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Bob Knight It's hard to say the words.
[COLOR="Blue"]Oh, former Indiana Coach, how I've missed you.

And by missed you, I mean that in the sense of how one may miss a severe case of poison ivy on their crotch.

Or how a guy misses an ex-wife that he caught in the bedroom with his best friend, a day after she sells his boat and golf clubs and runs up all his credit cards.

Actually, that's not entirely accurate. The former Indiana coach doesn't do anything to cause us grief. He's just so blatantly biased against Kentucky that it's humorous at this point.

His latest transgression? When asked this morning which number 1 seed was most vulnerable, his response was "that team from the SEC". One can only assume he's talking about Kentucky, since they are the only number 1 seed from the SEC. Problem is, we'll never know because HE REFUSES TO MENTION THE TEAM BY NAME.

As Sports Nation wrote earlier, that's not a big deal if the former Indiana coach was still coaching. But, in this day and age, there aren't any job openings for an abusive bully who tries to physically intimidate everyone who disagrees with him, all while throwing chairs and hitting players. Needless to say, his whistle and playbook are no longer needed, although I'm sure he keeps him on his person at all times, wedged safely in a place where the sun doesn't shine. That would explain his sunny disposition.

But here's the rub: the former Indiana coach is an analyst of sorts. On the largest sports network in the world. And for him to so transparently hide his hatred of the potential 2012 National Champions is egregious at best, and cowardly on the part of ESPN. Apparently none of the chairs in Bristol are bolted down. They must be scared of this guy smacking them with one to let him be such a turd on the air. I summed this up a while back on my old site, and I posted it more recently on Mint's Two Cents. And while I could rehash a lot of the things I said in that article, this little snippet paints a fairly accurate picture of the former Indiana coach:


That's about as succinct a description as there is of this human embodiment of halitosis. We can talk for days about how he constantly slights Kentucky, and how he refuses to set foot in Rupp Arena. But there's no sense in wasting any more words on the man.

Unless he runs for governor of the state, or decides to take Bill Keightley's spot on the team as equipment manager, let's all agree to ignore anything the festering trough of hog slop says, and chalk up any future verbal slights from this living sewage tank as petty jealousy and old bitterness, and not give him the pleasure of seeing us get up in arms about anything with which he decides to pollute the airwaves.

Of course, it's probably hard for him to see much of anything with his head that far up his Bob Knight.[/COLOR]
I mentioned this in the chat thread as well...gah Bob Knight why uz so stuupit?
He is such a jerk. Even with his hatred for UK, you would think the nice payday he gets from being an analyst, he could at least be semi-professional. What a loser!
I just dont understand how ESPN lets him keep doing this.
I feel like im watching MSNBC or FOX and watching politics everytime this dumbass opens his mouth.
For a guy who mentioned tha the best team in the country throughout the entire season (and NCAA tourney for tha matter) was vulnerable to a team that fired his ass for these same type of antice just goes to show how stupid these people are.

Keep talking booby, haters are motivators.

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