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10th Region 2009
Here’s my top 10:

1. Harrison Co. – Seven returning starters return form their State Tournament team last year. Lost their best pitcher to graduation, but I’m sure Mac will have someone step-up.

2. Bourbon Co. – Returns eight starters and will have the best freshman in the 10th region. Based on last year performance, Bourbon deserves this high ranking after winning the strong 40th district. The 40th will be strong again this year with a top 5 Regional team staying home again for Regions.

3. Montgomery Co. - Also, seven returning starters. This will be, by far, Coach Combs most experienced team. Pitching has potential to be above average with five to six kids in their rotation.

4. Campbell Co. – Return two solid pitchers from last year. I’m not as familiar with the Northern teams, but I do know that the 37th and 40th District are by far the toughest to advance from to reach Regional.

5. George Rogers Clark – Lost most of their production in Barker and Bennett form last year. GRC will be good again this year, coaching alone will make them good. I’ve put them at #5 until they show me they have the offense and pitching to move up.

6. Scott High – Return most or their starters from their runner- up regional finish last year. Pitching is the question.

7. Bishop Brossart - Don’t know much about them this year.

8. Silver Grove

9. Mason Co.

10. Nicholas Co
10thregionfan Wrote:Here’s my top 10:

1. Harrison Co. – Seven returning starters return form their State Tournament team last year. Lost their best pitcher to graduation, but I’m sure Mac will have someone step-up.

2. Bourbon Co. – Returns eight starters and will have the best freshman in the 10th region. Based on last year performance, Bourbon deserves this high ranking after winning the strong 40th district. The 40th will be strong again this year with a top 5 Regional team staying home again for Regions.

3. Montgomery Co. - Also, seven returning starters. This will be, by far, Coach Combs most experienced team. Pitching has potential to be above average with five to six kids in their rotation.

4. Campbell Co. – Return two solid pitchers from last year. I’m not as familiar with the Northern teams, but I do know that the 37th and 40th District are by far the toughest to advance from to reach Regional.

5. George Rogers Clark – Lost most of their production in Barker and Bennett form last year. GRC will be good again this year, coaching alone will make them good. I’ve put them at #5 until they show me they have the offense and pitching to move up.

6. Scott High – Return most or their starters from their runner- up regional finish last year. Pitching is the question.

7. Bishop Brossart - Don’t know much about them this year.

8. Silver Grove

9. Mason Co.

10. Nicholas Co

I agree, Harrison will be the team to beat, but the loss of Martin to graduation will be hard to replace. He won a lot of big games for Harrison last year. They have a very talented Jr. class that I'm sure will be ready for the challenge.

I may be a bit of a homer here, but I think Montgomery has the best chance to knock Harrison of their thrown. Your exactly right about Montgomery's pitching staff. They should be able to go 5 to 6 deep with out much of a drop off at all and all 6 will throw in the low to mid 80's. Montgomery has a couple bats to replace, but they seemed to do a good job this past summer replacing them. If Montgomery can make it out of the tough 40th District I like their chances at making a run at the 10th Region.

Like you, I'm not as familiar with the Northern schools, but you can bet Campbell, Scott or Bossart will be a tough out in the Region.

Bourbon has basically everyone back, plus they will get quality inning's form left handed freshman Chase Mullins.

GRC has a lot to replace in Barker and Bennett, but Coach Allison will have them ready to play come District time. I can't recall his name, but GRC has a freshman that is a hitting machine and yes, against Varisty pitching.

With GRC, Bourbon and Montgomery the 40th District will be very interesting again this year. Winning head to head games during regular season will be most important come seeding time in the 40th. One seed will more than likely get to play Paris in the 1st game of District making for an easy road to Region.
I think your top 10 is fair. As for NKY teams, it will be very close between Scott, Campbell Co, & Brossart.

Scott brings back EJ Murray, one of the best pitchers in NKY. EJ anchors a pretty solid Scott squad that will challenge anyone in the 10th.

Campbell Co. graduated a lot of players and has a lot of holes to fill. They have the talent with Coffman and Estes returning. Estes is one of the best players in the Region as long as his arm is healthy.

Brossart always competes. Their toughest challenge will be to overcome the loss of one of the Regions best coaches, Bob Rowe. Coach Grosser has enough talent, and with senior Josh Anderson, they will be in the thick of things at the end of the season.
Stardust Wrote:I think your top 10 is fair. As for NKY teams, it will be very close between Scott, Campbell Co, & Brossart.

Scott brings back EJ Murray, one of the best pitchers in NKY. EJ anchors a pretty solid Scott squad that will challenge anyone in the 10th.

Campbell Co. graduated a lot of players and has a lot of holes to fill. They have the talent with Coffman and Estes returning. Estes is one of the best players in the Region as long as his arm is healthy.

Brossart always competes. Their toughest challenge will be to overcome the loss of one of the Regions best coaches, Bob Rowe. Coach Grosser has enough talent, and with senior Josh Anderson, they will be in the thick of things at the end of the season.

Thanks for the insight on Scott, Campbell and Brossart. :thumpsup:
Nice to see a couple of 10th Region fans on here.
643DP Wrote:Thanks for the insight on Scott, Campbell and Brossart. :thumpsup:
Nice to see a couple of 10th Region fans on here.

We need to find a way to recruit more on here
Who is Montgomery Co coach and were is Juan Walters @
ky wildcats Wrote:Who is Montgomery Co coach and were is Juan Walters @

Gene Combs

Juan is retired from the school system, but still lives in Mt. Sterling.
ky wildcats Wrote:Who is Montgomery Co coach and were is Juan Walters @

I believe Gene Combs is MC's head-coach.
Campbell County has many holes to fill. Losing last years #1 Jordan Woodruff will be a major challenge.

Ben Coffman and Bobbi Estes are capable, but will still need seasoning at the Varsity level. Franzen and Lauer are seniors with Varsity experiece, but after that they do not have many with a lot of Varsity experience.

They have a very solid group of Juniors with Vann (who had arm surgery), Rust & Broering.

Sophomores who have played at the top tier of Summer ball leagues and tournaments who would not be intimidated of Varsity level baseball include Jenkins, Shepard, Rebholz and Kremer.

The Camels have the players for Coach Heringer, the challenge will be getting them enough playing time to develop come District time.
I'll do Scott High School's bit here:

For Scott High School, after losing in the 10th Region Championship Game to Harrsion County, there will be alot to account for. They were hit hard with graduation and lose many of their contributors offensively, defensively, and from pitching.

They do have some bright spots though. They will have a very experience middle infield in EJ Murray and Zach Sowder as they both have two and one year experiences at the varsity level and displayed their talents well last year. Joe Adkins will most likely step in at 1B for Adams and Logan Taylor at 3B for Morrison. Joe Adkins most likely won't produce some of the numbers Adams produced offensively but he will still bat over .300 and produce solid numbers and most imporantly he is healthy, which is what is needed at that position as Adams had been injured for two years at 1B his Junior and Senior year. Logan Taylor will be a very good upgrade at 3B offensively as he is able to bring more to the table with his bat. The thing he won't be able to replicate, at least for the moment, is Morrison's glove. Morrison had one of the best gloves period in the Region last year and made some truly outstanding plays. I'm not saying Taylor doesn't have a good glove, I just don't think its in the caliber of Morrison's is all.

As for the outfield, they will have a couple returning players in the likes of Nick Hiller of Taylor Smith. Nick Hiller brings a lot of speed to the table with a good arm while Taylor Smith brings an absolute gun and a big bat as well. Hiller played LF year as Rob Hankinson covered CF who had, at the time, just a little better range in the outfield than Hiller did. I look for Hiller to move to CF to take over that position as his speed will be vital for the Eagles out at the crucial position. Smith will stay in RF as he did last year so no big change there.

Those spots will be somewhat covered. The biggest spots and concerns for the Eagles lie in their pitching depth, catcher and Left Field. Pitching wise their isn't much after Murray. George Sparks did decently last year but will need to improve his velocity and ability to consistently throw strikes if he wants to be an impact. If you'd like to see a further description of the pitching scenario, take a look at the Top Pitchers in the 10th thread as I covered it there. Catching is the one thing that worries me. Karl Nagaleisen was one of the best catchers in the 10th. He didn't let any balls get by him and he had a great arm as well. Runners and Coaches were hesitant to steal on him all year. He was also a pretty good signal caller for the game too. Whoever the replacing catcher is will not be able to reproduce that as the two people I see vying for the job, David Thomas and Tyler Osbourne, just don't have that. Thomas does a pretty decent job defending and not letting balls get by but his arm just won't cut it at the varsity level. Osbourne has a decent arm but his blocking abilites just aren't up to the snuff as of yet. Offensively though, almost ANYBODY who steps into that position will be an upgrade in the bat. Karl Nagaleisen struggled all of last year hitting as I believe he was batting somewhere .100, maybe even less. Between Thomas and Osbourne, I think the offensive edge is in Osbourne's favor as he has consistently hit for a better average and drove in more runners, and he has a little bit of speed to bring to the table as well. If Osbourne takes the C position then LF will be in a bit of trouble as Tyler can also play LF as well. If that were to happen then LF will most likely come down between David Thomas and George Sparks. Neither have the great arm nor an extremely good bat so its going to be hard to find somebody to fill that position. Hopefully there is a young kid who is brewing in the ranks that I haven't seen or heard of that will rise to the occasion and take over the position.

Thats pretty much my analysis for Scott's baseball team but I will add to it or revise it as I continue to recieve more and more information going into this years season.
Heres a description of Scott's pitchng staff this year:

Scott loses their best two pitchers in Adams and Adkins, and also reliever Brian Fite but returns some talent in EJ Murray, Taylor Smith, and Nick Hiller.

EJ throws around 80 and tops around 83 but his key is his breaking ball that absolutely screws up hitters. Its not the best curve in the world, but for some reason it just screws up the hitters and he is able to locate it which is an EXTREME plus. I know he is playing basketball but if he has been able to up his velocity at all he will become very dominant.

Taylor Smith is also a good pitcher but more in a closer type roll. As a freshman he showed great potential but hasn't panned out much. He has a HUGE arm and great fastball, estimating around 85mph but whats lacking is his off-speed. He just hasn't been able to develop any sort of off-speed pitch and thus struggles if he pitches too long. He is able to locate his fastball reasonably well and I think will be good for 1-2, maybe 3 innings if handled correctly. If he develops an off-speed pitch, he should and will most likely be included in the starting rotation.

Nick Hiller showed great potential as a sophomore as he pitched in a couple of varsity games and did extremely well. This lefty located around a 80mph fastball and his bread and butter pitch is his curveball. He also throws a pretty good change. Although his sophomore year was great, he struggled his junior year with his control and eventually lost his starting job and was thrown into the relief roll. If he is able to get focused and heal up his ankle (was injured over the summer) I think he will be just fine.

All three are seniors and are all righties with the exception of Hiller (lefty).

Some more noteables are Zach Sowder (JR) who saw some innings as a sophomore and despite his size, delivered some pop. I look for Zach to be utilized as a pitcher more this year as he pitched very well when called on last year. He is in the same mold as Jordan Adkins who graduated this past year, as he isn't very big in size but has a lot of pop in his fastball.
^ GREAT write ups on Scott
Stardust Wrote:^ GREAT write ups on Scott

Thank you:Thumbs: .
As my son just graduated from this team this past year I am very familiar with the program as well as my son. I got some input from him on the situation so it only improved my evaluation of the team and its outlook.
Let's look at it this way folks. When it comes to baseball in the 10th Region, the top teams have experience. Harrison, Bourbon, Montgomery, GRC, and Scott have the most experience in post season play. I like to see other schools make a run at their district championships and play well in 10 Region playoffs, but this Region is one of the most difficult ones around!

Here's what teams are up against when facing these Top 5 teams in the 10th Region:

1. Harrison County- Plain and simple, Mac Whitaker has always had the upper hand when taking the field. I know he lost some great players last year, especially Brandon Martin, but he returns several starters and will continue to be a powerhouse.

2. Bourbon County- This group of ball players is probably the most experienced team that will take the field this season. Most of these guys have been playing on the same team since they were in grade school. They have outstanding pitching with three seniors that will lead the way in Ace left hander Brian Rupard, righty John Jacoby, and right hander Andy Dutton. Throw in some big hitting by seniors Mac Manning and Eli Covington and Bourbon County is the team to beat in the 10th Region this season.

3. Montgomery County- Don't know much about this team but the past Indian's teams have competed very well and fight until the end. Expect to see them competing with Bourbon and GRC for the 40th district title.

4. GRC- They had the best all around team last year with some good pitching, hitting, and fielding. This team comes ready to compete and will surprise alot of teams this year. Lost a heartbreaker in the 40th district title game to Bourbon but will look to get back there again. The Cardinals lost some big names, such as Jordan Barker, from last season but don't count them out because they are sure to produce big numbers once again.

5. Scott- This team was impressive last season especially upsetting Bourbon County in the first round of the Regional tournament, beating Nicholas in the 2nd round, and then meeting up with Harrison County. Needless to say, they turned some heads and earned some respect. Expect Scott to compete for the 37th district title once again plus compete in the regional tourney.

This is in no way any disrespect to any other teams in the 10th Region, this is simply an outsiders opinion. This is one of the toughest regions in the state of Kentucky when it comes to baseball with some of the toughest teams. Let's hope for a great season for all the athletes this year and look forward to seeing some old faces in the regional tournament as well as some new faces surprising alot of people!
bleedinblue3 Wrote:Let's look at it this way folks. When it comes to baseball in the 10th Region, the top teams have experience. Harrison, Bourbon, Montgomery, GRC, and Scott have the most experience in post season play. I like to see other schools make a run at their district championships and play well in 10 Region playoffs, but this Region is one of the most difficult ones around!

Here's what teams are up against when facing these Top 5 teams in the 10th Region:

1. Harrison County- Plain and simple, Mac Whitaker has always had the upper hand when taking the field. I know he lost some great players last year, especially Brandon Martin, but he returns several starters and will continue to be a powerhouse.

2. Bourbon County- This group of ball players is probably the most experienced team that will take the field this season. Most of these guys have been playing on the same team since they were in grade school. They have outstanding pitching with three seniors that will lead the way in Ace left hander Brian Rupard, righty John Jacoby, and right hander Andy Dutton. Throw in some big hitting by seniors Mac Manning and Eli Covington and Bourbon County is the team to beat in the 10th Region this season.

3. Montgomery County- Don't know much about this team but the past Indian's teams have competed very well and fight until the end. Expect to see them competing with Bourbon and GRC for the 40th district title.

4. GRC- They had the best all around team last year with some good pitching, hitting, and fielding. This team comes ready to compete and will surprise alot of teams this year. Lost a heartbreaker in the 40th district title game to Bourbon but will look to get back there again. The Cardinals lost some big names, such as Jordan Barker, from last season but don't count them out because they are sure to produce big numbers once again.

5. Scott- This team was impressive last season especially upsetting Bourbon County in the first round of the Regional tournament, beating Nicholas in the 2nd round, and then meeting up with Harrison County. Needless to say, they turned some heads and earned some respect. Expect Scott to compete for the 37th district title once again plus compete in the regional tourney.

This is in no way any disrespect to any other teams in the 10th Region, this is simply an outsiders opinion. This is one of the toughest regions in the state of Kentucky when it comes to baseball with some of the toughest teams. Let's hope for a great season for all the athletes this year and look forward to seeing some old faces in the regional tournament as well as some new faces surprising alot of people!

I truly and honestly that Scott deserves that #5 ranking and has the players to back it up but at this point and time there are just too many unanswered questions about them in my mind to put them up that high. As of right now I'd have Campbell at #5 and Scott and Brossart fighting for the #6. This year will be a down year for the 37th district as they have lost some big time players over the years. There is no ONE team that stands out in my mind of the 37th so its really anybodys district IMO..
By the way, Scott upsetting Bourbon in Regional play last year wasn't and shouldn't be counted as an upset. Most had Scott at #3 in the Region last year behind Harrison and GRC.
BaseballIsLife Wrote:By the way, Scott upsetting Bourbon in Regional play last year wasn't and shouldn't be counted as an upset. Most had Scott at #3 in the Region last year behind Harrison and GRC.

Good correction :Thumbs:
Personally I believe Scott could have won the Region last year if there best and most dominant pitcher, Zac Adams, was healthy.

His junior year he was gunned and topped around 90/91 in the preseason but he was hurt early that year and was never the same for that year and his senior year last year. When you have a pitcher of that caliber, he would only be better his senior year and could have went toe-to-toe with Brandon Martin last year in the Regional final. If you saw Zac pitch at all anytime after his injury, that is not the Zac Adams most Scott faithful had become accustomed to. He literally had to play through pain in his arm every game and even sucked it up enough to go out there pitch for an entire season. But thats another debate entirely...
I just considered Scott over Bourbon as an upset because the 40th district has got to be toughest district to compete in. Montgomery and GRC are always strong no matter what year it is and they both have the ability to compete with any team in the 10th region. And well, Paris is just Paris.

Who do you all consider the top pitchers in the 10th Region this year?
BaseballIsLife Wrote:Personally I believe Scott could have won the Region last year if there best and most dominant pitcher, Zac Adams, was healthy.

His junior year he was gunned and topped around 90/91 in the preseason but he was hurt early that year and was never the same for that year and his senior year last year. When you have a pitcher of that caliber, he would only be better his senior year and could have went toe-to-toe with Brandon Martin last year in the Regional final. If you saw Zac pitch at all anytime after his injury, that is not the Zac Adams most Scott faithful had become accustomed to. He literally had to play through pain in his arm every game and even sucked it up enough to go out there pitch for an entire season. But thats another debate entirely...

What was the injury to Zac?
CamelPride Wrote:What was the injury to Zac?

Shoulder/Rotator Cuff injury. He didn't have to have surgery but there were many problems that resulted from it and none of it seemed to get resolved. From what I could tell Zac did everything he could do to try and remedy it but it just didn't happen.
My son just recently attended a tryout of Scotts (since my son came home from college for the weekend and decided to stop by), and according to him, Scott may have some players that might be able to help them this year to cover some of their weak spots. Scott got a Scott County transfer (their football coach's son), who can put a little heat on the ball so that will DEFINITELY help out their rotation. I don't know his name exactly (last name is Campbell) but he could help out as a position player as well but I don't know what position he plays (the tryout the other day was still for pitchers and catchers, the position players have their tryout today). And there apparently was a young, sophomore catcher that impressed my son, I believe his name was was Benzing (sp?) and he displayed a very good arm and gave a good pop time for the coaches.

Scott might be better than what I had given them credit for. I might have Scott now at #5 maybe #4. Some of their weak spots are being addressed it seems and they could be an extremely good threat come postseason time.
I think the Camels will struggle this year. They have a lot of holes to fill from last year and really have no solid Ace on the mound. Somone above posted the potential starters, but I think they have young players who are as good as these starters or better.

Most programs are going younger. At Brossart, they will be playing many Sopohomores and Juniors. Campbell County could take that lesson and begin building for the future.

Putting Albreccht at First instead of playing a younger player is a mistake. The Camels have a very good sophomore outfielder that is lefthanded and could play that position. Why put a player on the team that did not even play baseball for the team last year?

The Camels whole infield could be made up of Sophomore's from what I remember of watching the JV and Freshman teams of last year. The Freshman infield was very solid and they could hit. The JV team struggled at the plate. I would start a sophomore infield and put the Seniors in the outfield, move Lauer to DH.
Has anyone had the chance to check out any practices for any 10th Region teams?

I'm checking out Bourbon County and Harrison County next week to get the scoop on them!

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