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Johnson Central 56 Paintsville 6
This is the first year that Hans was named the middle school coach. I can assure you that Nehemiah was not going to transfer back to the county this year. It was not even discussed. Hans was named football coach because he wanted the job. Not because Nehemiah was supposedly transferring to the county.
:igiveup: Please lets move on to next week. These kids have school all week. Lets give their minds a rest. They all devote their time to football.
The Guru everyone is saying that JCHS could have scored a hundred!!! No way!!! The reason is for the rule of the running clock after a 45 point lead.

JC scored wi 1:30 to go in the first half to go up 49-0!!
Paintsville got the ball to start the second half and by the time JC scored in the third, 9 minutes had elasped on the running clock! JC could possibly have scored 3 more times after halftime at the most! And I would have talked our players into faking injuries to kill more clock to keep that from happening, but I couldn't find any of you all that were saying 70-80+ point game so we could make a wager!!
65 point victories are about as big as you can get!
Not so sure I can agree totally with that. They scored 36 in the first quarter alone. In the second quater he called the dogs off by messing around with pass plays instead of going for the guaranteed instant touchdown of running Johnson up the middle or by running Grimm around the ends. They could have very easily duplicated the first quarter in the second. That would have put the score in the 70 to nothing range at the half. You think that even with a running clock with the strting O and D in the entire second half that they could not have scored 28 points? Also Paintsville would never have gotten any where close to scoring against the starting D. So 100-0 would not have been such an impossible task, in my opinion.
Tough Turf Wrote::igiveup: Please lets move on to next week.

Agreed this one is in the books, we can start again this time next year. BEST OF LUCK to BOTH TEAMS the rest of the season!!
Pupaw Wrote:This is the first year that Hans was named the middle school coach. I can assure you that Nehemiah was not going to transfer back to the county this year. It was not even discussed. Hans was named football coach because he wanted the job. Not because Nehemiah was supposedly transferring to the county.
Oh yes but I can assure you that it was discussed.
Golden Eagle Wrote:Why are you calling me What Do I Know? You just proved my point even more with this post. You think I'm What do I know. That's hilarious there duckster you don't know what your talking about on this either. :moon:

Why do you keep calling me duckster and bald duck. That just shows me you have no clue about me.
congrats JC
rooster Wrote:Not so sure I can agree totally with that. They scored 36 in the first quarter alone. In the second quater he called the dogs off by messing around with pass plays instead of going for the guaranteed instant touchdown of running Johnson up the middle or by running Grimm around the ends.

I guess that was "calling off the dogs" last year too when they ran those same pass plays but resulted in TD's. Rolleyes Matney was trying to catch Paintsville off gaurd like last year it just didn't work this time so now you say he was calling off the dogs.
rooster Wrote:They knew better??? Now that is a good one. And just what do you think that someone could have done about it if he had of. Surely you dont think that down the road these young tigers could do anything about it, do you?Smile

Matney called off the dogs early in the second quarter and he did it because it was the right and smart thing to do. I asuure you that nobody was afraid of what might happen when the little tigers grow up.

Sorry, but I just help but chuckle over this one.

Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.

Ha Ha. You just don't know much about coach Matney. When he first came to SC there was a parent who tried something like that with him. A large parent at that. He attacked a young coach Matney as the team was crossing the road to the high school. The parent ended up getting slammed. It was self defense. But that was a younger coach. He is much more mature and classy for that stuff now. Now PM me the names of those older guys.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:I guess that was "calling off the dogs" last year too when they ran those same pass plays but resulted in TD's. Rolleyes Matney was trying to catch Paintsville off gaurd like last year it just didn't work this time so now you say he was calling off the dogs.

Thats what good coaches do when they get up. They start to experiment. You can run something a hundred times in practice and never know how it will work in a game. The passing attack was merely practice for the future when they may need it.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.

:thatsfunn A couple of older guys. You have got to be kidding me. Where do you come up with this crap? The "older guys" would have recieved there whuppin just like the younger ones just recieved. If you don't believe me PM me and I'll tell you the same thing. Smile Who were you all going to send to the buses your girls basketball staff? I think there the toughest people in the system. Your posts these days are cracking me up. It doesn't matter how hard of a day I've had I can always count on you to cheer me up with your posts. PM me because I would like to know the names of the older men as well so I can start a tell if the tape between the old farts and the girls basketball staff.
rooster Wrote:Come on there Ridge Runner you know as well as everyone else on here that Tyler Deaton is at Paintsville because he and his Papaw both knew full well that Tyler would never be able to play at Johnson Central.

And we all know thatr the reason why Doderer's dad is a coach at Paintsville is because Nehemiah was ready to transfer back to the county. Sure was a coincidence that he gets named a coach this particular year , isn't it?

Guys please leave these kids out of this. Games over and both teams move on. Tyler & Nehemiah are 15-16 year old kids being bashed on here by a bunch of grown men. Grow up!
Kayaker Wrote:Great game by the Eagles tonight and specifically Shawn Grimm. It was nice to see Grimm have an explosive game after the personal attack against him this week by the kitties.:igiveup: When is Paintsville going to learn not to pick on JC's running backs. Last year it was Blume with 350 yds and 3 TD's and this year it was Grimm with 250 yds rushing, 30 yds receiving, and 6 TD's. This game was the blowout that most expected and now lets get back to the real schedule when we host Greenup at home this week.

The LISTS are stupid, but they do go both ways.
Who really cares whether JC could have scored a 100? JC crushed Paintsville last night plain and simple. And I can't imagine a coach with any foresight at all risking his starters with such a lead. Paintsville just didn't have the players to even compete with JC this year, nor in most any other year. With the size difference in the schools, they may not win many more for a while. Maybe some year a good group of players might cluster together for Paintsville. I've seen this series for years and each school does have its highs and lows. However, JC has a losing advantage because they have not had great coaches in the past. But look at the Musick and Matney eras. When they have good coaches and they get student participation instead of indifference, then they win. JC with its size, should beat Paintsville every year! Next year they will be 5A and Paintsville will be 1A. Get real. I don't think that Paintsville's winning record will remain as long as JC keeps quality coaches like Matney at the helm. Look at the numbers on the JC roster this year. Apparently Matney must be well liked to get that, unlike in other years when they didn't put many more on the field than Paintsville.

With that said, Paintsville has a great program and a good team as long as they stay within their class. But 70 or so versus around 20. Get real. But I agree that the series should continue as long as the fans are willing to pay to watch, because of the tradition and the revenue.

Good luck to Paintsville and JC the remainder of the season.
Diogenes Wrote:Amen to that.

What do you expect him to do when he's playing the JV defense in a game with a running clock that everybody in the stadium just wants to end as soon as possible, and instead of just pounding it up the middle to kill the clock, the Paintsville staff runs a freaking HALFBACK PASS against those kids?

The clock runs no matter what play we run. I had no problem with Central putting their starters back in the game and Central fans should have no problem with PHS trying to get something positive out of the game.
rooster Wrote:Not so sure I can agree totally with that. They scored 36 in the first quarter alone. In the second quater he called the dogs off by messing around with pass plays instead of going for the guaranteed instant touchdown of running Johnson up the middle or by running Grimm around the ends. They could have very easily duplicated the first quarter in the second. That would have put the score in the 70 to nothing range at the half. You think that even with a running clock with the strting O and D in the entire second half that they could not have scored 28 points? Also Paintsville would never have gotten any where close to scoring against the starting D. So 100-0 would not have been such an impossible task, in my opinion.

I'll give you credit, this is the first time I have ever heard of a team chucking the ball down the field in an attempt to "call off the dogs" :thatsfunn Central fans, I know its new to you guys, but you really need to learn how to deal with success.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.

This is BY FAR the STUPIDIST post I have ever seen on this site. A bunch of older guys were going to hurt Coach Matney and his staff if they had run the score up? Wow. Let me guess, was it Paintsville's finest or the Haney Mafia. This is so stupid. Thanks man im going to be laughing at this one all day tomorrow while in my kayak.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.

Smile Man im still laughing at this one. Thanks i really needed a good laugh.Smile
rooster Wrote:Not so sure I can agree totally with that. They scored 36 in the first quarter alone. In the second quater he called the dogs off by messing around with pass plays instead of going for the guaranteed instant touchdown of running Johnson up the middle or by running Grimm around the ends. They could have very easily duplicated the first quarter in the second. That would have put the score in the 70 to nothing range at the half. You think that even with a running clock with the strting O and D in the entire second half that they could not have scored 28 points? Also Paintsville would never have gotten any where close to scoring against the starting D. So 100-0 would not have been such an impossible task, in my opinion.
100-0 would have been impossible, plain and simple.
JC has a great team but time just would not have allowed 100 points to happen.
What I can't understand is why some of you all can't take compliments but want to make yourself even better than great! Do the Eagles even have to play another game or can the KHSAA just go ahead and send them their Stae Champs trophy???
But in reality.....there are only a few Eagle fans that are this delusional. The rest that I have talked to are still worried about their passing game.
#20 was running the ball still in the 3rd and 4th quater. Passing in the 2nd when the game was in hand and into the third, leaving the starting defense in the 3rd also. I don't know a whole lot about the fourth quater than what was on here because I was trying to get out of a parking spot where some jackass had me blocked in. No way 100pts. Central is a good club, but I mean I think any other school that is decent in their respective class could win big against the 19 players that Paintsville lined up last night. Congrats to the Eagles for winning and for the Tigers for not quitting when they could've laid down halfway through the first. Also, send out another congrats to Jim Tom Allen with the addition of his new baby girl. The game is over so we can all stop bad mouthing and putting one another down, there are 4 weeks left in the season and then the best time of the year rolls around. Good luck to Paintsville and JC through the season and playoffs. Paintsville needs to atleast win against Pikeville or Hazard to clinch a home game and JC...well they'll be there at home when a team from up north comes rolling into town.
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:The LISTS are stupid, but they do go both ways.

I agree 100%, but although stupid it will continue to happen. It has been going on for numerous years now and it has just now raised a stink. Honestly, I've not read either top 10 lists from either school this year. I think the hand that the football players play in the activities evolving around this game is little to none and that's from both sides. As stated before, most players are friends and just want to get the game over with, without injuries and go back to being a normal town. Congrats to the Eagles, they have a good team. I must compliment their wide receivers on their blocking. That is some of the best open field blocking I've seen in a long while, that's what sprung Grimm to his long runs. No offense to Ron Blume, but Grimm is the better running back. Not only does he have speed, he keeps his legs moving and is relentless. Congrats to Coach Allen on the new addition to his family, I'm sure his baby girl will steal his heart in no time flat. I think Matney and his Eagles won with class last night. To the Tigers, you have a week off rest up and get focused on Hazard. It could quite possibly be the biggest game on the schedule at this point and time.
Golden Eagle Wrote::thatsfunn A couple of older guys. You have got to be kidding me. Where do you come up with this crap? The "older guys" would have recieved there whuppin just like the younger ones just recieved. If you don't believe me PM me and I'll tell you the same thing. Smile Who were you all going to send to the buses your girls basketball staff? I think there the toughest people in the system. Your posts these days are cracking me up. It doesn't matter how hard of a day I've had I can always count on you to cheer me up with your posts. PM me because I would like to know the names of the older men as well so I can start a tell if the tape between the old farts and the girls basketball staff.

:Thumbs: Glad I could help GE, anytime.
PC_U_KNOW_98 Wrote:Did I say that rooster. I don't believe I said anything about the young Tigers makin them pay for it when they grow up. I know a couple of older guys who would have been waiting for JC coaches by their buses had they have ran the score up that bad. You don't believe me, send me a PM and I'll give you the names and you can ask anyone that knows em, they would have been waiting they would have hurt those guys.

SO, you're offering up a list of people that were willing to commit assault over a high school football game's score?

There's a line called "dumb" and you passed it about 3 posts ago.
Ridge Runner Wrote:HHMM? Tyler Deaton lives in Paintsville. So I think he is at the right school. Doderer's father is a teacher and coach at Paintsville. So he is at the right school. So let's not get started on that crap again. I agree with you PC. No one wants to get shut out. So I guess GE as a coach would have had his team take a knee at the start of the 4th and just take their time with the running clock and get it over with insted of trying to coach his kids to a score. Boy, that would have been a great example for the student body and team. 56-6 aint good enough? Who give's a crap if they scored three times on the second string? You still won and you have all your key players for the run at the end.

And those kids, I do believe, are proud alumni of Johnson County Middle School and Central Elementary, respectively. Looks like somebody taught those two how to put points on the board.

The 56 is plenty good enough. It's the other six that bothers me. But hey, you do whatever helps you sleep at night.
I'm closing this thread. It went from the game and stats to who ran up the score and other nonsense. Feel free to start another thread if you wish but keep it about the game.

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