Poll: Powell Co @ Taylor C0 3-A Playoff
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Powell Co. @ Taylor Co. (3A 1st Round)
The College One Wrote:sounds like a good all around player. a "utility" type player. so he is like a channing fugate of breathitt then or something like that.
Channing is "tougher" than Leonard Macon. Channing tends to initiate contact but Macon tends to run around and avoid contact. That being said, I have seen Macon run over people, but he prefers to not be hit. Macon as you will see, is a "man among boys" on the football field. If he can get his work-ethic improved, the sky is the limit for this kid. It is safe to say that Macon was the best import that TC has had. Without him, this team would be lucky to be 5-5.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

So basically powell has to stop the pass and key on him and stop some key players and they have the game.
TheBrahmaBull Wrote:TC's Thomas has missed 3 games and still has descent numbers.....Macon is the real deal and it makes me wonder why he was not able to play for Danville where he came from. He "transferred" to TC at the beginning of his Junior year and is obviously the most talented kid on the field.....why would a team like Danville, who thinks very highly of its football program, not allow Macon to play for them when he is an "elite" athlete? I dunno, just does not make sense to me......

macon got kicked outta danville...he was a starter at danville i watched him on clark co's high light film...he would prolly still be at danville if he didnt get n trouble
why did he get kicked out for
The College One Wrote:why did he get kicked out for
He brought a BB gun to school and shot a kid. If this is true, he doesn't have a good head on his shoulders. On the film I have seen of him, he doesn't go all out if he ain't getting the ball. When he is getting the ball, look out! He looks like he would be a load to bring down. We have to keep the ball out of his hands. Thomas is tough also. I look for them to try Macon out. You know...test the waters. If we stop him, we will get a heavy dose of Thomas.
Thanx for all your insight Brahma. I take back what I said about you being "totally" anti Powell.
The College One Wrote:So basically powell has to stop the pass and key on him and stop some key players and they have the game.
I would not go that far...But Macon is a "major" part of that team. The players and coaches that have studied the game-film know what to expect....Other teams have known that Macon is a Majority of the TC's scoring, but lately, no one has been able to do anything about it.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

blitz43 Wrote:Thanx for all your insight Brahma. I take back what I said about you being "totally" anti Powell.
I am not "anti" anyone, not am I "pro" anyone.....I love sports and enjoy seeing good games played in a competent way. I am originally from Breathitt County but I love the consistency that Belfry shows on Defense and in their running game.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

blitz43 Wrote:He brought a BB gun to school and shot a kid. If this is true, he doesn't have a good head on his shoulders. On the film I have seen of him, he doesn't go all out if he ain't getting the ball. When he is getting the ball, look out! He looks like he would be a load to bring down. We have to keep the ball out of his hands. Thomas is tough also. I look for them to try Macon out. You know...test the waters. If we stop him, we will get a heavy dose of Thomas.
Campbellsville players and Green County players say that he talks a lot on the field.....Hopefully there will not be too much "trash-talking" Friday and the game will be a good one with no altercations.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

The College One Wrote:So basically powell has to stop the pass and key on him and stop some key players and they have the game.
TC has developed some weapons to take the pressure off Macon. They have really worked on spreading the ball around and the young WR's have done a great job. Thomas is their only "good" RB.... He is coming off what was initially diagnosed as a season-ending angle injury (Tendon). If Thomas is not in the game, look for TC to use Macon as RB.......
Twitter: @tc_analytics

One of the good things about this site is the sharing of information It makes the games more interesting because I am thinking about what people have posted on here and watching for certain players and tendencies. Gotta love BGR!
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Hey I hope Powell County the best of Luck they will need it! Taylor County will pick their score. Taylor County has a classy program though I am sure when they beat you they will not have an assistant coach and players stop the bus in the middle of town on your way back home! Only classless programs do that, oh wait a minute Powell County did that when they beat JC. There is no argument to this it happened and you know it and anyone that has any sense will say that is a pathetic act. If you do reply to this please spell correctly. Thanks!
This could get interesting.... :popcorn:
TheBrahmaBull Wrote:One of the good things about this site is the sharing of information It makes the games more interesting because I am thinking about what people have posted on here and watching for certain players and tendencies. Gotta love BGR!

yeah bgr is awesome you get to talk about alot of things on here and get other peoples advice and answers on what they think the outcome will be as well. :rockon:
courtdog Wrote:I would love to see a 2nd rd game Estill Co Powell Co.

Yes, i would like to see powell beat Taylor just to see Estill vs Powell the 2nd round. (that would be a home game 4 estill right?) If so you are going to see HUNDREDS of people show up at this game. Estill vs Powell always a good matchup and really close towns. Im talking LOTS O PEOPLE so i say GO POWELL!!!!!!!!!!! 4 now anyway.
When Estill Co and Powell Co played in Irvine this season there was a great crowd from both schools would love to see it again a week from Friday.
courtdog Wrote:When Estill Co and Powell Co played in Irvine this season there was a great crowd from both schools would love to see it again a week from Friday.
Powell County will have to play mistake-free football to pull this game off IMO. TC has developed a balanced offense that can score a lot of point. The thing that will hurt TC against Estill\Somerset is that they are not intense and disciplined on defense. If a team has an inconsistent defense they are capable of losing any game. Go Cards!
Twitter: @tc_analytics

i think both games will be good in the playoffs you want home games and if Estill Co beats Somerset and powell co wins then we Estill Co will stay home but in the real fix i think Estill wins T.C wins so we will be going to T.C i would bet.
I don't really see how everyone thinks Macon is all great. He has 783 reception yards, according to KHSAA. Jared Barron for Powell has 775, according to KHSAA. It will be a closer game than most people think. If Powell only needs to stop 2 guys. Macon and #41. If they can do that, they will win the game. There is nobody else on the team that will do any damage. Powell has a lot of playmakers that they can go to. They don't depend on just 1 or 2 guys.
i do believe powell county can come out with the win but they must bring their A game. The defense has to be extremely strong and no player can be lazy and the qb rice has to be precise and the wr must make an extra effort to catch everything thrown in their direction. powell county has shown they can play with determination and skill now is the true test they must do so on friday night against taylor county.
Powell must get some defensive stops to have a chance. The question is when Powell sees 6'5 Macon take the field for warmups will it be running down their legs or will they come to play? They have not stepped up in big games this season.
You do not go into the playoffs satisfied with winning 6 games. You play to win and if Powell is afraid of Macon it will be a long night.
generaljc Wrote:Hey I hope Powell County the best of Luck they will need it! Taylor County will pick their score. Taylor County has a classy program though I am sure when they beat you they will not have an assistant coach and players stop the bus in the middle of town on your way back home! Only classless programs do that, oh wait a minute Powell County did that when they beat JC. There is no argument to this it happened and you know it and anyone that has any sense will say that is a pathetic act. If you do reply to this please spell correctly. Thanks!

well im sorry you all didnt win...if u didnt drop us from your schedule we would again next year...i would love to play you all again this year now that we got all of our kinks out...we would win bout 60-14 prolly just a guess...but be for taylor no matter what your sitting at home doing nothing while were out doing something we loveCool
generaljc Wrote:Hey I hope Powell County the best of Luck they will need it! Taylor County will pick their score. Taylor County has a classy program though I am sure when they beat you they will not have an assistant coach and players stop the bus in the middle of town on your way back home! Only classless programs do that, oh wait a minute Powell County did that when they beat JC. There is no argument to this it happened and you know it and anyone that has any sense will say that is a pathetic act. If you do reply to this please spell correctly. Thanks!

Well whenever you all make it to playoffs and win more than 2 games, you can do whatever and say whatever you want!!! Thanks!!
This will be my last post on this. Powell has had the first winning season in the 20 year history of the football program and has greatly improved. Is Powell satisfied with this and perhaps has a "JUST GLAD TO BE THERE ATTITUDE"?
Can Powell compete in the big game? Estill and Breathitt didn't go so well BUT Estill and Breathitt both better than Taylor and much more physical. Will Powell bow down to Macon and Taylor co.? They have faced much better teams.
It would be a shame to see a winning record tarnished by a 50 point playoff loss because Powell was intimidated and afraid.
I honestly dont think they are scared.
#1EddieColemanFan Wrote:[quote=jgrubby]

Eddie Coleman teaches them boys English and I think he does one heck of a job at it!

You do one heck of a job at it!!
#1EddieColemanFan Wrote:Unless he brings that BB gun then im sure Powell will not be scared.
:lmao: That was priceless.
If Eddie shows up to this game he'll have them boys ready to play. He may just coach cross country but i bet you he could coach anything he wanted to. I see him getting them Powell Co boys pumped and ready to go for Macon and Taylor Co.
#1EddieColemanFan Wrote:HAHA I like you man!

Lol thanks.

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