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Chimp Attack Victim Sues For 50 Million Dollars
I hope she gets every penny.
You think anyone who has a chimp for a pet would have $50MM laying around?
I think the lawsuit is warranted, but $50 million seems like a bit much.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I think the lawsuit is warranted, but $50 million seems like a bit much.

I agree. $50 million is a little bit to much.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I think the lawsuit is warranted, but $50 million seems like a bit much.

What would your face, hands, lips, and a fully functional brain be worth to you? That is if you are able to live long enough to need any of them.
jetpilot Wrote:You think anyone who has a chimp for a pet would have $50MM laying around?

Another one of those idiots that come mind by the name of Michael Jackson did.

BTW, dont you have a Pikeville football thread to be attending to somewhere?:biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:What would your face, hands, lips, and a fully functional brain be worth to you? That is if you are able to live long enough to need any of them.

Can the person the suit is filed against even pay $50 million? Where exactly are they going to come up with that money?

Again, I'm not saying she shouldn't get something, but $50 million?

$5-10 million seems more realistic to me.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I hope she gets every penny.

I know this girl got really screwed up. But 50 million dollars? WOW!:ChairHit:
ComfortEagle Wrote:Can the person the suit is filed against even pay $50 million? Where exactly are they going to come up with that money?

Again, I'm not saying she shouldn't get something, but $50 million?

$5-10 million seems more realistic to me.

Do you have any knowledge that this lady does not have those type of assets?

Is 5-10 million what you would value for yourself , if your in her shoes? How can you define what is realistic? Hope you or one of your kids are never in the postion to have to make one of those determinations. Whatever a jury awards this lady, I hope it is every penny that can possibly be obtained.

Listen, I have given my thoughts and opinions on these viscious breeds of dogs in the past too, and you and many other posters are not in agreement with me on those either. I just cannot figure out why people are in such denial about how animals have the tendency to go off the deep end without warning and do the damage they do, until it's too late. This lady was warned by primate experts not to have this chimp live like a human being in her house, but again the owner was in complete denial about what kind of potential her chimp in inflicting human harm. "You just dont know my .....(whatever the chimps name was). This lady's attitude was no different than how the owners of these killer breeds of dogs view their pets. "Little spot could never do what you are saying, he's just so loving and kind." How many times do you hear this stuff? Then there's always the classic " It's the bad owners that are the problem". Then you get the rhetoric such as how statistics show that Chihahaus, poodles, cockerspaniels, etc. are actually a more viscious breed than the Pit Bulls, the Rotweilers, etc, etc, etc .

Sad truth is there is more apathy towards human victims when these incidents occur and more sympathy towards the animals. People are just plain stupid when it comes to their animals.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Do you have any knowledge that this lady does not have those type of assets?

Is 5-10 million what you would value for yourself , if your in her shoes? How can you define what is realistic? Hope you or one of your kids are never in the postion to have to make one of those determinations. Whatever a jury awards this lady, I hope it is every penny that can possibly be obtained.

Listen, I have given my thoughts and opinions on these viscious breeds of dogs in the past too, and you and many other posters are not in agreement with me on those either. I just cannot figure out why people are in such denial about how animals have the tendency to go off the deep end without warning and do the damage they do, until it's too late. This lady was warned by primate experts not to have this chimp live like a human being in her house, but again the owner was in complete denial about what kind of potential her chimp in inflicting human harm. "You just dont know my .....(whatever the chimps name was). This lady's attitude was no different than how the owners of these killer breeds of dogs view their pets. "Little spot could never do what you are saying, he's just so loving and kind." How many times do you hear this stuff? Then there's always the classic " It's the bad owners that are the problem". Then you get the rhetoric such as how statistics show that Chihahaus, poodles, cockerspaniels, etc. are actually a more viscious breed than the Pit Bulls, the Rotweilers, etc, etc, etc .

Sad truth is there is more apathy towards human victims when these incidents occur and more sympathy towards the animals. People are just plain stupid when it comes to their animals.

I never said that she doesn't deserve SOMETHING. Plain, and simple, it's impossible to put a monetary value on oneself. If her family wanted to, they could sue for 100 billion, but what's the likelihood that they would get that much money?

I think there's a bit of contradiction in your statement though. You say that myself along with others on this board are in denial that animals can go off the deep end without warning. If you've followed this incident, there have been several times when this chimp has caused problems. The fact that the owner was giving it Xanax also shows that the owner knew this chimp could have more problems. She knew the chimp had problems and could potentially have more. Upon knowing that, it's really not going off the deep end without warning. The warning were in all of the previous incidents and obviously the mood that the chimp was in earlier in the day for the owner to give it Xanax.

I stick by my opinion that improper training causes more problems in dog attacks, than genetics. It is a fact that pit bulls are not the most likely breed to bite or attack, however, if they do bite, they are more likely to cause a worse bite than say a miniature poodle.

Now, was the chimp owner in the wrong for trying to keep a wild animal locked in her house for it's whole life? Yes. Was the chimp owner in the wrong for giving it precription drugs without a doctors consent? Yes. Should she have known that, given this chimp's history, that it could potentially get out of control? Yes.

Dogs and chimps, or any wild animals, are different topics, so let's try not to let this stray that direction, but since it was brought up, I will reiterate what I believe.

Any dog with proper training and good owner handling can be a good dog. I do not believe any dogs are more pre-disposed to attack or bite, but they can be trained to be that way. I do not believe pit bulls naturally harbor any more aggression than any other dog, however, if they do bite, can obviously cause more harm than most other dogs. It is this knowledge and responsibility that needs to be held by potential owners of pit bulls, and I think there are a lot of pit bull owners who do not know/care what bad training can lead to, but rather, all they care is about is the "coolness" of owning a pit bull. I do not blame the owners of pit bulls for how bad their dog's bite is, I blame them for allowing the dog to get into that situation and/or not properly training them against it.

To wrap all of this back up, the chimp owner knew this chimp had problems and could potentially have more, hence the Xanax. And I agree that the victim should be awarded a large sum of money, but what is reasonable and what is not? And is it even possible to place a set value on that?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Another one of those idiots that come mind by the name of Michael Jackson did.

BTW, dont you have a Pikeville football thread to be attending to somewhere?:biggrin:

:biggrin: Pikeville football has done went and fixed itself with none of my brainpower needed. You will see me a lot in the future in the "Pikeville thrashes __________" threads.:popcorn:
jetpilot Wrote::biggrin: Pikeville football has done went and fixed itself with none of my brainpower needed. You will see me a lot in the future in the "Pikeville thrashes __________" threads.:popcorn:

Ah come on now, your being way too humble here. Quite "frank"ly I beleive that no coup is sucessful without it's posse organizer.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I never said that she doesn't deserve SOMETHING. Plain, and simple, it's impossible to put a monetary value on oneself. If her family wanted to, they could sue for 100 billion, but what's the likelihood that they would get that much money?

I think there's a bit of contradiction in your statement though. You say that myself along with others on this board are in denial that animals can go off the deep end without warning. If you've followed this incident, there have been several times when this chimp has caused problems. The fact that the owner was giving it Xanax also shows that the owner knew this chimp could have more problems. She knew the chimp had problems and could potentially have more. Upon knowing that, it's really not going off the deep end without warning. The warning were in all of the previous incidents and obviously the mood that the chimp was in earlier in the day for the owner to give it Xanax.

I stick by my opinion that improper training causes more problems in dog attacks, than genetics. It is a fact that pit bulls are not the most likely breed to bite or attack, however, if they do bite, they are more likely to cause a worse bite than say a miniature poodle.

Now, was the chimp owner in the wrong for trying to keep a wild animal locked in her house for it's whole life? Yes. Was the chimp owner in the wrong for giving it precription drugs without a doctors consent? Yes. Should she have known that, given this chimp's history, that it could potentially get out of control? Yes.

Dogs and chimps, or any wild animals, are different topics, so let's try not to let this stray that direction, but since it was brought up, I will reiterate what I believe.

Any dog with proper training and good owner handling can be a good dog. I do not believe any dogs are more pre-disposed to attack or bite, but they can be trained to be that way. I do not believe pit bulls naturally harbor any more aggression than any other dog, however, if they do bite, can obviously cause more harm than most other dogs. It is this knowledge and responsibility that needs to be held by potential owners of pit bulls, and I think there are a lot of pit bull owners who do not know/care what bad training can lead to, but rather, all they care is about is the "coolness" of owning a pit bull. I do not blame the owners of pit bulls for how bad their dog's bite is, I blame them for allowing the dog to get into that situation and/or not properly training them against it.

To wrap all of this back up, the chimp owner knew this chimp had problems and could potentially have more, hence the Xanax. And I agree that the victim should be awarded a large sum of money, but what is reasonable and what is not? And is it even possible to place a set value on that?
Do you have direct evidence that Xanax was responsible for the incident? All that is is one person's theory on trying to understand why this could have happened. There has never been any proof offerered to determine that as any direct evidence.

All the more reason to be responsible enough to realize that a potentially deadly animal has no place being placed in a subjective manner to a social like being smart enough to realize that it' probably a better idea to own a garter snake than a rattlesnake, huh? Your pet garter snake bite's your friend, he'll laugh about it, your pet rattlesnake bite's him , he can die. It's no different. You can say I'm being exteme and silly, but honestly it's not.

Remember the tiger that mauled Roy of Sigfried and Roy. It was raised from birth by those guys. One day, all of a sudden it just snapped.

I'll close in saying this. I despise lawyers. They have destroyed the ability of America to do business through trival and frivilous lawsuits that have bogged the American justice system down. Their ambulance chasing ways have left it almost impossible for most small American businesses to be able to exist, BUT in a case where it is nothing but just plain pure negligence and total indifference to human safety on the part of an animal owner then they have IMO everything coming to them by being subjected to extreme financial responsiblies to the afflicted, as well as paying the price of possible incarceration. I have no sympathy to anyone who doesn't care about my safety, my family's safety, or their communities safety all for the sake of owning some animal.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Ah come on now, your being way too humble here. Quite "frank"ly I beleive that no coup is sucessful without it's posse organizer.

lol, those guys did it all, and did a great job. Looks like Mr. K knows what goes on down South on 23...
jetpilot Wrote:lol, those guys did it all, and did a great job. Looks like Mr. K knows what goes on down South on 23...
Yeah.........well, I try to keep up with some of you guys down there the best I can.:biggrin:

Seriously, looks like the plan is coming together for you all.:Clap:
I agree 50 mil is too much especially since you know that lady will never see that money.
I would say you could get as much with 30M as you could with 50M... I could at least... I agree with Kimble, there isn' a price you could ever put on your face or your hands.

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