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Peyton Manning expects to be cleared to play soon
Peyton Manning certainly doesn't sound like a player who's on the verge of retirement.

In an interview that ESPN aired this afternoon, Manning said he expects to be cleared to play again. As for whether he'll remain with the Indianapolis Colts, that appears a week or two away from being settled.

Among Peyton's comments to ESPN:

On his where he is with rehabilitating his neck injury:

"It's good. I really feel good. I continue to make progress every day. Everything the doctors have told me has been on point, which is encouraging to me. I had a great day today of rehab. I just got back from the facility. That's what I'm going to continue to do. Just try to get better. That's the plan I have from here on out."

On what he's heard from the doctors:

"The doctors and I have been in constant communication. We're on the same page and I'm encouraged by what they've said ... I've seen these guys for weeks and everything they're saying is right on point, that everything looks good and I'll be cleared and ready to go."

As for whether he'll stay with the Colts:

"That's hard for me to answer. Certainly (Colts owner) Jim Irsay and I are going to talk. It's tough to do it this week (with all of Irsay's obligations as the host owner). ... He and I are going to have dinner Thursday night. He's having a big party for some of the other NFL people. ... So I'll see him there and we'll have a chance to visit. Probably not about everything that going on about my future, but we will at an appropriate time, and I think some decisions will be made after that."

When will that meeting occur?

"Probably after this week. ... It'll happen soon, and I'm sure you all will know when it does."

And how is his relationship with Irsay at this point?

"It's great, it's great. And it will continue to be great the rest of our lives, and I can assure you of that."

How much longer does he think he can play?

"Hard to say. No set time table. I've played a long time. I'm grateful for the time I've played so far. ... How much longer, we'll see."

Is he open to a trade, and has he contemplated what he'd do if he became a free agent?

"I'm under contract to the Colts. I play for the Colts right now. That's where I'm at right now." (And he reaffirmed that he'd like to remain with the Colts.)

When does he want to get all of this settled?

"I think the sooner the better. I really do. ... Either way, it's going to be good. I'm at peace, and it will be a positive thing, I can assure you."
He'll play this year, and with the Colts. Nothing will change my mind on that unless something different actually happens.
Manning will be playing as a Colt next year as long as he is OK with the role of grooming Andrew Luck to be the future which is what I am sure Isray will ask him to do.
He's cleared to play now.

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