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Got Work?
In this day when the labor participation rate hovers barely above 60%, and parents worry that their grownup college grad sons and daughters may not even be able to pay back student loans, much less move out on their own, we see that the middle class is not nearly as important to the Dems as they're letting on. I have been long convinced that the middle class are these days used by Dems to stay in power, as they hide behind the tenets espoused by Dems gone on and with their passing, so too has the party. Liberals progressives have highjacked the Democrat party of our fathers and grandfathers.

"As President Barack Obama prepares to announce his executive orders on immigration in the coming weeks, he is believed to be considering two major actions: granting temporary relief from deportation and giving work authorization to millions of illegal immigrants."

Now that folks can finally see the trouble they're in, the DNC propaganda isn't working so well. Obviously, this is certainly not about working folks, it's about pushing an ideology. Still for the nation transformers, there is a lot of work to do, regulations to cram down our throats, and laws to change. And so, the goal for this administration is to at least maintain control of the Senate, thus the tired liberal rationale is yet being forcefully presented at every opportunity. Hence the fundraising hysteria that has beset the White House. If you ask me, at this point we are way past politics. In fact, it's more a matter of right versus wrong, and common sense versus insanity. Baby boomers and conservatives must show up and vote this November.
I refinanced my home to pay off student loans. It was a smart move especially since my interest rate flatlined and I have a crap load of equity in my home, however, I wonder how many fresh college kids even have homes or know that they can refinance?
That's the problem with college. 90% of it is stuff that's basically a review of high school, with a couple of added things, and very little is about you major. I say replace basic ed courses like English and math with life skills courses or don't make people take them. Im pretty sure I can read or count or I would have never made it to college in the first place.
Both of you really hit the nail on the head on this...

First off, what Wide Gut said about college being a "review" of high school with a couple added things - it really is. It's not until your junior and senior years that you really start studying different subjects from what you learned in high school, and even then you still cover similar subjects at times.

Then both of you hit on the topic of student loans. I could not believe the number of people that have massive amounts of debt to pay. I know many people who may have received a nice job offer that pays well, but many of them have debt equal to their yearly salary if not greater.

As for the saying, "got work?" People be like...

[Image: http://konekrusoskronos.files.wordpress....-away1.jpg]

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