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Where were you on 9/11 (2001)
I was at the turn after finishing the first 9 holes at Legendary Run golf course, when we went into the snack shop and came in to see the first tower on 9/11. Watching with not too much more than amazment of how a plane could fly into a building, when bam, the second plane hit. Obviously Golf was no longer important. We watched in amazement as the story developed.

I was in sheer amazement and disbelief. I had just stayed in the Twin Towers Marriott three months prior visiting our office across the street in the World Financial Center, which was also badly damaged as a result of the attack. We had actually had some offices in the Twin Towers, but fortunately those offices had been closed just prior to the attacks.

We actually attempted to go back out on the golf course, but after teeing off on the 11th green, we had to end our day.

Though I did not lose a friend, nor no of anyone who lost their life on that tragic day, I still felt a connection. I had stayed in that Marriott on three other occasions, and in all my visits, I had never taken the trip to the top of the building. I remember walking through the shops on the last evening that I had ever stayed there, standing outside of the bank of elevators that starts the process to get you to the top (it was after hours, so I could not get access to the rooftop), promising myself that I would make the time the NEXT TIME, and go to the top to see the site.

I have been back sense, and there is a reverance and an aura that can only be experienced and not described.

Five weeks after 9/11, I traveled to DC (where I go at least a a half dozen times per year). I frequently stay in the Residence Inn on Army-Navy Boulevard - which looks directly into the Pentagon. However, on this next visit, I saw the huge gaping hole, surrounded by Cranes and tremendously large black tarping. As stated, I go to DC quite frequently, and was just there 2/23-24. It never fails that as soon as I get off the elevator, I make my way to the pciture window that looks out to the Pentagon, and though all is back to pre 9/11. I still visualize that hole - which ultimately takes me back to that day on the golf course.

God Bless.
I just happened to be at home that morning. The Maytag man had jus gotten there to repair my washer.
That's probably the one thing that I will always remember, no doubt, where I was and what I was doing.
I was at the Cleveland Hospital getting ready to see my dad who had just had open heart surgery. I will always remember that day.. we were in the Motel getting ready to leave for the hospital and wasnt sure they would even let us in since they shut down all government buildings.
I was in my 10th grade history class, taught by one of our assistant coaches (football). After the first plane flew into the tower, someone called our teacher and said that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. Shortly thereafter, the art teacher came in and told us the same thing. At this point we all just assumed something small like a Cessna had made a wrong turn or got caught up in fog or something.

And then the political science teacher from down the hall came in and told us we needed to turn on the TV immediately. We turned it on and saw the replay of the first plane flying into the WTC. Shortly thereafter, we saw the second plane fly into the other tower. We sat in shock and weren't really sure what to say. I don't think anyone even really spoke for the rest of the class.

The whole rest of the day was spent watching the TV. We even chose to eat lunch quicker than usual so we could go up to the library and watch the coverage.

I, too, visited D.C. after 9/11 and seeing the hole in the Pentagon was eerie. I also got to visit NYC and saw Ground Zero while they were still moving out the debris. It's hard to grasp just how big place Ground Zero is/was. It was almost like visiting a graveyard or funeral home when we were there. Hardly anyone spoke, and when they did it was only in whispers.

It was a crazy time, when everything suddenly changed from "normal life" to actually being fearful of what would happen from day-to-day.
I was only in 5th grade when it happened that day, but I will never forget that day. We were all in the classroom and the teacher explained to us that something very bad had happened (we were only in 5th grade, haha). Then they turned on the television and I still remember the first time I seen it. I was terrified. Most of the kids were crying, and all the teachers had to calm them down. People wanted to go home, ect. There was a mile and a half of traffic trying to get gas, and if I'm not mistaking, I believe they let out school that day as well.

That is indeed a sorrowful day that I will never forget.


Morehead State Eagle!
8th grade English class, we had a substitute teacher that day. An annoucement came over the intercom telling the whole school that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. We turned the TV on and watched the second plane hit. At thirteen years old I don't think any of us even expected anything other than an accident at first. We didn't know about terrorism and that people would deliberately do this to us. I got mad at a classmate for getting excited about us going to war, how little we knew. He didn't grow up to enlist, by the way.
My cousin's brother in law works for the Pentagon (as my cousin had years before) and he was walking out the door, late for work that morning, when the plane hit and his wife called him back into the house.
I was in the shower in my dorm at Alice Lloyd getting ready for public speaking. I heard about the attacks for the first time when I got to that class.
I was in my 4th grade classroom during math class. The teacher told us we would not being going outside that day for recess because something had happened a few hundred miles away from us. Thats one of the few events i will remember forever.
I was in my college dorm getting ready for Anatomy class that morning. All classes were cancelled that day and me and my roommates watched the news footage all morning long.
I was in the 1st grade, and another teacher came in and told Mrs. Harris (my teacher) to check her e-mail. She pulled a big curtain thing around her computer so we couldn't see what she was looking at but being a nosy kid, I looked around it and seen pictures of the first tower falling. I spent the rest of the day thinking if it was the end of the world, and crying. Last year my social studies teacher told us that, one kid in his class asked while they were watching the video coverage of 9/11, if it was the end of the world, you know that had to be hard to answer, because we really didn't know what was going to happen next. We were a nation in fear, which is exactly what the Al-Qaeda wanted, and now this recession we are in, is partly coming from it.
7th grade Social Studies. There were so many phone calls to the school. I remember sitting there and praying with one of my friends. I cried because I thought for sure I would never see my parents again. I did happen to lose a relative, an ex-great aunt (or something like that). I had only met her twice, but I can't even bear to think what those people went through or what was going on in their minds. It was a tragic day that no one will ever forget
I actually had my class inside of the travelling (Historic Kentucky) 18 wheeler display that goes to schools that kids walk inside and visit! Just remember the gas lines, the emptiness, and I remember seeing GW's plane in the air since there was a no fly zone at the time and me seeing a plane..So it had to be Air Force 1..
I was in my bed skipping class at Morehead State. My roomate called me and told me to turn on the TV. A week later i dropped out of my junior year and quit playing football and joined the army.
Matman Wrote:I was in my bed skipping class at Morehead State. My roomate called me and told me to turn on the TV. A week later i dropped out of my junior year and quit playing football and joined the army.

Thank you for your service to our country.
I was on my way to a 10 o'clock class, getting ready to race a corvette. I was in my mustang and I had Jon boy and billy on the radio.. they stopped making joking and got serious and said the tower had just been hit by a plane. So i stomped the throttle and got to school from wal mart in just enough time to see the second plane crash. It was the most surreal thing id ever seen.. and it freaked me out.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
I was in my office and watched all the coverage with my deputy chief. I had a 2 coworkers in training in a building very close to the pentagon.
I was in third grade. at that time i had no idea what Terrorism i had it mixed up with sad day indeed....

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