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We Will Send ISIS To Hell

Gotta love Texas!! Obama could learn a lesson or two here.
Granny Bear Wrote:

Gotta love Texas!! Obama could learn a lesson or two here.

Texas could function very well as a separate country. Obama could learn a lot from Texas. However, to be taken seriously by Texans, he would have to get rid of his girly jeans and learn to throw a baseball like a male. He won't do the former and he is not genetically endowed to do the latter.
^^Too bad sheriff Painter isn't running national foreign policy. We know what he said about ISIS trying to come into the US via Texas. Ironically, at almost the same time Painter was stating the above, this is what our President was saying;
"If he had been “an adviser to ISIS,” Mr. Obama added, he would not have killed the hostages but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, “Stay out of here; this is none of your business.” Such a move, he speculated, might have undercut support for military intervention.
:igiveup: No wonder world affairs are in a hand basket. So, I suppose we may by the foregoing assume that first, ISIS is so stupid they don't know beheading American citizens might provoke us to military response? And second, since large scale war is in the minds of liberals, a relic of history. From here on we can expect to see those taken in combat, sent home with a hand written note pinned on their chest? :hilarious:
Bush and Cheney "blew up" Iraq, and in essence, created ISIS. Again, we are left to clean up a Bush mess. As if, "the almost depression" weren't enough.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bush and Cheney "blew up" Iraq, and in essence, created ISIS. Again, we are left to clean up a Bush mess. As if, "the almost depression" weren't enough.

Excuse me? Obama scramming out of Iraq after the victory was paid for in US blood and treasure is the reason ISIS was born. There was no reason whatever to leave Iraq other than to cross off a lame brained agenda item from La-La Land. We pulled in our horns ala the demands of the pacifists, leaving our hard fought victory laying on the battlefield, we downsized our military and have wasted thousands of million dollar cruise missiles to blow up empty buildings in the dead of night when no one was around and a rattly old pick up truck or two. We've mothballed the US Navy and on and on ad-nauseum. All political eye wash for the uninformed masses.

WW3 is on he horizon. You go ahead and keep telling yourself full scale war is a thing of the past. Maybe you guys can go out there with notes pinned on your chests saying you're war weary.
TheRealThing Wrote:Excuse me? Obama scramming out of Iraq after the victory was paid for in US blood and treasure is the reason ISIS was born. There was no reason whatever to leave Iraq other than to cross off a lame brained agenda item from La-La Land. We pulled in our horns ala the demands of the pacifists, leaving our hard fought victory laying on the battlefield, we downsized our military and have wasted thousands of million dollar cruise missiles to blow up empty buildings in the dead of night when no one was around and a rattly old pick up truck or two. We've mothballed the US Navy and on and on ad-nauseum. All political eye wash for the uninformed masses.

WW3 is on he horizon. You go ahead and keep telling yourself full scale war is a thing of the past. Maybe you guys can go out there with notes pinned on your chests saying you're war weary.
There was no reason whatever to be there in the first place. In essence, Bush murdered those who's blood you speak of. The only reason ISI was born was because Bush upset the rule in Iraq in the first place. Saddamn was evil, but he kept Iraq a lot more stable than it is now.
Nation Admits It Could Probably Be Talked Into Another War


Quote:WASHINGTON—While they acknowledged that getting behind such a plan might take a little convincing, the American populace admitted this week that they could, in all likelihood, be talked into another war.

Citizens across the nation told reporters that, at present, they do not want the country to be involved in a foreign conflict, but given the right combination of reassuring political rhetoric and reasonably conclusive evidence, they could definitely see themselves getting on board with the idea and supporting a large-scale military engagement sometime in the near future.

“Another war definitely isn’t my first choice, but if the president made a nationally televised address in which he looked directly into the camera and said that swift action against a brutal foreign regime must be taken, then sure, I might go for that,” said Minneapolis resident Elizabeth Compton, who noted that if the nation’s top leaders stated it would be a limited operation and would be led by a coalition of some sort, then she would be willing to hear them out at the very least. “In fact, as long as the president referred to it as a noble cause and mentioned something about protecting American interests or preserving the principles of democracy around the world, I think I could certainly come around to it.”

“And assuming he used a firm tone of voice and had an assured look on his face while talking about the U.S.’s moral obligation to oppressed peoples, then, yeah,” she continued, “I’d say that would probably seal the deal.”

Although they agreed it would likely take several days in which they heard various permutations of the sentiment that we have to take the fighting to them before they can take it home to us, the nation’s 317 million citizens said they could definitely picture themselves eventually warming up to a plan that would deploy thousands of servicemen and servicewomen overseas and earmark billions of dollars for a mission with no defined timetable.

According to a nationwide poll, three quarters of Americans acknowledged they could be coaxed into another war provided proponents avoided the word “war” altogether and instead referred to it as a “combat operation” or a “preemptive strike,” while 81 percent said they wouldn’t put up too much of a fuss at all if Pentagon officials stated that the targeted regime might be harboring terrorists, extremists, evildoers, enemies of freedom, or similarly described groups of individuals.

Additionally, a full 92 percent of Americans claimed that they would by no means be opposed to signing on for a full-scale invasion in the event that such an action were repeatedly cast as a response to events that could be categorized as “atrocities.” These individuals added that officials wouldn’t even have to twist their arms too much so long as their claims were supported by pictures or footage of refugees fleeing their homes with only what possessions they could carry, particularly if they had several frightened young children in tow.

“Look, I’m not just going to buy into something like this because I hear a couple TV personalities droning on about it—I need to see a four-star general appear on Meet The Press and declare that we must act decisively, and then I need to see that clip of him saying those words played again and again on different news shows,” Phoenix resident Christopher Thornton said, noting that he could definitely get behind the plan if proponents offered some sort of grainy photo that looked conceivably like a stronghold or a chemical weapons storage site. “Then I’d need to see some trusted high-ranking official make some sort of point about America’s longstanding leadership role in geopolitical affairs. And supposing he made sure to praise the troops for their selfless sacrifice every step of the way, he’d have me in his corner sooner or later.”

“Honestly, by the time he said that ‘We didn’t choose this war; this war chose us,’ I’d pretty much be good to go,” Thornton added.

Members of the U.S. populace also told reporters that another war would be right up their alley if the national news media used words and phrases similar to the ones spoken by politicians and military leaders. Moreover, the American populace said they’d most likely be fine with using ground troops if, after listening to a very short and general description of the operation, they then heard leaders loosely transition to an impassioned commentary about patriotism in which they mentioned that the freedoms we all enjoy have been the result of sacrifice.

“Look, if they want me in on this thing, it would really help everything along if a few op-eds or radio hosts painted the enemy as nothing but a murderous tyrant who must be removed, without once touching on the feasibility of establishing a new government once that adversary is gone,” said Dale Rodgers of Toledo, OH. “Then, by the time I watched a panel of cable pundits agree on the importance of supporting our leaders in times of conflict, I’d be primed for Congress to pass a joint resolution authorizing an open-ended military campaign, especially if it was called ‘Operation Eternal Justice’ or something like that. Yeah, that would do the trick.”

“You know, I’m actually getting more and more into the idea just talking about it right now,” he added.
TheRealVille Wrote:There was no reason whatever to be there in the first place. In essence, Bush murdered those who's blood you speak of. The only reason ISI was born was because Bush upset the rule in Iraq in the first place. Saddamn was evil, but he kept Iraq a lot more stable than it is now.

So this is all Bush's fault?
Granny Bear Wrote:So this is all Bush's fault?

Yes, Iraq was basically made very unstable, after Bush invaded them. ISIS grew out of the Bush invasion.
Perhaps George H W should've let stormin' Norman loose!!!!
^^ Oh yeah, I follow your logic now. And band aids cause cuts, right? International terror, a term with which you seem to be unfamiliar, is not caused by American efforts to confront radical Islam, you may want to look that one up too, which is in my opinion nothing short of the face of Satan himself. They hate everybody, and think nothing of killing people for the sport of it. It is a poison that threatens the world and it is the poison which will one day soon bring us to the valley of Megiddo. But heck, let's keep the border open. Just because there is nothing separating our neighborhoods from the ravages of terror but a plane ticket to Mexico, who's afraid of the big bad wolf, right?

We've already tried to ignore them as your ilk demands and all we have to show for it is a greatly exacerbated, more virile and intense enemy to face down. We've given them truck loads of money, while a watered down state department under the dubious leadership of Obama and Hillary have bared their liberal souls to these thugs and got laughed to scorn and reaped the whirlwind in Benghazi and other places to show for it. They're stronger, fiercer and more dedicated to murder Americans than ever before. Bush kept them at bay and set them back a decade.
^Are more terrorists Wrecking havoc in Iraq now, or before Bush took over their country, and upset the apple cart?
Here are the facts. There were no WMD's. If Bush hadn't invaded a sovereign country under false pretenses, ISIS wouldn't be a problem, right now.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Are more terrorists Wrecking havoc in Iraq now, or before Bush took over their country, and upset the apple cart?

If you mean 'wreaking havoc' the answer is yes. Yes in the same way that bank robbers would do more havoc wreaking if there were no such thing as bank guards, video surveillance systems, or a viable system of justice. Obama's clueless and politically motivated evacuation of Iraq, against and over the strong objections of the Pentagon and MANY others, including a spot on video taped warning that has since turned prophetic in it's uncanny accuracy from George W. has revealed to date, an unrivaled level of incompetency.

That's the thing about liberals. Like a hocker on a door knob, you just can't be pinned down. Even when they make the 24/7 news loop, exposing their lies and lunacy, in such manner proving to all with two brain cells that have said howdy to one another in the last 6 months, the level of deceit and top down naïveté going on in present day .
TheRealVille Wrote:Here are the facts. There were no WMD's. If Bush hadn't invaded a sovereign country under false pretenses, ISIS wouldn't be a problem, right now.

You realize you're making a conservative argument here right? Foreign policy of the day recognized the danger of destabilizing the Middle East. Therefore, maintaining a much needed presence for the sake of American interests both foreign and domestic were part and parcel to propagating a credible foreign policy emanating from within Iraq. But noooo, Obama had to show everybody he knew best and withdrew all troops just so he hear himself talking about it at every opportunity.

The lunacy continued on as America watched with an approving eye, the so-called Arab Spring which totally dismantled any shred of regional stability. All this happened on Obama's watch not W's. And the rest as they say, is history. Recorded history BTW, of which I don't require any help from liberals to understand.
TheRealThing Wrote:You realize you're making a conservative argument here right? Foreign policy of the day recognized the danger of destabilizing the Middle East. Therefore, maintaining a much needed presence for the sake of American interests both foreign and domestic were part and parcel to propagating a credible foreign policy emanating from within Iraq. But noooo, Obama had to show everybody he knew best and withdrew all troops just so he hear himself talking about it at every opportunity.

The lunacy continued on as America watched with an approving eye, the so-called Arab Spring which totally dismantled any shred of regional stability. All this happened on Obama's watch not W's. And the rest as they say, is history. Recorded history BTW, of which I don't require any help from liberals to understand.
Absolutely not. Liberals don't go to war needlessly. Republicans put us in wars, liberals get us out. We had no business invading Iraq. Bush lied, 4800 died, and ISIS was spawned out of the wreckage.

Don't blame Obama for Bush's mess, he wasn't in office then. Bush got us in that mess, Obama just got us out, and kept more kids alive. We had no business there, so Obama left, and saved soldier's lives.
TheRealVille Wrote:Absolutely not. Liberals don't go to war needlessly. Republicans put us in wars, liberals get us out. We had no business invading Iraq. Bush lied, 4800 died, and ISIS was spawned out of the wreckage.

Don't blame Obama for Bush's mess, he wasn't in office then. Bush got us in that mess, Obama just got us out, and kept more kids alive. We had no business there, so Obama left, and saved soldier's lives.

No LOL, but he has certainly been in office prior to ISIS's emergence as a Middle Eastern player.
"The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) used to have a different name: al Qaeda in Iraq.

US troops and allied Sunni militias defeated al Qaeda in Iraq during the post-2006 "surge" — but it didn't destroy them. The US commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, described the group in 2010 as down but "fundamentally the same." In 2011, the group rebooted. ISIS successfully freed a number of prisoners held by the Iraqi government and, slowly but surely, began rebuilding their strength."

If I hadn't paid close attention to the nightly news since the Carter White House maybe you could haze me with stuff of which you don't know what you're talking about. But, I was there and I heard and watched it all go down. Seriously, we've been talking about these things for years, do you ever have anything to throw at me other than stuff off the Obama website or DNC approved talking points? It can all be heard every day on the talk shows. In any case, Obama told us during the last election that Al-Qaeda was done, and on the run, and thanks to him the world was a much safer place. :please: There's your liar.
^He wasn't in office when Bush invaded Iraq, and put the country in turmoil, giving birth to ISIS. A Bush weakened Iraq spawned ISIS. As reported, even Al Qaeda wouldn't include these guys. They turned them away. Go play with the other little boys, playing with red colored glasses. Using many words in posts doesn't make you right, or even smart. You know nothing, other than what conservative sources tell you to know. Like my PM's tell me, you are a laughing stock on this site, except for 2-3 cheerleaders.
^As usual, TRT takes Fox News, the more you hear, the less you know version. It was Fox that reported this, and many people have disputed it. Even Ferguson police didn't report it. lol
^Posted in wrong thread.
TheRealVille Wrote:^He wasn't in office when Bush invaded Iraq, and put the country in turmoil, giving birth to ISIS. A Bush weakened Iraq spawned ISIS. As reported, even Al Qaeda wouldn't include these guys. They turned them away. Go play with the other little boys, playing with red colored glasses. Using many words in posts doesn't make you right, or even smart. You know nothing, other than what conservative sources tell you to know. Like my PM's tell me, you are a laughing stock on this site, except for 2-3 cheerleaders.

I might believe the 'voices' in your head tell you stuff, I ain't buying the PM's. That is unless you are referring to vector and maybe tvtime. And as usual, it always boils down to childish insults and playground mocking with you. Next will come some kind of threat. :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:^Posted in wrong thread.

Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with me you'd notice what thread you're posting on. Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:I might believe the 'voices' in your head tell you stuff, I ain't buying the PM's. That is unless you are referring to vector and maybe tvtime. And as usual, it always boils down to childish insults and playground mocking with you. Next will come some kind of threat. :biglmao:
You don't have to. The ones that PM'd me(mods included), and I, know you are a right wing fruit cake.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't have to. The ones that PM'd me(mods included), and I, know you are a right wing fruit cake.

Suits me to a T.

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