in the area of this biker tragedy and the families of the ones lost.

Disarming our police is definitely not the answer.
You act like they're going in and completely disarming the police and making them helpless. I think they'll be ok with guns under .50 cal and no grenade launchers.
Motley Wrote:You act like they're going in and completely disarming the police and making them helpless. I think they'll be ok with guns under .50 cal and no grenade launchers.


.50 cal's and grenade launchers can be owned by civilians. Guess who will be the first wave of response to a terrorist attack??? You guessed it, local police.

If Federal law enforcement have these type of weapons at their disposal, then why not State and local level law enforcement?

If a terrorist attack does occur in the homeland, then you can bet that an alphabet soup of federal agencies will respond as well as the US military. But that could take several hours. Look back to the LA Shootout back in the 90's..... what happened there? The police had to borrow weapons from a pawn shop. Do you not think that terrorist train for this. Knowing what cities/counties have low fire power.

There is a reason why certain places and people aren't messed with..... because everybody knows that they are protected by some serious firepower. Who cares what office they hold or what house they live in. Knowing a certain place/person is well armed is a deterrence by it's self without ever firing a round.

Ways to correct the public's perception....

- Proper training.
- Proper tracking.
- Irregular audits on equipment by an outside source.
- Proper usage of the equipment during an emergency.
Check out my YouTube channel.
And it's no secret........

The Obama administration has been giving weapons and other war supplies to militants in Syria, Iraq and other middle eastern areas for some time now.

But they want to disarm/limit the public and police in our nation.
Check out my YouTube channel.
And one more thing while I'm not the subject.....

Riot shields & batons, Camouflage, Body armor, Armored vehicles, Less-Lethal munitions and other types of crowd controlling/emergency equipment are only intimidating to people who are up to no good.

Not one time did we see police in Ferguson or Baltimore go in to a private residence and beat somebody up. What we did see is police in Baltimore (who had riot shields, body armor and less-lethal munitions) get pelted with huge rocks and other debris not use one monition on the teenage kids who were throwing stuff at them. I'm not a lawyer, but I would have to argue that the police would be within the scope of their employment if they did use less-lethal or even lethal force in that situation.

Here are the A, B, C's of using less-lethal munitions
A: Armed.
B: Barricaded.
C: Cannot approach safely.
D: Delay in response will cause a greater incident/injury.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Go to CNN at anytime in the future, and there will be at least one story closely related to these titles:

"Hillary stand up against mean and dirty GOP"
"Repubs hate you and want to kill your children"
"Bruce Jenner is having his balls cut off and its okay, we should all do it"

And my personal favorite:

"White, straight, Christian people suck"
Obama has done more to promote racial division than anyone in history since George Wallace. Just my opinion.
Black Bear Dad Wrote:Obama has done more to promote racial division than anyone in history since George Wallace. Just my opinion.

Out of curiosity what has he done to promote it?
Motley Wrote:Out of curiosity what has he done to promote it?

I agree with Motley....What has he done to promote radical division. :partyhard
Motley Wrote:Out of curiosity what has he done to promote it?

Starting with the "beer summit" when he said the police "acted stupidly" on to Occupy Main Street when he validated vagrancy, human excrement laying all over the place and property damage. (Occupy Main Street protesters tried to blow up a bridge in case that has slipped your memory) Next we heard him take sides against the Sanford Sheriff's Office with regard to the Trayvon Martin Case and the manner in which his death was investigated. Casting doubt on police in that matter in saying "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon," then we moved on to the Michael Brown case where liberal media would have gladly passed judgment on the police in that matter as well, and our President repeated the lying mantra "hands up don't shoot."

Mobs burned Ferguson, MO to the ground at least twice and reportedly almost nobody has had to pay for their actions, which have led to millions in property damage there. On to Baltimore, Maryland where buildings have been looted and burned to the ground on several occasions in the Freddie Gray affair, again realizing millions in priopery damage, and our President said that police departments need to do some "soul searching" with regard to the way black offenders are treated.

Eric Holder has come forth with a damning indictment of US police in general, declaring them to be biased against black people. In the wake of such one sided points of view, police officers are being actively hunted and killed by people who have been taught to believe that though they do not work or take an active part in providing for themselves, they are victims of rich white people who have left them to suffer in squalor owing to their callous indifference. At any rate, the DOJ has opened up an investigation into these and other such matters to determine if their civil rights have been trampled on and Al Sharpton is a national advisor to the President on race relations.

Now, if some of those Tea Partiers would have crapped on cop cars, burned down and looted their millions. And if Tea Partiers were out murdering cops I strongly suspect that they'd be met with equal force while, media would be howling about it like werewolves.
Motley Wrote:Out of curiosity what has he done to promote it?

Its not what hes done, its what he hasn't done.

You would think the first black POTUS would have a strong and clear agenda to bring all races closer together by showing how its now possible to be anything you want to be no matter the color of your skin.

Instead, the only thing ive ever seen him do when it comes to race is send the DOJ and Attorney General to places they don't belong causing even further racial tension.
Cricket noise...
WideRight05 Wrote:Cricket noise...

LOL, deafening isn't it? I'd hate to guess how many US citizens, supposedly a free and self governing people, have to have their opinions given to them by others. That's really what's wrong with this country these days, Dems are glassy eyed converts to the liberal cause and Republicans are too concerned they'll offend somebody to take a stand. I'm no John McCain fan but, I have to give credit where credit is due. When he called Josh Earnest an idiot on Bill Hemmer's show I about lost it!

McCain immediately retracted having said it given the chance to do so by Hemmer. None the less, I agree with McCain on this one. We live in the age of guile, it's sickening to listen to every darn day.

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