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Should WYMT Staff Say What They Really Think?
boogieman Wrote:If he is so great, then start a thread about him. This thread is about Brian Milam stating his opinion.

I wasn't the one who brought it up, why did you quote me telling me to start it up, I was replying.
allseasonfan Wrote:Says who???

say the dummies that don't know nothing or who are from that area.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I wasn't the one who brought it up, why did you quote me telling me to start it up, I was replying.

just saying if you all think he's that special, start a thread. I don't know who stated he was the best, in the first post, just sayin is all.
boogieman Wrote:say the dummies that don't know nothing or who are from that area.

And who are these dummies, I've been all around and seen MANY of the top players play, I've seen Whittaker, Cox, Hickman, Scott County, I think I'm entitled to make a statement to how good Elisha is, I haven't lived in East KY all my life, I've seen a lot better basketball than KY has to offer.
boogieman Wrote:just saying if you all think he's that special, start a thread. I don't know who stated he was the best, in the first post, just sayin is all.

boogieman Wrote:What zulu is sayin tho is that Brian Milam is in the public eye. He shouldn't be able to get on tv and say he thinks so and so is the best. Its not that he can't have an opinion, but he should get a fake name and post his op on here not tv. He is in a position to spot light these young athelets and he should not be biased. Its not fair to the other kids. So I have to agree with zulu, Brian Milam should keep his opinions to himself when he is telling the news. You don't here other news ppl telling the news about a serial killer and saying in their opinion they are guily or innocent. Same rule applies here.
This isn't the USSR, he should be able to say what he thinks. Evidently wymt trusts his opinions or they wouldn't have him doing the job.
boogieman Wrote:say the dummies that don't know nothing or who are from that area.

you would be suprised.......
PhiSlamaJama#12 Wrote:Yeah, Lay-ups and free throws all count for points last time I checked. He hit three 3's, and one really big one in the 4th quarter. And scoring isnt the only thing that makes a good ball player, and Elishas defense and speed would shut down Cox. Just my opinion.
I saw how your crowd acted when KCC beat them You are full of it. Elisha is s great player but hr is not better than Cox.
allseasonfan Wrote:you would be suprised.......

Yeah, our area is a bunch of toothless, Mt. Dew drinking idiots anyways, don't know nothin about basketball.
timeout Wrote:I saw how your crowd acted when KCC beat them You are full of it. Elisha is s great player but hr is not better than Cox.

I CLEARLY remember last year when Cox chose KCC that people were saying how "stacked" KCC would be, and now people are saying on here that Justice has better players around him so that makes Cox better, that's garbage.
alleycat53 Wrote:This isn't the USSR, he should be able to say what he thinks. Evidently wymt trusts his opinions or they wouldn't have him doing the job.

No one said it was, maybe they should just do a reality show about this boy, since everyone thinks he hung the moon. Brian Milam should not be able to get on a local TV station and say that in his opinion E. Justice is the best guard in the mountains. He is being biased and it is not fair to the other atheletes in this area. He could say rather that in his opinion E. Justice is one of the best guard in the mountains. That way he is not saying any one person is the best, but that their are multiple guards that are also in that catagory. Key words make a difference in what someone is saying and it would also keep him from catchin flack about what he said.
allseasonfan Wrote:Says who???

Says Elisha Justice..lol
Idk how ppl say Cox is better than Justice..the last time i checked he is'nt getting invites to Florida and Arkansas Camps..Cox is a great player and without a doubt the best in the region..but he is'nt as good as justice
So, Milam should have said "Elisha Justice is one of the best guards in the mountains, but what I really mean is he's the best guard in the mountains."
I think Milam should call Zulu out to duel in Death Valley :rockon: That's what the Sniper would do! :flame:

Stardust Wrote:I have no problems when during a telecast a comentator ijects their opinions. Whether it is about a player team or coach. As long as it is objective and informative.

I am no fan of "Dukie" V, and all of his rants, but when he offers his opinion, he backs it up with good sound reasoning. If there was no colormen, the ones who explain the game and offer opinion, sports broadcasting would be very boring. Plus, opinion is supposed to do exactly this: Offer up conversation and debate.

Though I have not heard the gentleman, I can appreciate his job, because he has did it. He has gotten the public talking. Is he right or wrong, it's never right or wrong when it's opinion.

I agree 100%.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Guyn, Sanford, and John Hood are definitely better, but Elisha is VERY good, and will be one of the top 3 guards in the state next year.
I watched Hood play South Laurel and he isn't the player EJ is, I know this thread isn't a peeing contest about the best guard, it's about WYMT's staff. BM has watched all of them play.
alleycat53 Wrote:I watched Hood play North Laurel and he isn't the player EJ is, I know this thread isn't a peeing contest about the best guard, it's about WYMT's staff. BM has watched all of them play.

Exactly, Milam can say what he wants, he's been on tv for a while now, and obviously knows what he's doing or he wouldn't have that job, he's seen most of the best players in the state, if he makes a statement, it's not biased, I don't think he has any direct ties to Valley like graduating from there.
Everyone its called the freedom of press and media so if you want to complain about the constatution then maybe you should write congress and see if they will over turn that for you. It should read as follows "Fellow Congress men I am highly upset that Brian Milam regards to Elijah Justice as the best point guard in the mountains, please over turn our constiution of freedom of press so little Tate Cox can feel better about him self." I mean really you all have got to be kidding me. Stop pouting about pety things and just let the kids play. Envy is the route of evil. Also everytime i have watched Milam he has gave credit where credit is due to other players (other than Justice). By the way I have no ties to the Shelby Valley program, I simply think your opinons on this is pathetic.
***WOW*** :ilikeit: :ilikeit: Tell me what you really think! I am watching the UK-Tennessee game right now and listening very carefully and I have heard several "factual opinions" throughout the broadcast. Simply put when you see the best you know it immediately. Tate Cox, Josh Whitaker, Elisha Justice and James David Strange are clearly the best the point guards in the mountains. Antwan Brown (MBoro) is very good also. Anyway, it's not a knock on anyone when somebody else is the best.

I love Tate Cox. He is a joy to watch and I always leave a game of his thinking, "He makes it look so easy!". I have watched Josh Whitaker since he was 10 and marvel at what he can do. I get more and more impressed with James David Strange every time I see him.

I get paid to do a job I love and I will always point out the positive and negative (mostly positive) of what is happening. I could understand the original statement on this thread if I had said, "Justice is not as good as everybody says. Neither is Cox, Whitaker. They're all overrated." I would totally understand about keeping my opinion to myself. Saying someone is better is not a bash on anyone, it's just how it is!

There are three things I have been blessed with: Objectivity, memorization and a deep passion for athletics ALL thanks to my father. It is easy to be objective when you don't care who wins or who loses. If you think J-Whit is better than Cox or Justice then that's great. That's your opinion and you will never hear me tell you to keep your mouth shut. As long as you can give me detailed reasons why you think something then I will listen all day.

I am glad there are those who think I need to keep my opinions to myself. But, as long as I build up and not tear down the kids, coaches, teams and people of this area... you will get exactly what I think. I certainly hope people put their trust and faith in me when it comes to my job. If they didn't, I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks for the time, but let's keep this thread off me and on the kids.:please: :thanks:
Brian Milam Wrote:***WOW*** :ilikeit: :ilikeit: Tell me what you really think! I am watching the UK-Tennessee game right now and listening very carefully and I have heard several "factual opinions" throughout the broadcast. Simply put when you see the best you know it immediately. Tate Cox, Josh Whitaker, Elisha Justice and James David Strange are clearly the best the point guards in the mountains. Antwan Brown (MBoro) is very good also. Anyway, it's not a knock on anyone when somebody else is the best.

I love Tate Cox. He is a joy to watch and I always leave a game of his thinking, "He makes it look so easy!". I have watched Josh Whitaker since he was 10 and marvel at what he can do. I get more and more impressed with James David Strange every time I see him.

I get paid to do a job I love and I will always point out the positive and negative (mostly positive) of what is happening. I could understand the original statement on this thread if I had said, "Justice is not as good as everybody says. Neither is Cox, Whitaker. They're all overrated." I would totally understand about keeping my opinion to myself. Saying someone is better is not a bash on anyone, it's just how it is!

There are three things I have been blessed with: Objectivity, memorization and a deep passion for athletics ALL thanks to my father. It is easy to be objective when you don't care who wins or who loses. If you think J-Whit is better than Cox or Justice then that's great. That's your opinion and you will never hear me tell you to keep your mouth shut. As long as you can give me detailed reasons why you think something then I will listen all day.

I am glad there are those who think I need to keep my opinions to myself. But, as long as I build up and not tear down the kids, coaches, teams and people of this area... you will get exactly what I think. I certainly hope people put their trust and faith in me when it comes to my job. If they didn't, I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks for the time, but let's keep this thread off me and on the kids.:please: :thanks:

Thanks, Milam for the good and honest post. And I for one appreciate what you have brought to East KY Sports and the young men and women of this area.
As a fan of Sports Overtime and a fan all of eastern Ky. sports it has become obvious that from telecats Milam and the rest of the sports crew favors Johnson Central in football and Shelby Valley in basketball. Personally Justice is really nice player but as far as guards I would prefer to have Chad Jackson at Scott County but as the old saying goes " opionions are like buttholes. everybody has one and Milam should just report the scores and not just say this player or that player is the best in the mountains or in the state.:flame:
Brian Milam Wrote:***WOW*** :ilikeit: :ilikeit: Tell me what you really think! I am watching the UK-Tennessee game right now and listening very carefully and I have heard several "factual opinions" throughout the broadcast. Simply put when you see the best you know it immediately. Tate Cox, Josh Whitaker, Elisha Justice and James David Strange are clearly the best the point guards in the mountains. Antwan Brown (MBoro) is very good also. Anyway, it's not a knock on anyone when somebody else is the best.

I love Tate Cox. He is a joy to watch and I always leave a game of his thinking, "He makes it look so easy!". I have watched Josh Whitaker since he was 10 and marvel at what he can do. I get more and more impressed with James David Strange every time I see him.

I get paid to do a job I love and I will always point out the positive and negative (mostly positive) of what is happening. I could understand the original statement on this thread if I had said, "Justice is not as good as everybody says. Neither is Cox, Whitaker. They're all overrated." I would totally understand about keeping my opinion to myself. Saying someone is better is not a bash on anyone, it's just how it is!

There are three things I have been blessed with: Objectivity, memorization and a deep passion for athletics ALL thanks to my father. It is easy to be objective when you don't care who wins or who loses. If you think J-Whit is better than Cox or Justice then that's great. That's your opinion and you will never hear me tell you to keep your mouth shut. As long as you can give me detailed reasons why you think something then I will listen all day.

I am glad there are those who think I need to keep my opinions to myself. But, as long as I build up and not tear down the kids, coaches, teams and people of this area... you will get exactly what I think. I certainly hope people put their trust and faith in me when it comes to my job. If they didn't, I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks for the time, but let's keep this thread off me and on the kids.:please: :thanks:

Well said man, keep representing these East KY boys and don't let the haters get to you.
I think the majority of people from E KY greatly appreciate all Milam has done for these kids and others, I know I am.

As for opinions, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The thing is if you want people to agree with you or listen to what you have to say, you need to have the facts to support your opinion.

As for me... I pick JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!! From what I have witnessed, he is the better defender and pg. HE keeps Valley going when everything seems to be falling apart.
Brian Milam Wrote:***WOW*** :ilikeit: :ilikeit: Tell me what you really think! I am watching the UK-Tennessee game right now and listening very carefully and I have heard several "factual opinions" throughout the broadcast. Simply put when you see the best you know it immediately. Tate Cox, Josh Whitaker, Elisha Justice and James David Strange are clearly the best the point guards in the mountains. Antwan Brown (MBoro) is very good also. Anyway, it's not a knock on anyone when somebody else is the best.

I love Tate Cox. He is a joy to watch and I always leave a game of his thinking, "He makes it look so easy!". I have watched Josh Whitaker since he was 10 and marvel at what he can do. I get more and more impressed with James David Strange every time I see him.

I get paid to do a job I love and I will always point out the positive and negative (mostly positive) of what is happening. I could understand the original statement on this thread if I had said, "Justice is not as good as everybody says. Neither is Cox, Whitaker. They're all overrated." I would totally understand about keeping my opinion to myself. Saying someone is better is not a bash on anyone, it's just how it is!

There are three things I have been blessed with: Objectivity, memorization and a deep passion for athletics ALL thanks to my father. It is easy to be objective when you don't care who wins or who loses. If you think J-Whit is better than Cox or Justice then that's great. That's your opinion and you will never hear me tell you to keep your mouth shut. As long as you can give me detailed reasons why you think something then I will listen all day.

I am glad there are those who think I need to keep my opinions to myself. But, as long as I build up and not tear down the kids, coaches, teams and people of this area... you will get exactly what I think. I certainly hope people put their trust and faith in me when it comes to my job. If they didn't, I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks for the time, but let's keep this thread off me and on the kids.:please: :thanks:

Ive not seen anything you've done wrong..i love what you do, keep it up
Down and Out Wrote:As a fan of Sports Overtime and a fan all of eastern Ky. sports it has become obvious that from telecats Milam and the rest of the sports crew favors Johnson Central in football and Shelby Valley in basketball. Personally Justice is really nice player but as far as guards I would prefer to have Chad Jackson at Scott County but as the old saying goes " opionions are like buttholes. everybody has one and Milam should just report the scores and not just say this player or that player is the best in the mountains or in the state.:flame:
Are you kidding? Let me guess... You also think that there should be no player of the week, mountain top ten, etc. since they are opinions of the reporters.
heck everyone lets due away with rankings, all state, all region, all district and all of the sorts because all that is opinon as well. There is no valid argument to what you all are saying about WYMT.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I CLEARLY remember last year when Cox chose KCC that people were saying how "stacked" KCC would be, and now people are saying on here that Justice has better players around him so that makes Cox better, that's garbage.
And you are from PCC and you got beat. :moon:
Brian Milam Wrote:There are three things I have been blessed with: Objectivity, memorization and a deep passion for athletics ALL thanks to my father. It is easy to be objective when you don't care who wins or who loses. If you think J-Whit is better than Cox or Justice then that's great. That's your opinion and you will never hear me tell you to keep your mouth shut. As long as you can give me detailed reasons why you think something then I will listen all day.

You're a pro Milam! Many members of this website could learn a lesson from what I highlighted above.
timeout Wrote:And you are from PCC and you got beat. :moon:

I'm from Shelby Valley.
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