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Two more Census workers blow the whistle
Making every job count... once, twice, thrice, or even more. The politicization of the Census Bureau continues. It is the Chicago way.

I am sure that the Democrats in Congress will demand an explanation for this fraud from the Census Bureau any day now.

Quote:Two more Census workers blow the whistle

Here's a note from a Census worker -- this one from Manhattan:

"John: I am on my fourth rehire with the 2010 Census.

"I have been hired, trained for a week, given a few hours of work, then laid off. So my unemployed self now counts for four new jobs.

"I have been paid more to train all four times than I have been paid to actually produce results. These are my tax dollars and your tax dollars at work.

"A few months ago I was trained for three days and offered five hours of work counting the homeless. Now, I am knocking (on) doors trying to find the people that have not returned their Census forms. I worked the 2000 Census. It was a far more organized venture.

"Have to run and meet my crew leader, even though with this rain I did not work today. So I can put in a pay sheet for the hour or hour and a half this meeting will take. Sincerely, C.M."
.....and it keeps getting better?????

The U.S. Census purposefully hired more workers than it needed, telling the Office of the Inspector General of the Commerce Department that it did so as a “cost-saving measure,” according to a memorandum that Todd J. Zinser of the inspector general’s office sent to Census Bureau Director Robert Groves last week.

“According to Census,” said Zinser’s May 26 memo to Groves, “‘frontloading’ its workforce (i.e. hiring and training more enumerators than necessary to offset turnover) is a cost-saving measure.” The inspector general’s memo, however, suggested that in at least one Census Bureau operation excessive staff had increased the “cost of operations” and that in another operation deployment of an unnecessarily large number of workers "increased the operation’s direct labor and travel costs."
In May, the federal government hired 411,000 temporary Census workers. The entire private sector created 41,000 new jobs during the same month. The wheels are about to come off of our economy. The only question is how long the Obama regime can manage to keep the majority of Americans in the dark about the coming train wreck. Expect to see Obama step up his attacks on Bush between now and November.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Making every job count... once, twice, thrice, or even more. The politicization of the Census Bureau continues. It is the Chicago way.

I am sure that the Democrats in Congress will demand an explanation for this fraud from the Census Bureau any day now.

I am still waiting! Where did they all go, are they on vacations :popcorn:
Census 2010 is mandated by the US Constitution. Any fudging of numbers is malfeasance, regardless of what party sits in power. However, much of what you flirties state here is misleading. As in any low wage job, the turnover rate is high, thus, it is wise to train more people at first, as those not working soon were based on quits and terminations. I realize you right wing flirties detest Obama, but your credibility is about zilch in my book, and your tactics disgraceful. Sniff, sniff... boys, you stink.
thecavemaster Wrote:Census 2010 is mandated by the US Constitution. Any fudging of numbers is malfeasance, regardless of what party sits in power. However, much of what you flirties state here is misleading. As in any low wage job, the turnover rate is high, thus, it is wise to train more people at first, as those not working soon were based on quits and terminations. I realize you right wing flirties detest Obama, but your credibility is about zilch in my book, and your tactics disgraceful. Sniff, sniff... boys, you stink.

Hey now, how are you able to sling so much mud when you are lying under it :popcorn:
thecavemaster Wrote:Census 2010 is mandated by the US Constitution. Any fudging of numbers is malfeasance, regardless of what party sits in power. However, much of what you flirties state here is misleading. As in any low wage job, the turnover rate is high, thus, it is wise to train more people at first, as those not working soon were based on quits and terminations. I realize you right wing flirties detest Obama, but your credibility is about zilch in my book, and your tactics disgraceful. Sniff, sniff... boys, you stink.

What about the ones that were hired, and trained multiple times? Some were hired then trained, they worked three or four days, then laid off. They were then rehired trained again then worked three or four days then laid off. Repeat a few more times.
By using Barry's math one person could count as 4 hires or jobs created, thus is why in May they hired almost 400,000.
Old School Wrote:What about the ones that were hired, and trained multiple times? Some were hired then trained, they worked three or four days, then laid off. They were then rehired trained again then worked three or four days then laid off. Repeat a few more times.
By using Barry's math one person could count as 4 hires or jobs created, thus is why in May they hired almost 400,000.

The 2010 Census required several phases, start to finish (not finished yet). Each phase required a hiring process and a training process. For instance, address location and mapping was a phase, enumeration was a phase, and verification of deletes and vacants is a phase. You may not like the Census for whatever your reasons; however, your diatribe here sounds like the squawking of a jay.
thecavemaster Wrote:The 2010 Census required several phases, start to finish (not finished yet). Each phase required a hiring process and a training process. For instance, address location and mapping was a phase, enumeration was a phase, and verification of deletes and vacants is a phase. You may not like the Census for whatever your reasons; however, your diatribe here sounds like the squawking of a jay.
There is no way to defend the shoddy hiring and management process of the Census Bureau - but yet here is a defense.

Fortunately, the Census Bureau has been embarrassed enough with recent revelations that it has made some needed changes.
thecavemaster Wrote:The 2010 Census required several phases, start to finish (not finished yet). Each phase required a hiring process and a training process. For instance, address location and mapping was a phase, enumeration was a phase, and verification of deletes and vacants is a phase. You may not like the Census for whatever your reasons; however, your diatribe here sounds like the squawking of a jay.

That's a bunch of bull, we all know they were rehired for the same job and went through the same training multiple times. The only reason for this was to inflate Barry "the socialist" new job numbers and reduce the number of unemployed.
Old School Wrote:That's a bunch of bull, we all know they were rehired for the same job and went through the same training multiple times. The only reason for this was to inflate Barry "the socialist" new job numbers and reduce the number of unemployed.

Something doesn't become bs, Old School, simply because you need it to to reinforce your rather droll and tired worldview.
thecavemaster Wrote:Something doesn't become bs, Old School, simply because you need it to to reinforce your rather droll and tired worldview.
If training far more people than needed to accomplish a short-term mission was a good thing, businesses in the private sector would be doing it to maximize profits. It is not happening. It makes no sense in the business world and it makes even less sense to hear politicians and their acolytes make such a desperate pitch.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If training far more people than needed to accomplish a short-term mission was a good thing, businesses in the private sector would be doing it to maximize profits. It is not happening. It makes no sense in the business world and it makes even less sense to hear politicians and their acolytes make such a desperate pitch.

Yes, yes... AT &T... late on your bill? They can work quickly. However, buy a new phone, it takes six to eight weeks to get the rebate card. Efficiency. Greed? The "business world" you so often tout thinks its ok to sell an unsuspecting guy a car with sawdust in the gears ("Buyer beward")... nice use of the word "acolytes" though, got to give you that. Any human endeavor, Hoot, ANY... there will be FUBAR to a certain extent... yet, the census is well nigh complete. Could a private firm have done it cheaper, as thorough? Speculation, dear Boy, speculation.
thecavemaster Wrote:Yes, yes... AT &T... late on your bill? They can work quickly. However, buy a new phone, it takes six to eight weeks to get the rebate card. Efficiency. Greed? The "business world" you so often tout thinks its ok to sell an unsuspecting guy a car with sawdust in the gears ("Buyer beward")... nice use of the word "acolytes" though, got to give you that. Any human endeavor, Hoot, ANY... there will be FUBAR to a certain extent... yet, the census is well nigh complete. Could a private firm have done it cheaper, as thorough? Speculation, dear Boy, speculation.
Would you care to back up your assertions with any facts? How many people were required to complete the 2000 census and at what cost was it done compared to the projected cost of the Obama regime's census?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Would you care to back up your assertions with any facts? How many people were required to complete the 2000 census and at what cost was it done compared to the projected cost of the Obama regime's census?

Ever been around someone who fixated on a person and blasted them with negativity 24/7? What conclusion can be drawn? Pretty much, Hoot, that's my take on you in your relationship to the government in general, and Barack Obama in particular. The government is flesh and blood people, not some esoteric boogie man principle. This particular government was established and regulated, so to speak, via a Constitution, which called for a census every ten years, which gets more and more expensive each time as the number of people to be counted continues to go up and up and up. To me, you're a lot of "blah, blah, blah." That's about it. Barack Obama is a fair scales capitalist. Do your homework, which doesn't mean listening to talk radio.
thecavemaster Wrote:Ever been around someone who fixated on a person and blasted them with negativity 24/7? What conclusion can be drawn? Pretty much, Hoot, that's my take on you in your relationship to the government in general, and Barack Obama in particular. The government is flesh and blood people, not some esoteric boogie man principle. This particular government was established and regulated, so to speak, via a Constitution, which called for a census every ten years, which gets more and more expensive each time as the number of people to be counted continues to go up and up and up. To me, you're a lot of "blah, blah, blah." That's about it. Barack Obama is a fair scales capitalist. Do your homework, which doesn't mean listening to talk radio.
You claimed that under Obama's regime that the 2010 census is being taken more efficiently because more workers are being trained than in the past. I asked you to back up your claim and this is your response? Are you ever able to provide any facts to back up your claims or do you just faithfully read Obama's talking points each morning and then repeat them here?

So, I as again - how much will the 2010 census cost and how many people will be required to complete the "count?" If the numbers do not support your position, which they do not, feel free to respond with your usual, repetitive, and simple-minded ad hominem attacks. Or just do the honorable thing and admit that the facts do not support your bogus claims.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You claimed that under Obama's regime that the 2010 census is being taken more efficiently because more workers are being trained than in the past. I asked you to back up your claim and this is your response? Are you ever able to provide any facts to back up your claims or do you just faithfully read Obama's talking points each morning and then repeat them here?

So, I as again - how much will the 2010 census cost and how many people will be required to complete the "count?" If the numbers do not support your position, which they do not, feel free to respond with your usual, repetitive, and simple-minded ad hominem attacks. Or just do the honorable thing and admit that the facts do not support your bogus claims.

Hoot, the heat is making you delusional, a mirage chaser. I did not claim that the 2010 Census was a model of efficiency. I am simply suggesting that the counting of hundreds of millions of people, in a scattered abroad, large country, is no light undertaking. Further, I am not suggesting that Barack Obama has delighted me with his Presidency to this point. However, just as, I would guess, you voted for John McCain, not because you viewed him as a champion of conservatism, but because you viewed him as closer to your views than Obama, so I voted for Obama... and will vote for him again in 2012 unless a person closer to my views appears on the ticket.
thecavemaster Wrote:Hoot, the heat is making you delusional, a mirage chaser. I did not claim that the 2010 Census was a model of efficiency. I am simply suggesting that the counting of hundreds of millions of people, in a scattered abroad, large country, is no light undertaking. Further, I am not suggesting that Barack Obama has delighted me with his Presidency to this point. However, just as, I would guess, you voted for John McCain, not because you viewed him as a champion of conservatism, but because you viewed him as closer to your views than Obama, so I voted for Obama... and will vote for him again in 2012 unless a person closer to my views appears on the ticket.
I do not believe that anybody to Obama's left will be challenging Obama in 2012, so I think that he can safely count on your vote regardless of what additional damage he does to this nation in the next 2-1/2 years.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I do not believe that anybody to Obama's left will be challenging Obama in 2012, so I think that he can safely count on your vote regardless of what additional damage he does to this nation in the next 2-1/2 years.

We fought the wrong enemy, Hoot. Geez... you speak of "damage"... get real, my brother, go cool off, turn the therm down to 64 and relax... the hallucinations are not a good sign, my friend.
So, with the Obama regime spending more than 300 percent more on the 2010 census than was spent on the 2000 census, at least we should get a more accurate count. Right? Wrong.

Quote:Two Census Bureau managers fired for creating at least 10,000 bogus questionnaires to meet deadlines

Two Census Bureau managers from a Brooklyn field office were fired after their bosses found they faked household surveys to meet deadlines, the Daily News learned.

Instead of pounding the pavement and knocking on doors, the corner-cutting people-counters mined the phone book and Internet to make up answers to questionnaires, regional director Tony Farthing said.

The managers - turned in by whistleblower employees - were caught last week. Now, at least 10,000 surveys need to be done or redone, officials said.

Census officials in Washington only admitted to a string of incomplete forms and poor tracking in disclosing the firings Friday afternoon. But Farthing corroborated worker accounts to the Daily News that managers Alvin Aviles and Sonya Merritt began dummying up responses in the final crush to finish the surveys, which field workers are supposed to compile from in-person household visits.

Read more:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, with the Obama regime spending more than 300 percent more on the 2010 census than was spent on the 2000 census, at least we should get a more accurate count. Right? Wrong.

It's the new Obama math, you know like how they count the number of jobs created. :eyeroll:
This Just In: Contrary to report in the ultra conservative gossip rap The Right Wing Flirty, President Barack OBama was not responsible for the bear attack in the Red River Gorge.

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