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Do You Chew?
Nope that is almost as nasty as smoking.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:nope never have

However now I do lol, Grizzly wintergreen long cut, the occasional copenhagen burben blend
BGRBABE Wrote:Not many people express themselves the way you do.

awww dont we all just miss BGRBABE...

Can we bring her back for like a day just to see what else she says, man those were the the days.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:However now I do lol, Grizzly wintergreen long cut, the occasional copenhagen burben blend

How times have changed since you have gotten older
I like Hawken
I like to chew jaw baccer every now and then. I usually chew Redman(silver blend is my favorite), but ill chew any type of it. Another favorite of mine to chew is Levi garrret.
Stardust Wrote:How times have changed since you have gotten older

yeah well when i started on this site I was only a soph. or jr. in high school so I have changed quite a bit.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:yeah well when i started on this site I was only a soph. or jr. in high school so I have changed quite a bit.

Stardust Wrote:college?

yes I am a JR in college now, started out at Univ. of the Cumberlands playing soccer now im at Pikeville College...
I dated some girls that did!!! LOL
allseasonfan Wrote:I dated some girls that did!!! LOL

I know soome girls that chew, but i would never date them...
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:I know soome girls that chew, but i would never date them...
That might be as sick as trying to kiss a lady who smokes.Wow.If the taste is as bad as the smell I think I would throw up in thier mouth.:igiveup:
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:That might be as sick as trying to kiss a lady who smokes.Wow.If the taste is as bad as the smell I think I would throw up in thier mouth.:igiveup:

Yea, same here lol.
allseasonfan Wrote:I dated some girls that did!!! LOL

:igiveup: I don't even want to know....
allseasonfan Wrote:I dated some girls that did!!! LOL

Did you marry one of them?

I have been dipping a herbal tobacco and nicotine free dip call smokey mountain chew.
Completely safe for your teeth and gums and tastes identical to Skoal Long Cut wintergreen. Even has some kind of anti cavity protection. You can buy here by in boxes of 10.
torQQue Wrote:I have been dipping a herbal tobacco and nicotine free dip call smokey mountain chew.
Completely safe for your teeth and gums and tastes identical to Skoal Long Cut wintergreen. Even has some kind of anti cavity protection. You can buy here by in boxes of 10.

No buzz?
ComfortEagle Wrote:No buzz?

If not, then why chew it??
Stardust Wrote:If not, then why chew it??

You wanna look like Rick Bender, the "man without a face?"

What about the people that get oral cancer that has never used tobacco or alcohol? How do you explain that? The fact is, oral cancer can happen to anyone at anytime, smokeless tobacco and alcohol "may" increase that risk, however, everyone is still at risk. Is there anyway to prove that the guy in the photo wouldn't have gotten oral cancer if he had not dipped? And, I am not promoting the use of smokeless tobacco and alcohol as being safe.. I suggest anyone quit or try alternatives that are marketed as "safe" like the smokey mountain non tobacco snuff I mentioned earlier. Actually, I suggest you make the switch just for more piece of mind, because no one knows for sure.

I did read a study not too long ago about oral cancer victims, half the people that were diagnosed with oral cancer had used tobacco and/or alcohol in their lifetime. The other half, hadn't. The occurrence of oral cancer seems more random than anything.

Regardless of the studies, and even though I have great oral hygiene, I still have my concerns. "May" cause cancer is enough for me to want and try to break the habit. The habit for me is just having something between my lip and gum, and the spitting part. The addiction is the Nicotine. The smokey mountain chew is great tasting and provides great spitting, however, I must warn you. That you will have to ween(sp?) yourself off the nicotine by adding a little of your real dip (less and less each time). I still have nicotine withdrawals at times and have to get out some real dip. However, I am dipping less real tobacco, and more of the fake stuff which "may" be healthier for me.
No, can't say that I do.
THOMCAT Wrote:Did you marry one of them?


True love is sharing a spit cup with your little lady!!!
LOL... This thread cracked me up and to be honest..... brought back some memories.... While at college... (some 20+ years ago), I was dared to chew copenhagen.... WELL..... I did for a total of 2 minutes and was sick as a dog for 2 days.... I mean bad off sick... in the bed, throwin up, unable to raise my head!!! I don't know how you "men" chew that stuff!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:LOL... This thread cracked me up and to be honest..... brought back some memories.... While at college... (some 20+ years ago), I was dared to chew copenhagen.... WELL..... I did for a total of 2 minutes and was sick as a dog for 2 days.... I mean bad off sick... in the bed, throwin up, unable to raise my head!!! I don't know how you "men" chew that stuff!!!

lol get a little buzz did ya? Please tell me you AT LEAST got something out of it?
I only chew if I have a tootache and it actually numbs it quite well, but other than that, I won't and I used to grow the stuff so I have more of a right to do it than most.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:lol get a little buzz did ya? Please tell me you AT LEAST got something out of it?

Buzz nothing..... I could have drank a fifth of Jack Daniels and not been as "buzzed"..... I did learn a great lesson though..... UGH.... NO CHEWING!! HAHAHAHA.....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I quit about 2 weeks ago. I have chewed Red Man when I was younger. I went to dip for the last few yrs. Grizzly Wintergreen Longcut. It ain't worth it. There have been too many in my family that have died of cancer for me to keep chancing it. I'm going to die anyway someday. why rush it.
phs1986 Wrote:Buzz nothing..... I could have drank a fifth of Jack Daniels and not been as "buzzed"..... I did learn a great lesson though..... UGH.... NO CHEWING!! HAHAHAHA.....

Too funny, and too familiar to my own experience :thumpsup:
I dont chew haha.

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