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Knight to sign with UK soon??
Brandon Knight, the #1 player in the nation, was named the best player in Class 3A in Florida. Also, Kentucky commitment Stacey Poole was named the #3 best player in Class 2A.
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There have been rumors swirling from Florida newspapers that Brandon Knight will sign with Kentucky very soon. There has been no confirmation but things seem to be really heating up. As everyone has said all along, when Knight decides where he is going to school, the dominoes will start falling on who Kentucky will get to replace everyone that will leave for the NBA Draft. Now with all the talk of all 4 freshman leaving, plus Patterson, it will be exciting to see who will play with Darius Miller next year. The tournament is awesome and deserves all of our attention, just don't forget about the recruiting scene. It is just as important for the future.
i actually read an article in a Kentucky sports magazine about this, the article said Knight was still considering a lot of options... but UK was probably the strongest contender... im not sure how old the magazine was though.
4 freshmen?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:4 freshmen?

maybe hes talking about Wall,Cousins,Bledsoe,and Hood since theres rumors going around he may go to Western?
The way Coach Cal recruits guards it wouldnt surprise me AT ALL if he comes to play for the greatest team in NCAA history and at the most electric gym in the nation.
Ive heard noone will commit until all of our players announce that their leaving. Which would make sense!

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