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Please help me!!!
I can't get Obama off of my TV!!!


:insane::goofy::dangcompu:coach::nope::HitWall: :ChairHit::help::fedup::wtf1:
LMAO..... Turn it off then!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Funny! LOL.


Morehead State Eagle!
phs1986 Wrote:LMAO..... Turn it off then!!!

No!!! I want my regular programming back!!!
HAHAHA..... Call Direct TV and file a complaint!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
jetpilot Wrote:I can't get Obama off of my TV!!!


:insane::goofy::dangcompu:coach::nope::HitWall: :ChairHit::help::fedup::wtf1:

For God's sake JP don't watch ABC News! According to this report on June 24 ABC news will turn over its programming to Obama and White House Officals to push government run health care
Old School Wrote:For God's sake JP don't watch ABC News! According to this report on June 24 ABC news will turn over its programming to Obama and White House Officials to push government run health care

So now were gonna have gov, run television?
It keeps getting worse! I wanted to watch a show on CNBC at 5 yesterday, at about 10 'til they were showing a stupid video of Obama swatting a fly. So then the show starts at 5 (10 minutes later) and they open with the same stupid video. Then this morning I turn on the TV and within 5 minutes it's the stupid fly video again. Then I get on my computer and the first thing I see is this:

I swear I did not go looking for any of this ignorant stuff. Half of the sheeple (the loud half) are drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid...
Talking about the fly on CNBC right now. :dangcompu
jetpilot Wrote:Talking about the fly on CNBC right now. :dangcompu

Where's PETA when you need them!! I'm sure that fly felt pain when it met it demise.
Old School Wrote:For God's sake JP don't watch ABC News! According to this report on June 24 ABC news will turn over its programming to Obama and White House Officals to push government run health care

Obama is really alienating people and this just ensures that his approval # goes to about 50% real fast...The more he does, the better the Republicans look in 2010!:thanks:
Old School Wrote:Where's PETA when you need them!! I'm sure that fly felt pain when it met it demise.

HAHAHAHA PETA didn't like it!!!!!
jetpilot Wrote:HAHAHAHA PETA didn't like it!!!!!

Old School Wrote:Where's PETA when you need them!! I'm sure that fly felt pain when it met it demise.

:thatsfunn ........................................................:lmao:
Yeah, but the 3 non-athiests in PETA said that they would forgive him, and so would allah Big Grin
jetpilot Wrote:HAHAHAHA PETA didn't like it!!!!!
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Yeah, but the 3 non-athiests in PETA said that they would forgive him, and so would allah Big Grin

:lmao: now thats funny i dont care who you are!!!!:thatsfunn

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