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PA announcer ejected from Murray - Union County game
There was an account in the Murray newspaper today that the Murray PA announcer and a player were ejected in the third quarter. I have heard of a lot of things in a football game but I have never seen a PA announcer ejected. Do the officials have the authority to do that?
What in the world did he say to get objected?
was it ryan lemond
pjdoug Wrote:ejected

he said ejected and got thrown out or was you trying to help the other posted with the word ejected instead of objected?
cant say ive ever heard of that
I know that officials have the authority to have a fan removed from a game, so I would assume they have the right to remove an announcer. I cant imagine what an announcer would have to do...had to have been pretty severe though. Would love some insight.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:I know that officials have the authority to have a fan removed from a game, so I would assume they have the right to remove an announcer. I cant imagine what an announcer would have to do...had to have been pretty severe though. Would love some insight.
My best guess would be that the pa man didn't like a call and put the ref down but did it over the microphone...accidentally....or not.
In basketball officials have control of the game once it starts and they can remove anyone they want. I see no reason why football wouldn't be the same.
Wish someone could tell us what happened.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Well that's crazy! Just like everyone else, I would like to know what it was that the PA announcer said or did to get ejected from the game.
I would never want to be a PA announcer for a local game!! I wouldn't last 2 minutes.

I ran into an official yesterday at a grade school panorama. He came over to say hello, and asked me how I was doing; said he hadn't seen me in a few years. I couldn't believe it!! So, I just asked him straight up..."Don't you HEAR me at the football games???"

He said he didn't...
^Most good officials don't see or hear a thing, except for what is on the field or court.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
The Third quarter was scoreless, but a confusing show of officiating that included a player ejection and an announcer ejection by the referees, as well as a laundry list of other strange occurrences that don't traditionally happen at a football game.

Darius Catlett was the player ejected from the game, but the Tigers will turn the film in to the KHSAA to be reviewed, and they will determine whether the senior will get a chance to play next week.
The ref's can eject the announcer, most of the time they just shut down the pa announcer booth totally. No announcing, just scoreboard operater.
Would love to know why the p.a. announcer was ejected. I read the article, but it does not say why.
It was not the PA guys own fault, they are taught from a early age to act that way at Murray High
From what I have been able to find out, apparently after an extremely bad call by the officials . He said and I quote, "I'm not going to comment on that play!" After saying that, the refs then proceded to call a personal foul penalty on Murray due to the comment from the PA announcer. Then because of this, the PA announcer chose to leave on his own will because the refs were so terrible, he was not ejected from the game.
In a minor league baseball game this summer, the home plate umpire ejected the sound booth guy after he played "Three Blind Mice" following a questionable call. Google it... it's worth a Google.
^ I actually witnessed that same thing at a Lexington Legends game several years ago...hilarious...but i never was sure whether it was just a set up or not!!:thatsfunn

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