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Guess the player
I'm going to post a players early season stats and see if anyone can guess the player. Ave PPG 32.5 52..06% from the 2. 47.62% from the 3. 89.29% from the free throw line. 6.5 RPG. 2.5 SPG. 2.75 ASP and 4 turn overs per game. This player is right here in the mountains not Louisville or Lexington
Big Hammer Wrote:I'm going to post a players early season stats and see if anyone can guess the player. Ave PPG 32.5 52..06% from the 2. 47.62% from the 3. 89.29% from the free throw line. 6.5 RPG. 2.5 SPG. 2.75 ASP and 4 turn overs per game. This player is right here in the mountains not Louisville or Lexington
Since ur a Pcc fan I'd say profitt?
Yep, has to be Profitt or Hall
I would say Gibson but she averages more points and rebounds than those numbers.
Does she shoot that good from the line or 3?
Yeah. Made 5 from 3 line against Knott. Shooting 60+ percent from the three. Shooting 89.5% from the foul line.
Dr.Basketball Wrote:Does she shoot that good from the line or 3?

Yeah. Made 5 from 3 line against Knott. Shooting 60+ percent from the three. Shooting 89.5% from the foul line.
Streetoutlaw Wrote:Yeah. Made 5 from 3 line against Knott. Shooting 60+ percent from the three. Shooting 89.5% from the foul line.

Those stats are only through 2 games. Not updated. I'm guessing hammer has them through all 4 of PCCs games.
Gibson is a baller. Heard she's really worked hard on her strength and conditioning. Has a great attitude on the floor, really enjoy watching her play. She has got better every year. The mountains have several kids that could potentially play at the next level. She will be in the top 10 maybe top 5 in the state scoring and rebounding this year.
Who are you talking about Big Hammer?
Didn't realize Gibson had that kind of percentage from the 3 or the free throw line.I was talking about Proffitt but I'm super proud we have other players in the mountains with this kind of stats
hillbilly cat Wrote:Since ur a Pcc fan I'd say profitt?

Me being a fan of any team does not change the stat lines of a player. All those stats come from her work ethic and not hammer's help. Oh wait I did help her with her shot years ago lol
Big Hammer Wrote:Didn't realize Gibson had that kind of percentage from the 3 or the free throw line.I was talking about Proffitt but I'm super proud we have other players in the mountains with this kind of stats

Totally agree. We have several players in the 14th that are special this year. Fun year for girls basketball in the mountains. I look forward to seeing these games and individual match ups.
Big Hammer Wrote:Me being a fan of any team does not change the stat lines of a player. All those stats come from her work ethic and not hammer's help. Oh wait I did help her with her shot years ago lol
you took that statement the wrong way! It's ur favorite team so naturally u would be more familiar with her stats. If I was guessing since pcc hasn't posted all there stats for all there 4 games on line you have to be close to pcc to get that type of info. But there's totally nothing wrong with that. If she hadn't come to pcc they wouldn't have been so successful so far. There team plays team ball an if profit didn't score that many she would be fine with it. All those girls want to do is win, I wish my bulldogs would look at pcc an take some of there team buliding, it would help them a bunch!!
Did you go to the clay game hillbilly? Just wondering how it got that out of hand.
Dr.Basketball Wrote:Did you go to the clay game hillbilly? Just wondering how it got that out of hand.
had to work but friends did attend, Guards r young an were pretty rattled! Turnovers hurt as well as bad shooting . 2 starting guards went 11 for 39, shooting guard went 4 for 17 from three that killed them. Those r official stats they posted on line.
Dr.Basketball Wrote:Did you go to the clay game hillbilly? Just wondering how it got that out of hand.
I've seen two games an I thought this after those games, we depend on the 3 too much ! An we are very bad at it! If I'am not mistaken it's around 15 or 16 makes vs 75 attempts so far this year in all there games played!
I'm definitely a PCC fan but also love when players from any team or teams do the things needed to improve. Through the season some will gell and get better others will pull apart and go the other way. Tournament time will tell the tale
You will win by the 3 but also lose if you depend on it.
Dr.Basketball Wrote:You will win by the 3 but also lose if you depend on it.
that Pcc bunch shoots the 3 ball pretty good, there's only 3 girls that shoot 3's, an if take out the ones shooting it jumps upto over 50 percent that's unreal!!
They have shot it well, but don't really depend on it, so they can over come an off night
The 14th region has 8 or 10 girls that can play at the next level and 2 or 3 of them will play division 1. The 13th region will have at least 3 girls play division 1. The 15th might have 1 girl play division 1 and she is a senior really weak region

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