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Holy Crap! Obama supports infanticide!!!
TheRealVille Wrote:Ill make it easy. This all you get. I'm pro choice. Personally, there is no need to get an abortion, other than rape, incest, or the mothers health. There are tons of people that would adopt. It's not my right, or yours, to tell a woman what she can do with her body. That is my opinion, and all you get.
Ok so you're all for suicide also (no one has the right to tell me what to do with my body), or for that matter any law that restricts what I can eat, smoke, snort, stuff, carve, or what ever to my body. WOW that's mighty Libertarian of you
nky Wrote:Ok so you're all for suicide also (no one has the right to tell me what to do with my body), or for that matter any law that restricts what I can eat, smoke, snort, stuff, carve, or what ever to my body. WOW that's mighty Libertarian of you
I could really care less what you do to your body. I would hope you wouldn't harm it, but it's none of my business otherwise.
^All for porn also I guess
nky Wrote:^All for porn also I guess
I don't watch porn, but it is legal. If adults want to make porn, it isn't hurting me. You see, that's the problem, you people want to control all aspects of peoples live, if you think it's immoral. What grown adults do that is legal is none of your business.
^ funny I agree, but I lean more toward libertarian ideas
TheRealVille Wrote:How long can it survive outside of her womb if removed in the first trimester? Care to show us some of that scientific proof you speak of?

Without outside intervention how long can a newborn or toddler for that matter survive away from his mother? How about we just support post birth abortion? Sounds crazy to you doesn't it,but that's how crazy any abortion sounds to me. If you don't want your child,well,that's what adoption is for. Someone will love that child.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't watch porn, but it is legal. If adults want to make porn, it isn't hurting me. You see, that's the problem, you people want to control all aspects of peoples live, if you think it's immoral. What grown adults do that is legal is none of your business.

I'll ask you once again. Since you bring it up for the 4th or 5th time. Your keep using the same rationale for every arguement. "I don't agree with it, but its legal, so I support it..."

If child molestation were made legal because of a supreme court ruling.... or the death penalty became the punishment for speeding tickets..

You'd support it because its legal?

Obviously you supported the Dred Scott v Sandford...

Liberals always find the 'easy way out' by trying to be neutral on an issue. "I don't support it personally, but its legal, so I support it for others." Just like Joe Biden said tonight. The funny part is, you can't be against something personally and then give money to support it. Joe Biden is a liar, and according to doctrine, he is excommunicated from the Catholic Church. He should be barred from communion and publicly declared ANATHEMA!

The patriot act is legal, do you support that? Apparently putting to death American citizens without trial is legal too, according to your boy barry. And also, since we're on the topic of legality..... Its illegal for the federal government to recognize gay marriage.... Yet, you rebel on it. You sure do like to pick and choose. I can tell you have absolutely no guiding principles. You obviously subscribe the the absolute belief that: The supreme court is the guiding force behind beliefs. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, and it will be this decade, you will then be pro-life because its not legal. Thats all you keep saying. "its legal."

Supreme Court <------ :worthy:
Backwoods Wrote:Without outside intervention how long can a newborn or toddler for that matter survive away from his mother? How about we just support post birth abortion? Sounds crazy to you doesn't it,but that's how crazy any abortion sounds to me. If you don't want your child,well,that's what adoption is for. Someone will love that child.

Its TRV's existence that makes me question my support for Abortion.

"Funny... The only people that support abortion, are those who have already been born." Ronald Reagan
TRV, what is your definition of life? Do you honestly 'support the medical community', or just say you do for the purposes of abortion? Because here is the definition.....

Clinical death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two necessary criteria to sustain life.

Viability is the ability to function normally, or develop on its own.

If you do not feed a baby, or keep it warm at birth.... It will die within hours. It is unable to develop, and grow on its on. It can not function normally without someone providing for it. That someone is the same person that provided for it when it was in the womb.

I know you'll not answer this, because you can't.... but I'll post it anyways to show how crazed your thinking is. If your wife was pregnant and doing drugs, and lost the baby, should she be charged with a crime? Remember, doing drugs are illegal, and is the cause of the aborted fetus. And finally, if your wife was pregnant with your child, hit by a drunk driver and she lost the baby..... would you not pursue criminal action against the drunk driver, or at the very least, support him and his innocence? Does viability matter in this case to you? No liberal will answer this in accordance with their supposed principles.

I'm just blown away that someone can sit here and pretend that dismembering a human being (call it a fetus if it makes you feel better, but it shouldn't, because fetus is latin for young one, little one, off spring, hatching of young... not tissue to be disposed of on demand), snapping a spinal cord with scissors after puncturing the base of the brain, sucking out the brain with vacuum, then pulling the baby out piece by piece to be thrown away as medical waste.... is ok with them. Or how anyone could defend Obama's 4 votes for infanticide. Or defend anyone, anywhere, for any reason.... who willfully murders this:
ronald reagan Wrote:TRV, what is your definition of life? Do you honestly 'support the medical community', or just say you do for the purposes of abortion? Because here is the definition.....

Clinical death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two necessary criteria to sustain life.

Viability is the ability to function normally, or develop on its own.

If you do not feed a baby, or keep it warm at birth.... It will die within hours. It is unable to develop, and grow on its on. It can not function normally without someone providing for it. That someone is the same person that provided for it when it was in the womb.

I know you'll not answer this, because you can't.... but I'll post it anyways to show how crazed your thinking is. If your wife was pregnant and doing drugs, and lost the baby, should she be charged with a crime? Remember, doing drugs are illegal, and is the cause of the aborted fetus. And finally, if your wife was pregnant with your child, hit by a drunk driver and she lost the baby..... would you not pursue criminal action against the drunk driver, or at the very least, support him and his innocence? Does viability matter in this case to you? No liberal will answer this in accordance with their supposed principles.

I'm just blown away that someone can sit here and pretend that dismembering a human being (call it a fetus if it makes you feel better, but it shouldn't, because fetus is latin for young one, little one, off spring, hatching of young... not tissue to be disposed of on demand), snapping a spinal cord with scissors after puncturing the base of the brain, sucking out the brain with vacuum, then pulling the baby out piece by piece to be thrown away as medical waste.... is ok with them. Or how anyone could defend Obama's 4 votes for infanticide. Or defend anyone, anywhere, for any reason.... who willfully murders this:
See post #89, I think I made my self clear when I said that post was all you get. I could give a damn less what you think of me, btw.
TheRealVille Wrote:See post #89, I think I made my self clear when I said that post was all you get. I could give a damn less what you think of me, btw.


I love it. Confusedinglepar

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