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US backing for world currency stuns markets
The most incompetent administration in US history strikes again. This story fits right in with the video that vundy posted in another thread, but I thought that the fact that the US Treasury Secretary is actively undermining our own currency warrants its own thread.

The "blame Bush" strategy has begun to fail Obama and his minions. Look for the strategy to be tweaked to include the Japanese earthquake as a second scapegoat to divert attention away from the heavy damage that Obama has done to our economy.

Coming to a teleprompter near you:

"My administration inherited an economy that was devastated by my predecessor's policies before I took office. We made tremendous progress in turning the American economy around but the unprecedented earthquake, tsunami, and multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns in Japan that has brought that nation's economy to its knees has interrupted our own economic recovery."

Don't fall for the excuses that are already being concocted by Obama. This has been the slowest, weakest economic recovery in decades (maybe the weakest ever). The media will cooperate fully in shifting the blame for any further weakening of our economy to an earthquake in Japan but there is nothing natural about the disaster that hit the US in November 2008.

Quote:US backing for world currency stuns markets

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner shocked global markets by revealing that Washington is "quite open" to Chinese proposals for the gradual development of a global reserve currency run by the International Monetary Fund.

The dollar plunged instantly against the euro, yen, and sterling as the comments flashed across trading screens. David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said the apparent policy shift amounts to an earthquake in geo-finance.
"The mere fact that the US Treasury Secretary is even entertaining thoughts that the dollar may cease being the anchor of the global monetary system has caused consternation," he said.
Mr Geithner later qualified his remarks, insisting that the dollar would remain the "world's dominant reserve currency ... for a long period of time" but the seeds of doubt have been sown.
Who is Carpathia? The signs of a single currency and the future Potentate go hand in hand.
Yeah, I thought of the video I posted as soon as I seen the name of the thread.

As you all know and I've said it before, I'm very patriotic, and I may not have voted for or ever really liked Pres. Obama, but I supported him because he was our President and he has the toughest job on earth. But, I have been doing some studying this weekend, and the way his administration has done nothing but blame everyone and everything else they can for literally every negative thing this country has faced really, really pisses me off.

To tell you all the truth, I think President Obama is a coward and not a born leader, I think he's weak-minded and not near as decisive as an American President needs to be. He is still the President and will be until he loses the election next year...but, I say all of that with respect, lol. Again, he does have the toughest job on earth, but some of the things he and his administration has said, especially how they like to blame his "predecessor" for almost everything is ridiculous, and I think most Americans can see that and how cowardly it is.
The story is a year old!
BillyB Wrote:The story is a year old!
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 6:05PM GMT 25 Mar 2009
Almost two years
BillyB Wrote:The story is a year old!

nky Wrote:By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 6:05PM GMT 25 Mar 2009
Almost two years
Oops. You are right. The story was linked in a blog and when I opened the article, I mistook the date at the top of the page (which now says Monday, March 14, 2011) for the publication date.

The story is still relevant, considering what Obama has done with the budget deficit (which in February was more than the budget deficit was for the entire year of 2007) but the incompetence of the Obama financial team is old news.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Oops. You are right. The story was linked in a blog and when I opened the article, I mistook the date at the top of the page (which now says Monday, March 14, 2011) for the publication date.

The story is still relevant, considering what Obama has done with the budget deficit (which in February was more than the budget deficit was for the entire year of 2007) but the incompetence of the Obama financial team is old news.

2 years old really? Give it a rest.
I think the national debt ceiling is going to be voted on either in April or early May. Just wondering, does anyone know what will happen to the economy if congress chooses not to raise the national debt ceiling? And why are they even considering not raising the national debt ceiling?

Just curious. Thanks! Smile
BillyB Wrote:2 years old really? Give it a rest.
Really. Things have continued to get worse for two years since or hadn't you noticed?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Really. Things have continued to get worse for two years since or hadn't you noticed?

Its actually been getting worse for about 4 years now.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Its actually been getting worse for about 4 years now.

Depends on who you are... for an example there has been more billionaires in the last decade then in any other time in history. Also, most corporations have made record profits in the last decade as well.

However, if you are a middle class person, I could not agree more, this segment of people is getting smaller.

If you were considered below proverty nothing much has happened, you will still have your medical card as well as being fed.

I am not calling out class war-fare, it is not the fault of the billionaires that are making money hand over fist, it is not the people that live below the proverty line's fault (most of the time).

I do believe it is the policies on both sides of the ailes that have caused this happen and I also believe that if you try to talk sensible to either side, they both will side step the issue and blame the other guy. What do you think?
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I think the national debt ceiling is going to be voted on either in April or early May. Just wondering, does anyone know what will happen to the economy if congress chooses not to raise the national debt ceiling? And why are they even considering not raising the national debt ceiling?

Just curious. Thanks! Smile

^^I'm sure all of you a busy enough without me asking you to do some research, but please research this. I really think you will be surprised when you find the answer.

tvtimeout Wrote:Depends on who you are... for an example there has been more billionaires in the last decade then in any other time in history. Also, most corporations have made record profits in the last decade as well.

However, if you are a middle class person, I could not agree more, this segment of people is getting smaller.

If you were considered below proverty nothing much has happened, you will still have your medical card as well as being fed.

I am not calling out class war-fare, it is not the fault of the billionaires that are making money hand over fist, it is not the people that live below the proverty line's fault (most of the time).

I do believe it is the policies on both sides of the ailes that have caused this happen and I also believe that if you try to talk sensible to either side, they both will side step the issue and blame the other guy. What do you think?

I completely agree with you in that we shouldn't call out class warfare. As everyone probably knows by now, I watch Glenn Beck. One of his shows involved him explaining why the economy is how it is. He explained that we don't have jobs because it costs too much here in America to create businesses. Therefore, enterprenours are going to other countries to start their businesses. Another important issue for our country is our national debt. As my above quote mentions, please research what it would mean if we voted to not raise the national debt ceiling. Once you do, you'll know why me and Glenn Beck are saying that we're about to go through very tough times.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:^^I'm sure all of you a busy enough without me asking you to do some research, but please research this. I really think you will be surprised when you find the answer.

I completely agree with you in that we shouldn't call out class warfare. As everyone probably knows by now, I watch Glenn Beck. One of his shows involved him explaining why the economy is how it is. He explained that we don't have jobs because it costs too much here in America to create businesses. Therefore, enterprenours are going to other countries to start their businesses. Another important issue for our country is our national debt. As my above quote mentions, please research what it would mean if we voted to not raise the national debt ceiling. Once you do, you'll know why me and Glenn Beck are saying that we're about to go through very tough times.

I agree with the first part that it does cost us alot of money to do business in this country. However, there are ways to take care of this... raise tariffs on anything that gets imported in, just an example. If you do this though the cost of living will increase, because of the price to do business, but more people would be put to work.

However, the republican response would be that we were against the free market. The democrat response would be that isolationism is what brought on the WWI and to a certain extent WWII, and we should not leave our brothers and sisters of the world in that type of financial shape because they would hate us, and it is our moral responsiblity... or some line like that. At either point the Republican and Democratic Party would never offer such a solution.

Now as far as the debt limit... where to begin... first thing first any where we have a military base which we owe a country for debt, we ask them to forgive the debt, if not, we move the base, or we send our troops home... either way save us money, and I am talking about 90 bases around the world. Any country that we give aide to and we owe a debt we ask that they forgive the debt, if not we remove the aide and use that to pay the debt, either way we save money. Lastly, we ask congress to pass a constiutional admendment to balance the budget... long shot, but it would correct the problem going forward. Just a few thoughts.

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