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Romper Room Foreign Policy
"The rift between Germany and the US grew deeper today as Angela Merkel’s government declared an American embassy official persona non grata and ordered his expulsion from the country. The official, an intelligence attaché who may or may not be the CIA’s station chief, provides the Germans a public target for their retribution after a second US spy was uncovered in the past few days:"

This is incredible. Is there anybody else we can tick off? This is what you get when university fresh liberal ideologues are given free reign to effect foreign policy.
where do you get your informations from TheRealThing. The goverment should hire you. :Thumbs:
^^ LOL, I don't know how long they'd keep me though. It's like we've been saying on here 64. If one relies on the network's version of the nightly news, he will eventually turn into a mushroom. You know, kept in the dark and fed b*** s***? They're not about to put anything out there that makes a liberal look bad. And they're certainly not about to put anything out there that makes a Republican look good. So, they lie and omit in order to protect Dems, while they are flat out at war with Republicans. They'd say or do anything to make them out to be morons.

The news as reported by the main stream media is a complete sham. IMO they are guilty of nothing short of treason.
I can't agree more with this statement! It's difficult to sort the facts from the "interpretations" anymore, even online.
Granny Bear Wrote:I can't agree more with this statement! It's difficult to sort the facts from the "interpretations" anymore, even online.

LOL, I just heard the political director of ABC News on the O'Reilly show. He said that ABC had really held he President's feet to the fire. :hilarious: Huh? Looking at him I could tell he was a product fresh out of the Ivy League, a dyed in the wool liberal. The liberals have a lock on the networks. Dinosaur Dan Rather's still clinging to power for the networks, will only hire the most promising liberal talent out there. There is no end in sight to the propaganda.

Even when O'Reilly pinned him down on the IRS and Benghazi scandals, in pointing out that all the networks had aired only a few scant minutes on both stories combined en toto, Mr Klein did his best to fake his way through the interview with some degree of mock dignity. Either of these two stories, are epic by comparison to the, mole hill made mountain, Watergate scandal. The difference between then and now? Richard Nixon was willing at some point to put country above party or personal interests, today's Dems IMO, would see this nation ablaze long before they will give in to the notion of honest workings with Republicans.

Further, it was revealed on FOX News only today, that the IRS had been ordered by a federal judge back in 2010 to save all emails, as the result of a lawsuit filed by Z Street. They're all gone though, and nobody knows why. But, there isn't a smidgeon worth of corruption, we do know that.

"in 2010, the passionately pro-Israel organization Z STREET filed a lawsuit against the IRS, claiming it had been told by an IRS agent that because the organization was “connected to Israel,” its application for tax-exempt status would receive additional scrutiny. This admission was made in response to a query about the lengthy reveiw of Z STREET’s tax exempt status application.

In addition, the IRS agent told a Z STREET representative that the applications of some of those Israel-related organizations have been assigned to “a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.”
It would seem that Senator John McCain would have a newsflash for all those who insist that armed conflict is a dying carryover from the 20th century. And possibly even the White House Press Secretary who thinks the world has never been more tranquil.

"Senator John McCain says he has never seen the world in as much turmoil as it is today, and that President Barack Obama is naïve in not understanding the U.S. leadership role.

“I think he’s having great difficulty in his presidency,” the Arizona Republican said Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Obama is doing nothing, McCain argued, as the Middle East sees strife in Iraq, Syria and Israel, and he has refused to visit the Mexican border as thousands of children have flooded across it. At the very least, McCain said, the president could visit with overtaxed border workers and thank them for the job they are doing.

“I have never . . . imagined there would be such a lack of American leadership,” McCain told host Bill O’Reilly, “and the consequences are horrendous.”

When the liberals rode into town, (DC), they immediately made unannounced and sweeping changes in US foreign policy. Sage and experienced operatives were summarily dismissed or reassigned and, in their place, liberal ideologues fresh from within the ivied walls of New England's finest, began plying their untested skills. And so America, which was very recently not to be trifled with, has backslid into the chaotic backwaters of the also-ran.

The liberal does not understand the long standing foreign policy principle so famously orated by Theodore Roosevelt. I mean, this has been part and parcel to US foreign policy since 1900. You have to wonder how all the liberal profs managed to miss it.

Big Stick ideology, Big Stick diplomacy, or Big Stick policy refers to U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: "speak softly, and carry a big stick." Roosevelt described his style of foreign policy as "the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis" .[1] Wiki

LOL, as opposed to present philosophical wisdom which dismisses the proven US foreign policy tactics and values, which have characterized our proud nation from it's inception, until that unfortunate day in 2008. No, we don't need to exercise intelligent forethought these days. Rather, we run every fumble and threat, foreign and domestic through the liberal filter. Thus things that this administration cannot explain, is mocked and berated. The naivety of our current batch of leaders separates them from the long accepted machinations of governance, and consequently, it has never occurred to them that their assumptions may not be founded in reality.

In other words, some call the phenomena youthful enthusiasm. I call it young and dumb.
When John Kerry comes to town, he's always waving a fist full of American tax dollars.

CAIRO (AP) — "The U.S. is sending $47 million in humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip to help tens of thousands of Palestinians there who have been forced from their homes since war broke out two weeks ago."

Not many are being very honest about this affair. Netanyahu had given Hamas one opportunity after the other to stop firing missiles into Israeli Territory. And, almost no one has bothered to mention the fact that Hamas uses human shields to protect their military hardware, HQ's and armories. Hamas forced this war, and IMO we just paid them for doing it. Instead of condemning the Palestinian aggression, we justify Israel's having been pilloried by Hamas missile attacks, because officials think they should accept the "two state solution" that some goofy liberal came up with, and are therefore the one's being unreasonable. Hellooo, Israel is a sovereign state, nobody tells them what they can go do with themselves. Meanwhile, we're being shown images of the suffering of the innocent civilians by the clueless American media, evidently meant to stir up anti Jewish sentiments here in the US.
Well, it looks like the US and North Korea have something in common. Both are committed to helping Hamas wage war against Israel. Reportedly the US Senate is balking at helping Israel replenish it's, for DEFENSIVE purposes only, Iron Dome. But, Mr Kerry has already committed to 47 million in emergency aid to Hamas who, are firing missiles into Israeli territory. Here's what North Korea may be contributing to the equation;
"Hamas militants in Palestine are hammering out a new arms deal with communist North Korea to obtain the missiles and communication equipment the militants need to keep up their offensive against Israel, a British newspaper reports, and Hamas has already made an initial cash down payment to set the deal.

In addition, reports The Telegraph, Israeli military commanders believe North Korean experts gave Hamas advice on building tunnels in Gaza that have allowed fighters to move their weapons undetected."

How could one even make this stuff up? And, where would one suppose Hamas got the money to make the deal with North Korea? Hint, it's bolded above. We can by executive order, commit 500 million to the Central American countries of the Yucatan to fund illegal immigration, but 200 million for Israel, our staunch ally, is quite questionable thank you very much. It can all change in a mere three months. If the US can hold on for that long, the American voter can turn this lunar schooner ship of state around. I pray that will be the case.
Incredible, I just heard the terms of the cease fire our Secretary of State John Kerry "hammered out," over the past week. First of course, was his calling card, that being billions in addition to the millions of US tax dollars all ready given in aid to the Gaza Strip. Next was the following; Hamas gets to keep it's tunnels, Israel must agree to an immediate cessation of any and all military actions, Israel must agree to the two state solution, Israel must end the Gaza blockade.

What does Hamas have to do you might ask? Not a darn thing. In short, Israel must grant every Hamas desire, and let bygones be bygones. What a genius negotiator is John Kerry! :igiveup:

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