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Powell co. vs. Lewis co. predictions
Powell rushed for over 200 yards against East Carter in a 48-22 loss. Lewis jumped out on Morgan 24-14 in the first half only to let Morgan blow them out in the 2nd half. Powell showed positive offensive improvement from a team that started 6 feshman on both sides Friday night. The game is at Lewis co. and their only win was a 24-0 shut out of Estill co. Should be a good game and I think Powell gets their 2nd win of the season in a close,close game if they come out ready to play. Powell co. 26 Lewis co. 24Rolleyes :thumpsup:
go powell
well i sure hope powell wins they have the talent to win.. i saw them play alot and i know coach wants these 2 last games big and i got powell on this one !
powell...if they play like they did against east
Powell Co. has improved by alot throuh the seaon true its not shown on the scoreboard until last friday but they are starting to play well now and become a team which is very good for this young team. These boys can win these last two games against lewis and estill but they have to play with heart and intensitity im goin to say powell will win this game but in a close one too powell-28 lewis-21
Lewis will wear the field out with Powell easy.
Not if Powell co. plays like they did Friday. I'd call it a pickum if anything. Powell is just as good as Lewis but that depends on which Powell co. team shows up and which Lewis co. team shows up. Powell co. has a shot Friday.
It wont be like that for powell next year. We have good young team thats goin to get better and i cant wait till they get their first winning season and we have something to brag about I hate people who get down on powell co and when they win its all band wagon that burns me up right there. You kno its nothin but a basketball and baseball county thats all they brag about and leave football last but who all sends more players on to play college ball well i think that would be football now wouldnt it. So give powell two more years and they will be a really good team.
Going to be a good game. Hopefully Powell can pull it out. I would just like to see a great game.
powell in a close game
Lewis in this one.
Powell will win this game if they become a team and play as one and come out fired up. Good Luck to Powell, Hope to see a win.

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