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Floyd Co. Boys
i mean wesley
Sounds like the bobcats are allready in the Rider's heads.
conner risner best c team player in years
jarin hall from wcs Wrote:conner risner best c team player in years

Do you mean the COUGAR.
are you talkin bout a.b or c team
Tyler Keens and Bryson Williams (ADAMS)
1 - Allen Central
2 - Wesely
3 - Betsy Layne
4 - Adams
5 - South Floyd
6 - Allen
7 - John M Stumbo
8 - MCA
Rebel gal Wrote:1 - Allen Central
2 - Wesely
3 - Betsy Layne
4 - Adams
5 - South Floyd
6 - Allen
7 - John M Stumbo
8 - MCA

Have you even watched any of these teams yet? It sure dont look like you have. We are talking about middle school basketball!:lame:
So what do you think the top teams should be?
THE ROOKIE Wrote:Have you even watched any of these teams yet? It sure dont look like you have. We are talking about middle school basketball!:lame:

Yes and last time I checked Wesely was a middle school team and I have them listed as #2. This is my pre season picks.
These posts are for an individuals opinion, you have yours these are mine.
EKY_Soccer_Fanatic Wrote:Like I said before.
Betsy Layne vs. Wesley in the finals.
Adams will be down if Bryson doesnt come back, he got injured. Cause hes their main squeeze lol.

And yea South Floyd will have a good defense because They do have 2 good rebounders, considering theyve been held back so many times, I can remember them starting for osborne and mcdowell(and they was in 6th grade) when I was a 5th grader and played at Adams.

Everyone one else, would just be there. lol.
Good Luck to all the teams this year Smile
there are only one hold back on South Floyds team and he is a 7th grader, the hall kid is only 14 as of the 28th of nov. so not due to hold backs, but i think BL will win the county hands down.... too athletic
Raider76 Wrote:only 1 of SF's players were held back they have three big men who can all rebound Dylan Hall Corey Thornsbury and A.J. Johnson who missed all last season due to a broke foot. the also have the best shooter ive seen in awhile in Dakota Justice.

From what i have seen so far this season the Justice kid isnt doing so hot.
Go Bobcats
Who do you think is the best on A & b team any thoughts.
Dont he is serious, I say either South Floyd, or Betsy Layne!!!!!
what is south floyd's record? B team?
Who all in in the district.
I think Betsy Layne's A and B teams are great...And both play at a really high level.
Betsy Layne's A and B Team are both very talented...
raider_3 Wrote:Dont he is serious, I say either South Floyd, or Betsy Layne!!!!!

ha um last thing i remember wesley beat sf by 20 points

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