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How Bad is Ira Combs All Star Game?
ira's tri state recruiting service and his addidas all star game hit a new low yesterday at the John C. Combs Arena. If this game is about the kids getting exposure why were there only 3 college coaches in attendance? To make it worse i saw the pikeville college coaches paying to get in....that is just a joke! James Tuner put on 10x a better all star game last weekend and had more coaches there. People can say it was because of the Ky/In all star tryouts but that is not correct all those kids that went to tryouts made it back for Addidas game. Yesterday was terrible and not about the kids it was about makin some money. And hopefully in the years to come this game gets fazed out because it was really bad and a waste of alot of peoples time.
I am inclined to agree.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that, but at least the kids did get in an organized game against good competition,seemed like the kids had more fun at the one in Jackson, but I think its an honor for the kids to be picked to play in these games, makes the kids feel good about themselves JMO !!!!!
Some publicity is better than none. All-star games are not regular season games and the quality or lack of quality varies from one year to the next. Gives the seniors one last game and the younger players the opportunity to play against players of equal ability. Is money made yes...enjoy it for what it is.
I don't think they should call it an All Star game when the All Stars have to pay to play in the game. What other big time all star game makes the players pay an entry fee? This is strictly a money maker for someones bank account!
Ira Combs is a BIG joke!!
HollaBack Wrote:I don't think they should call it an All Star game when the All Stars have to pay to play in the game. What other big time all star game makes the players pay an entry fee? This is strictly a money maker for someones bank account!

Its pretty standard among the non-big time games. I know of a couple others in the state, some current and some defunct.

Games like the Derby Classic [adidas], McDonald's [Reebok], and Jordan Brand [Nike] are all about making money, name recognition for the company and getting in with kids for the future.

Closest thing to do something for the "kids" might be games like Kentucky/Indiana All-Star game, but even games like that, especially football version against Tennessee, are being shown to be more and more about money and having right sponsors.
I beleive that it is a good game, and the expansion is nice. The biggest problem with these games is that they loose talent to the Invitational Tournaments that go on the same weekend. Some kids were traveling with their summer teams, on the girls and boys side.
HollaBack Wrote:I don't think they should call it an All Star game when the All Stars have to pay to play in the game. What other big time all star game makes the players pay an entry fee? This is strictly a money maker for someones bank account!

I know, in football, the "Border Bowl" game with Tennessee is put on by the National Guard. Any player accepting the invite to play, has to pay a fee (not a small one) to help cover costs.
Knipps dunk all over Madon in th ejunior game was worth me paying to get in... and watching those North Sophomores put on a basketball clinic against the South Sophomores... Man, they really played well together..
I Rule The World Wrote:Knipps dunk all over Madon in th ejunior game was worth me paying to get in... and watching those North Sophomores put on a basketball clinic against the South Sophomores... Man, they really played well together..

Does anyone have a video of Knipp's dunk? I have heard it was a pretty good one. Who were on each of the sophomore teams?
I thought that the all star games this weekend, both boys and girls were a joy to watch. To answer your question why more coaches was not at the games was because it was on LIVE TV! Wazoo Sports carried every game live and people all across the state could see these kids play. Great job to all. Did they have that in Jackson? Not nocking there games but I think this weekend was better.
I think the games were a success. 4 games where the kids could put on a good performance and show what talent they have. These games were also put on line at WAZOOSPORTS.COM, so some coaches could of been sitting at home in their recliners watching the kids they may want to recruit. Kids can play in only a certain amount of games so the some could not attend, but the ones that did played well and put on a good show for the fans. The dunk contest could of been better, but Tyler Mullins dunk where he jumped over a kid was pretty cool and ihe won again. The Senior game was great, Stamper hit a 3 at the buzzer to force overtime and Wilson from Corbin scored as time expired in the OT to win the game for his team. Yes, I'm sure Ira Combs made some money, but why would you have these games and do all the work he does throughout the year if your not going to make a little bit on it. Hope to see this every year, is a great thing for these mountain teams. Great job to all that attended and played in these games.
Thought it was a great thing, basketball all day long, with some of the best players around the mountains. Of course whoever runs it is going to make a little money, THAT IS THEIR JOB, don't you supposed to be able to make a living? People always seem to have something bad to say about everyone that is trying to do a good thing for these kids, it's pitiful. Keep up the hardwork Big I, it was a great day of hoops in Perry County. And thanks to Wazoo Sports for covering the event.
^I would have to agree with you.
Instead of giving Ira Combs a herd time, we should be thanking him. Through efforts like his Mountain Sports Review and his Adidas all-star games, kids recieve recognition for their efforts throughout the year. With Wazoo sports coming on line and showing the games---it only gives more creedance to the event. I applaud anyone who does ANYTHING to highlight mountain kids and kids from all over Ky. Instead of giving him a hard time you should be thanking him for his efforts. No one forced you to go watch, no one forced you to buy a ticket, so sit down and enjoy someone trying to do something constructive. If only one coach showed up and a kid gets a scholarship-----then it was a very worthwhile endeavor. I have known Ira and Harold for near 40 years. I went to college with Ira and I know he is a good guy They are good people and want nothing but the best for our mountain kids. Why don't you tell us what YOU have done to publicize our athletes Norm Stewart? I'm pretty sure the answer to that would be------NOTHING

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