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We Lost the War on Poverty
I respectfully disagree to a point Quick. Yes, the President should garner a huge amount of respect for just attaining that position. He can; however, disallow himself from that respect in various ways.

I for one, feel that Obama has dis-earned (I made that word up) his respect. I'm afraid I have nothing left for him but total disgust.
Granny Bear Wrote:I respectfully disagree to a point Quick. Yes, the President should garner a huge amount of respect for just attaining that position. He can; however, disallow himself from that respect in various ways.

I for one, feel that Obama has dis-earned (I made that word up) his respect. I'm afraid I have nothing left for him but total disgust.

There is no faster way to fall from greatness to scorn, than to lie to those, of whose respect one commands. The same is true across the board and in all walks of life. Husbands all crave the respect of their wives but, all he will have is her contempt if he insists on lying to her in lieu of the truth. Dads who wish to be able to greatly influence their children must have that child's respect and trust, as lying to them will only guarantee that he/she will blow him off every time he opens his mouth.

Likewise, local, state and federal politicians caught up in scandal, immediately go from rising star to falling star. This land is built on trust. So, in times of trouble such as WW2, the citizens were reasonably assured they could trust their leaders. Therefore when FDR called for retribution against Japan, able bodied men were continually lining up outside their local armed forces recruiting stations to answer the call. Gladly, and with a sense of duty, they laid the most precious thing they would ever have on the line, that being their own lives.

All the lying of present day has destroyed our national pride. It all started when William Jefferson Clinton, looked into the camera and with all the mock sincerity he could muster, lied like a dog, not only to every living American, but to the whole world. IMO, he did much more to bring us down than history is likely to ever require of him. He set the stage and present administration officials are certainly dancing on it. Thus has the office of the president been brought down. Not by some proud conqueror but, by guile.
Galatians 5:9 (KJV)
"9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump."

There was a rationale that loyal, 'wagon circling' Dems floated during the Clinton impeachment proceedings, which was referred to as compartmentalizing. For the first time ever, using this dubious new form of reason, one could supposedly separate bouts of bad behavior from the cleaned up and respectable image the president was supposed to represent. Somehow afore time unacceptable acts such as the occasional sexual depravity, could now be justified and held separate from the person of the president while he was on duty. (liberal speak if I ever heard it, LOL)

Except for the 8 year hiccup which was the George W Bush era, the US has been in a state of moral free fall. And the elixir of the masses has proven to be their willingness to believe the lie. Laughably because of this, there is a whole lexicon worth of terms which attach complex layers of gradience to the structure or severity of a lie or, what a lie actually is, is. :biggrin: All that to say I must add my support to Granny's position. If he wants my respect, he'll have it just as soon as he stops bending the truth curve, and that not in service to the people but, in deference to the liberal agenda. Now, if he just wants to cheer me up a smidge, he can darn well give the okey doke to the Keystone Pipeline. I know, a certain hot spot has not yet frozen over, LOL.

BTW, sounds like he needs to discern what dis-earn means! :thatsfunn
Granny Bear Wrote:I respectfully disagree to a point Quick. Yes, the President should garner a huge amount of respect for just attaining that position. He can; however, disallow himself from that respect in various ways.

I for one, feel that Obama has dis-earned (I made that word up) his respect. I'm afraid I have nothing left for him but total disgust.

I think that I should clarify my views. I agree with you 100% about Obama lying to the American people and this alone should garner contempt. I do, however, think that a certain amount of respect should be shown, not for the person who temporarily occupies the White House, but simply for the office of the Presidency. There is a right and wrong way to do everything and, to me, yelling something derogatory at the President during a SOTU address is not the right way. It just gave liberals more ammo for their conservative sniper guns.

I think that O'Reilly will handle himself well and I hope that he goes after the President hard in his interview. O'Reilly is one of the few guys who will not be intimidated by his surroundings or intimidated by the President. The point that I was making about O'Reilly is his habit of cutting people that he interviews short and, many times, talks over them. I simply do not believe that the President of the United States should be talked to in that fashion, regardless of who he/she is.However, in his last interview with Obama, O'Reilly handled himself very well. Like you Granny, I am looking forward to it. I know O'Reilly will hammer the Obamacare issue and I am equally sure that O'Reilly will do his homework and be prepared for Obama's pre-programmed answers.
^I share your concerns about the lack of respect the Congressman showed the President. It was unfortunate and unacceptable, especially in the context in which it went down. Don't forget, Republicans were an unnecessary nuisance back when all that went down. Locked out of negotiations about health care due to the super majority Dems enjoyed while the plan was being rammed through. The image of Nancy Pelosi marching down the National Mall with the giant gavel in her hand is something I will always remember. I can't condone what he did but, I do understand why it happened. I believe the Dems quit taking prisoners a long time ago. In short, liberals view conservatives in open contempt. They don't feel the slightest inner urging to lay anything between the lines these days, it's 'dern the torpedoes' in all-out personal attack. From what I have seen, it doesn't even matter if the charges being leveled from the bowels of the DNC are in any part credible or not. All that matters, is if the attacks work well enough to help get Democrat involved, elected.

I know I've said this before but, it's incredible to me to think that half of the government of our beloved country (Dems), are so all-in, on in this congressional 'civil war of words' with the Republicans, who comprise the other half. I mean, on what premise, authority or rationale, are folks willing to completely reject the validity of one political party or the other? Is it not a ducacris notion to take the word of one's foe with regard to the state of his forthrightness? It therefore totally drives me up the wall when I hear Democrats declare it is only they who speak for the people, while the Republicans are somehow the enemy of anybody who isn't a millionaire and completely disqualified to lead because they are supposedly to a man/woman, out of touch. :please: It's an idea so ridiculous, I'm sure I've failed to frame it adequately. If there has been a chapter in our history that has been characterized by greater hypocrisy than was shown when a certain leader of renown, called for less vitriol and more civility among the members of congress, maybe someone could point that time out.

Understandably, Republicans are more than a little raw about it and frankly, this is one nuclear food fight that might just take us all down. Though sometimes the bill seems to come way later than it is due, there is always a price to pay for taking liberties with the truth, or stacking the deck. Had Joe Wilson been wrong, it would have been very bad for Republicans. As it turns out, he wasn't.

Your concerns about respect of office for the president of the US are well taken, and I couldn't agree with you more about that. Hopefully, voters will speak up like they did in 2010. If that happens, you're going to see a whole lot of horns being pulled in!!
Well, what did you think of O'Reilly's interview with Obama Granny (and anyone else)? I thought he pressed the President hard but did it in a respectful manner. Obama really had no answer at all for a couple of the questions. With all of the time they had to prepare (I understood that questions had to be submitted prior to the interview), I would have thought that he would have been ready to field the tough questions. Obama is usually very smooth and composed but he got frustrated a time or two.

Im interested to hear what you guys think!! I guess I should start a new thread.

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