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CALLING for the Resignation of HAYWOOD!!!
midback8 Wrote:DUMB THREAD please remove this thread and never post again...Thank you!

While several of us may not agree with this thread there are no rule violations and this is an OPINION based website. The thread will not be removed unless severe rule violations occur. Rest assured that if anyone decides to break some rules just to get rid of this thread then they will leave along with the thread.
You mean to tell me that there is no rules violation for being ignorant.
TRAIN85 Wrote:You mean to tell me that there is no rules violation for being ingorant.

Nope sorry. If there was we would be minus a bunch of members.:thumpsup:
phsblackcats Wrote:very well said although at this stage in his life i dont think he could coach at the college ranks.

just making a point
I think and hope that this is a thread to get people upset because you must be on crack!
If this ever happens ( Whaich pigs will have wings and fly before this happens) the next coach at BELFRY will be Sheldon Clark's coach (Forgot his name).
They say one of the most humilating circumstances in football is when a team is running the ball down your throat,not throwing at all,you know there running it every play,have scouted every play,and you still cant stop them.This is what a haywood team does.He does one thing better than all most all coaches, he gets his players to play above their ability.
I haven't seen an original thought posted in this thread in it done or are we going to see how many times the same thing can be said???
Coach Haywood is a great coach who will be in the Belfry HS, The KHSAA, and most likely the National Federation of High Schools Halls of Fame.
He is happy at Belfry, Belfry is happy with him, and he and his staff do a tremendous job, period.

He's not going anywhere and shouldn't be subjected to the ignorance of a thread like this.

However, this remains a free opinion website.
fox sports Wrote:I haven't seen an original thought posted in this thread in it done or are we going to see how many times the same thing can be said???
Coach Haywood is a great coach who will be in the Belfry HS, The KHSAA, and most likely the National Federation of High Schools Halls of Fame.
He is happy at Belfry, Belfry is happy with him, and he and his staff do a tremendous job, period.

He's not going anywhere and shouldn't be subjected to the ignorance of a thread like this.

However, this remains a free opinion website.

Thank You for saying this
I personally cannot see where there is anything more that could be added to this thread so.............
Closed then.

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