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Conflicting issues with Football / Basketball
I was jsut curious how many programs out there have a football & basketball coach who work together trying to make their school athletic program the best it can be.

Some schools Football / basketball programs compete for the kids the Basketball coach wants his kids playing basketball 24/7/365 they have open Gym and punish kids who choose to practice football instead of show up for "Open Gym" Further more the football coaches try and convince the athletes to not play AAU and do the passing league thing. I'm not placing blame or support to either program I just wonder how the successful schools in both sports manage to keep these issues under control.

I think the best possible situation is the administration demand the football / basketball coach work together to decide which sport the kid has the best shot at a schlorship and then allow that sport to be the priority taking presidence whenever their is conflict.

Talk to me..whats the best way to handle this situation.
Not sure what you mean by punish? I expect every coach to vie for players on his team. I don't have a problem with a coach trying to pursuade players. If you ant to have a program be the BEST that is can be, then you want the best players practicing. Not sure what you expect about scholarships.
Most coaches get along and the player usually chooses the sport he loves best as far as practice. In some cases there is conflict but not as much as one would think.
I do believe that most coaches work together and most schools try to balance having a good football and basketball program. If a child is getting punished for missing " open gym" then that is a severe violation of KHSAA rules as the coaches are not suppose to be doing any coaching or instruction during open gym. I feel like some schools are one sport oriented though when they could do better in other sports. I do not believe Bell County gives a hoot about anything other than football and Knott County doesn't give a hoot about anything other than boys basketball. Some schools have developed multiple sports that are competitive such as Corbin, Clay County, Hazard, Letcher Central, Perry Central and Johnson Central and I am sure I missed some other programs that are doing well.
Whoever is punishing kids for missing open gym should be reported immediately. That is why it is called "open gym".
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OrangenowBlue Wrote:I do believe that most coaches work together and most schools try to balance having a good football and basketball program. If a child is getting punished for missing " open gym" then that is a severe violation of KHSAA rules as the coaches are not suppose to be doing any coaching or instruction during open gym. I feel like some schools are one sport oriented though when they could do better in other sports. I do not believe Bell County gives a hoot about anything other than football and Knott County doesn't give a hoot about anything other than boys basketball. Some schools have developed multiple sports that are competitive such as Corbin, Clay County, Hazard, Letcher Central, Perry Central and Johnson Central and I am sure I missed some other programs that are doing well.

Lawrence County is most definitely on the list of multiple sport schools. With a turnaround this year in football, two consecutive trips to State in Baseball (one to the finals) and a loss to a fantastic Shelby Valley team in the Regional Basketball Championship.

TTT, I think in most cases, although there is influence from coaches and even parents, the players independently decide what they want to work at the most. I can't see any half-decent coach punishing a player who practices another sport.
It all depends on what you are calling "punishing" a kid. Not allowing a kid to play simply because he plays another sport is wrong, plain and simple. But what I am seeing more often these days is kids that play basketball year around in a top notch well coached program will develop skills that surpass the skills of kids that divide their time between multiple sports. Many times when this happens the multi-sport kid will say that "coach doesn't let me play because I play football" when in fact the kid is setting because the single sport kids' skills have surpassed his.

I had the priviledge of attending a small school (about 400). I played 4 different sports. In today's world, and with my skill level, I would have to limit my athletics to only football and track.
I've heard of some players who use football as an excuse not to get in the gym a couple of weeks in the summer. You should be able to do both.
You have to get in two or three weeks of basketball in June if you expect to compete.
LCbulldogs Wrote:Lawrence County is most definitely on the list of multiple sport schools. With a turnaround this year in football, two consecutive trips to State in Baseball (one to the finals) and a loss to a fantastic Shelby Valley team in the Regional Basketball Championship.

TTT, I think in most cases, although there is influence from coaches and even parents, the players independently decide what they want to work at the most. I can't see any half-decent coach punishing a player who practices another sport.

I agree, Lawrence County has done well. It is hard to name every school that has done well in multiple sports. I also included girls sports because they get swept under the rug at most schools in the mountains.
Beginning next summer the KHSAA is not allowing football practice in June or any basketball in July. This should help the issue of a kid having to choose one sport over another.:Clap:
High Sheriff Wrote:Beginning next summer the KHSAA is not allowing football practice in June or any basketball in July. This should help the issue of a kid having to choose one sport over another.:Clap:

I don't know of any school who has anything basketball in July.
Oldtiger Wrote:I was jsut curious how many programs out there have a football & basketball coach who work together trying to make their school athletic program the best it can be.

Some schools Football / basketball programs compete for the kids the Basketball coach wants his kids playing basketball 24/7/365 they have open Gym and punish kids who choose to practice football instead of show up for "Open Gym" Further more the football coaches try and convince the athletes to not play AAU and do the passing league thing. I'm not placing blame or support to either program I just wonder how the successful schools in both sports manage to keep these issues under control.

I think the best possible situation is the administration demand the football / basketball coach work together to decide which sport the kid has the best shot at a schlorship and then allow that sport to be the priority taking presidence whenever their is conflict.

Talk to me..whats the best way to handle this situation.

idk what the best way to handle the situation but i do know that some coaches treat the players wrong about this subject. I remember when coach Matney was coaching football as SC, he used to punish the players if he caught them in the gym at anytime during football season if it was just open gym on sunday and they came in to talk and shoot for a min they got in trouble in punished..
NEXT Wrote:I don't know of any school who has anything basketball in July.

This is not going to matter.
During June football coaches will open the field and weight room up for the players and have somebody that is not a coach but maybe a dad or somebody close to the program come in and see which players are working out and doing what. They coach can even give that person things the players are supposed to work on. and its not mandatory but the players know if they dont come then its going to hurt there chances for playing time or even maybe getting in trouble when football season does start up.
Same thing during basketball season somebody will come in and have open gym for the players thats not one of the coaches but a friend or a parent that is close to the program and they will have specfic instructions from the coach what to do and that person will report whos working hard and whos coming and everything that goes on.
KHSAA cant do nothing about players coming into a gym or field or a weight room that is left open by somebody that is not a coach. Because they will never be able to prove that the coach is giving somebody specfic directions what to do when his not even there. It goes on all the time during dead period and its going on right now. For Example Sheldon Clark Basketball team is haveing organized practice for basketball already but They have one of there 10 coaches that are offically not on the coaching staff and his name is larry :moon: james come in and practice these players. For instance one player didnt show up one day and he had to run for it. The sad thing is though they could practice all year around 2 times a day and still not win 10 games so its really not hurting anybody. Therefore this rule is a joke it might as well not even be there.
they way i see it if you play football and basketball and its football season you go to that practice first. you have a responsability to your teammates and missing practice during football season to play basketball shouldnt happen. neither sould missing basketball practice to play baseball or anything like that. whatever season it is thats what sport you focus on till the season is over.
NEXT Wrote:I don't know of any school who has anything basketball in July.

AAU goes year around and you can bet coaches do punish kids who don't participate in their AAU programs. KHSAA ought to ban kids from participating in AAU once they are playing on a high school team.

But what do I know.

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