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Highlands 21 Withrow (OH) 0
Congratulations Bluebirds on a big win.
Gratz Highlands
Where was Highlands offense tonight? I'm surprised it was this close when Winton Woods beat Withrow 67-6 the week before.
kywldcat01 Wrote:Where was Highlands offense tonight? I'm surprised it was this close when Winton Woods beat Withrow 67-6 the week before.

I have not heard much about this game, but I did hear that Collinsworth only carried the ball 12 times and still had 186 yards and 2 TDs. I will post more when I hear what happened.
sstack Wrote:I have not heard much about this game, but I did hear that Collinsworth only carried the ball 12 times and still had 186 yards and 2 TDs. I will post more when I hear what happened.

Glad to hear AC played well. Miles Simpson is a great back, but I don't see how anyone can say AC isn't the better of the two at this point. Elliott and Simpson are putting up big numbers too but look at how many carries they're doing it on.
kywldcat01 Wrote:Glad to hear AC played well. Miles Simpson is a great back, but I don't see how anyone can say AC isn't the better of the two at this point. Elliott and Simpson are putting up big numbers too but look at how many carries they're doing it on.

I think people forget to look at number of carries or how much of a game a player played in. AC gets pulled early in alot of games, and it looks like this year they use him more on D since the O is doing fine with the other RBs. Look to see him have alot of carries in two weeks agianst St. X.
sstack Wrote:I think people forget to look at number of carries or how much of a game a player played in. AC gets pulled early in alot of games, and it looks like this year they use him more on D since the O is doing fine with the other RBs. Look to see him have alot of carries in two weeks agianst St. X.

AC has carried the ball 47 times this year for 536 yards...unreal. Can you imagine if we was getting 20 cpg?
I didn't get to see the game last night at Withrow, but it sounds like more of the same story with Dale tuning up his team and not showing all his cards. At least I hope that is the case. I can guarantee one thing; that the Highlands Bluebirds at home, live on national television, will undoubtedly hold nothing back and throw everything they have at the Bombers. If Dale was serious about his hopes for a national championship, they hinge on the outcome of this game. I don't think many people see Highlands winning, but if they can muster out a respectable performance, they still win in my opinion. I look for them to blast Boone early next week so Dale can rest his starters for the Sept. 25th showdown. So yes, Dale will show his entire hand next week against Boone. It better be good or he's going to have some pie on his face for his overinflated preseason comments.....
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:I didn't get to see the game last night at Withrow, but it sounds like more of the same story with Dale tuning up his team and not showing all his cards. At least I hope that is the case. I can guarantee one thing; that the Highlands Bluebirds at home, live on national television, will undoubtedly hold nothing back and throw everything they have at the Bombers. If Dale was serious about his hopes for a national championship, they hinge on the outcome of this game. I don't think many people see Highlands winning, but if they can muster out a respectable performance, they still win in my opinion. I look for them to blast Boone early next week so Dale can rest his starters for the Sept. 25th showdown. So yes, Dale will show his entire hand next week against Boone. It better be good or he's going to have some pie on his face for his overinflated preseason comments.....

I agree with you 100%!
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:I didn't get to see the game last night at Withrow, but it sounds like more of the same story with Dale tuning up his team and not showing all his cards. At least I hope that is the case. I can guarantee one thing; that the Highlands Bluebirds at home, live on national television, will undoubtedly hold nothing back and throw everything they have at the Bombers. If Dale was serious about his hopes for a national championship, they hinge on the outcome of this game. I don't think many people see Highlands winning, but if they can muster out a respectable performance, they still win in my opinion. I look for them to blast Boone early next week so Dale can rest his starters for the Sept. 25th showdown. So yes, Dale will show his entire hand next week against Boone. It better be good or he's going to have some pie on his face for his overinflated preseason comments.....

Your post has me nodding my head in agreement and chuckling at the same time.

You take Dale's talk of hoping for a national championship way too seriously. Do you really believe Dale thinks that they can be national champions if they go 15-0? Don't mean to insult, but Dale is a very smart person and knows better. A top 15 or 20 ranking perhaps.

Dale is very predictable in that he is always unpredictable. And he likes that "reputation". When you think he's going to run, he passes. When you think he's going to play a certain player, he doesn't. When you think he's going to open up the O, he doesn't. I don't think he'll open the O this week against Boone, so you may be right. Dale has a lot of people in Ft. Thomas thinking he's going to really open it up against X and run all kinds of plays, which means he'll probably stick with the counter and long passes to Buten.

Dale is Dale and I've learned a long time ago not to try and figure out what he's going to do next.

Oh and if there is one person who couldn't give a hoot in you know where about overinflated preseason comments, it's Dale.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:I didn't get to see the game last night at Withrow, but it sounds like more of the same story with Dale tuning up his team and not showing all his cards. At least I hope that is the case. I can guarantee one thing; that the Highlands Bluebirds at home, live on national television, will undoubtedly hold nothing back and throw everything they have at the Bombers. If Dale was serious about his hopes for a national championship, they hinge on the outcome of this game. I don't think many people see Highlands winning, but if they can muster out a respectable performance, they still win in my opinion. I look for them to blast Boone early next week so Dale can rest his starters for the Sept. 25th showdown. So yes, Dale will show his entire hand next week against Boone. It better be good or he's going to have some pie on his face for his overinflated preseason comments.....
On National Television??? When,,,Feel me in please..
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:On National Television??? When,,,Feel me in please..

I suppose against Cincy St. Xavier on the 25th.

I've looked at Fox Sports & ESPN's TV schedules and neither show Highlands playing.
The Highlands v. Cincy St. X will be broadcast on CBS Highschool preps station. I am not sure which one that is or that I even have it but that is what it will be on. The game is set to start at 6:30.
tradition Wrote:The Highlands v. Cincy St. X will be broadcast on CBS Highschool preps station. I am not sure which one that is or that I even have it but that is what it will be on. The game is set to start at 6:30.

I found it on their schedule: (just click on 25 on calender)

Dish TV- Ch. 152
Direct TV- Ch. 613
In response to Charlie22, you offer an interesting perspective, but I don't think making the comments he made was a very smart move on his part. Why give opposing teams unnecessary motivation? Teams are already amped up each week to play the birds, so why give them even more fuel. We can agree to disagree on that point. I have no doubt Dale is a very smart man. I like his unpredictablility as well, but I'm a realist. You can't tell me he's not taking some heat for AC's lack of playing time. I see alot of unseen pressure on him to get AC the ball as the year progresses. I think we all know that he's spent the last couple weeks suring up the pass to open up Austin but now it's time to get it on in Ft. Thomas. Boone will tell alot. I know AC wants the ball and with big daddy Chris in the stands, I'm sure he'll be getting it. Unpredictability aside, there is power in the Collinsworth name. I predict a predictable game this coming friday; A Collinsworth masterpiece.....
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:In response to Charlie22, you offer an interesting perspective, but I don't think making the comments he made was a very smart move on his part. Why give opposing teams unnecessary motivation? Teams are already amped up each week to play the birds, so why give them even more fuel. We can agree to disagree on that point. I have no doubt Dale is a very smart man. I like his unpredictablility as well, but I'm a realist. You can't tell me he's not taking some heat for AC's lack of playing time. I see alot of unseen pressure on him to get AC the ball as the year progresses. I think we all know that he's spent the last couple weeks suring up the pass to open up Austin but now it's time to get it on in Ft. Thomas. Boone will tell alot. I know AC wants the ball and with big daddy Chris in the stands, I'm sure he'll be getting it. Unpredictability aside, there is power in the Collinsworth name. I predict a predictable game this coming friday; A Collinsworth masterpiece.....

Dale certainly can be over the top with his comments; not sure that they fire teams up any more than they already would be to play the Birds with the exception of Cinti X. Actually I think most people familiar with Dale just kind of expect it and don't take him seriously when he says that kind of stuff. I don't.

I can assure you that Dale isn't taking any heat from any one (other than perhaps some internet posters whom he couldn't care less about :biggrinSmile. Neither AC nor his father are the type of people to complain about the lack of carries; they are "team" type people. You obviously don't know them or you wouldn't have posted such.

You may be right in that Collinsworth may get a lot of carries this week. But if he does, I can assure you that it won't be because Austin or Cris have been complaining. And for the record, I don't think he'll get a lot of carries. We kind of have a big game next week that Dale will want Austin to not be banged up for. If the Birds can beat Boone without needing to use Austin a lot, then Dale won't use Austin much. Then again, it's Dale so who knows. Confusedhh:

I agree with you that Dale would probably prefer to get up big by half to rest the starters. That means scoring often and scoring fast. Is the best way to accomplish that against Boone throwing deep to Buten and Drennan or giving the ball to Collinsworth? That's a hard one to call at this point.

We'll find out in a few days.
charlie22 Wrote:Neither AC nor his father are the type of people to complain about the lack of carries; they are "team" type people.

Very true.
For the record, I never mentioned the Collinsworth's complaining. Pressure can come from oneself. Whether the pressure is external or internal, only Dale can answer that one. The way you twisted my post I would have guessed you worked for MSNBC.
Congrats Blue Birds
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:For the record, I never mentioned the Collinsworth's complaining. Pressure can come from oneself. Whether the pressure is external or internal, only Dale can answer that one. The way you twisted my post I would have guessed you worked for MSNBC.

Noted. I didn't mean to twist your post. I thought it was a very reasonable implication from your post. If you didn't mean such, thanks for the clarification.

So many people foolishly pontificated before the season began that Dale was going to feed Austin the ball in order to help Austin become Mr. Football. That hasn't been Dale's MO since he came to Highlands. He's worried about winning state championships; not getting players named Mr. Football. He believes that a diverse offense, not reliant on any one player, is the key to winning state. He has spent the season so far developing other players to increase the chances of winning state. He knows that Austin can perform at a high level.

Again I know of no one that is giving Dale any heat about Austin's lack of carries, not that it would matter any way. Dale is going to do what Dale thinks is best and it's kind of hard to argue with his past thinking. You seem so sure that he is getting heat for not giving Austin more carries. Why are you so certain?

And the comment about MSNBC, man that really hurt. I'd rather be called a CovCath fan. LOL.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:For the record, I never mentioned the Collinsworth's complaining. Pressure can come from oneself. Whether the pressure is external or internal, only Dale can answer that one. The way you twisted my post I would have guessed you worked for MSNBC.

That was a twist?
Let's do a Top 10 Letterman style as to why the pressure to give Austin an abundance of carries will be overwhelming to Dale Mueller over the rest of the season:
1. He currently has a Mr. Football candidate being used sparingly.
2. I ask you, do you think Austin wants the ball?
3. The Bluebird fans want it!
4. The offense is as balanced as it's going to get.
5. The media is looking for something to back up all the preseason hype.
6. The power of "Da Man".
7. St. X is coming to town....
8. Dale loves blowing out Cov Cath.
9. He knows his defense is going to give up points.
10. 2 words: National Television
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Let's do a Top 10 Letterman style as to why the pressure to give Austin an abundance of carries will be overwhelming to Dale Mueller over the rest of the season:
1. He currently has a Mr. Football candidate being used sparingly.
2. I ask you, do you think Austin wants the ball?
3. The Bluebird fans want it!
4. The offense is as balanced as it's going to get.
5. The media is looking for something to back up all the preseason hype.
6. The power of "Da Man".
7. St. X is coming to town....
8. Dale loves blowing out Cov Cath.
9. He knows his defense is going to give up points.
10. 2 words: National Television

You are wrong on number 3. Highlands fans want another championship! Highlands fans are not concerned about Mr Football awards; Highlands has always been about TEAM football because thats what wins titles. As for AC wanting the ball more, I hope he does! What RB does not want to carry the ball every down?
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Let's do a Top 10 Letterman style as to why the pressure to give Austin an abundance of carries will be overwhelming to Dale Mueller over the rest of the season:
1. He currently has a Mr. Football candidate being used sparingly.
2. I ask you, do you think Austin wants the ball?
3. The Bluebird fans want it!
4. The offense is as balanced as it's going to get.
5. The media is looking for something to back up all the preseason hype.
6. The power of "Da Man".
7. St. X is coming to town....
8. Dale loves blowing out Cov Cath.
9. He knows his defense is going to give up points.
10. 2 words: National Television

Well done and very worthy of Letterman because some of those reasons are hilarious; actually the mere thought that Dale would be overwhelmed by any of those reasons is a flat out hoot. I mean come on: Dale is going to base his play calling on what the media is looking for? Stop. You're killing me. :biggrin:
LOL. I'm glad someone gets my humor....Go BIRDS

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