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Validity of National Polls
Most reputable? Most laughable? Most irrelevant? It seems I look at five different polls and get five different viewpoints? Is the difference between Bowling Green and Highlands worthy of +40 difference in the top 100? I seriously doubt it, which leads me to question the stock I put into them....:flush:
With so many different teams in the top 100, then evaluating their competition (Which most you cant even find film of)....How can we really place stock in any high school poll? Like you said, ask 5 people and you'll get 5 different opinions. Raise that number to 10, 15, 20 and you're likely to get just as many different responses. I think we can figure out loose top 10-15....but when you get down to the different between 4 spots that play on different sides of the country entirely, how can you really determine something like that?
They're a joke, but make for interesting discussion, sort of like the BCS. Unless these teams are playing each other on the field, it's one journalist's opinion against another. There's no way some writer in California knows how good Trinity is or vice versa. It's kind of ridiculous to even have a "national" high school poll. I mean, Trinity is #1 in USA Today for weeks, puts up 62 pts in their STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game and falls to #2?!?!!! It's crazy.

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