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What will the 58th be like Next year?
1. South Floyd- Return 3 good guards plus Ryan Little in the middle.

2. Betsy Layne- return Brandon Kidd in the middle and almost everyone else.

3. Prestonsburg- Alaways one of the most althetic teams in the region.

4. Allen Central- Ayoung team that must go through the growing pains.
1. Betsy Layne- returning more talent than they lost
2. South Floyd- can't replace Little and Stanley
3. Prestonsburg- less athletic than this year
4. Allen Central- young, willbe doing good things in another year
1. Betsy Layne- Return basically everybody from last year.

2. Prestonburg- Always have an athletic team and it won't change this year.

3. South Floyd- Won't be able to handle the loss of Little and Stanley.

4. Allen Central- A young team who will have to wait a couple more years to be good in the 58th.
Any idea yet on who may step into the three starting positions for Prestonsburg? Thinking probably Herrick, but can't really remember seeing many younger players last year.
1. P-burg
2. BL
3. SF
4. AC
Who is looking to start next year for the Blackcats??
I would say:

PG- Michael Stephens
SG- Brooks Herrick
PF- Sean Leslie
SF- Lewis Barnett
C- Trevor Patton

But that's just how I think it will be. You could also throw Jordan Hall or Bobby Hughes into the starting lineup.
Pg- Michael Stephens
C/PF- Sean Leslie
F/C- Tyler Mullins
F- Nick McGuire
F/C- Lewis Barnett
G/F- Brooks Herrick

Im guessing on the 1st 6 guys. Might be pretty close when Tyler's ok'd to practice and play.
Other guys that may come back to the hardwood, Brenton Hamilton, Zack Ousley, plus a pretty good crop of young ones coming up if some of them can
control their attitude.
1. SF...3 guards plus Ryan Little plus experience which is always a plus.
2. PBurg... Athletic and have a couple good shooters in Leslie and Herick.
3. BL... Have Kidd but lost leading scorer and Pg plus Case. Might not be able to get it down the floor to Kidd?
4. AC...young but have a couple of nice freshmen.
Who is Tyler Mullins? Must be a transfer?
Tyler is a transfer from Pike Co. Central I think. He's 6'6" or there close about.
Should help out quite a bit then.
p-burg as usual is going to have an athletic team thats going 2 be hard 2 beat

south floyd is unpredicatable who knows dont expect much tho

betsy layne is another team coming out of the 58th thats going 2 be hard 2 beat :?:
Im not to sure about this district it's pretty wide open i would have to say P-Burg and B-L fighting it out but not to sure it will b a good one.

Mullins will be a big help inside for P-Burg ive played with the kid he's big but handles the ball very well and has a beautiful jump shot the only thing that wikl hurt him is attitude
Betsy Layne

South Floyd
Allen Central
1. Prestonsburg
2. South Floyd
2. Allen Central
4. Betsy Layne

I think it's Prestonsburg's to win, but I think both SF and AC will be tough...BL is in for a rough season I think...
1. South Floyd

2. P-Burg
3. Betsy Layne
4. Allen Central
4.Allen Central

Yo eastkyreporter what are u talking about BL is going to have a rough season there getting almost everybody back except for Preston Simmons and Nathan Lafferty and from what it looks like Derek Case is also going to be back the only trouble there going to have is p-burg. Ipersonnly dont see Allen Central andSF being any good next year.

South Floyd will have a good season...Prestonsburg is always decent...Betsy Layne has been "expecting" big things for the last 3 or 4 seasons, but they never live up to the hype.

I don't see them winning 10 games...
South Floyd is in the drivers seat again 5 out of last 6 means more then most think.
then close if not 1a isPrestonsburg always strong and physical. B.Layne can not replace the scoring and leadership of the two senior that they lost plus CASE is INEGLIABLE. so i would put them a little ahead of AC.
rubberbandmab_55 do not see SF being that good probally have the best Pg in the region plus one of the top 5 shooters in the region. Kidd from Bl might be the best center but like i said earlier do not have the guard to get it to him.
what do u mean they dont have a guard to get the ball to him. Two words Brandon Thacker all he needs to do keep his temper under control and there going to be ok. They also have a young but very talented pg in brennan case. The reason I think Derek Case is going to play is becuase over summer he still went to the camps and shootarounds. I just think becuase south floyd lost little and stanley thay are not going to be that dominate in the paint wich means big games for Brandon Kidd. So we will just have to wait until Jan. 6 to find out.
Prestonsburg also has to young Freshman that should make the Varsity which is Blake meade and Jody tackett.Meade is a all around good player and Tackett can shot the ball very well. They both made the transfure to Prestonsburg over the summer
Prestonsburg's line-up will be:
PG - Michael Stephens
SG - Brooks Herrick
SF - Sean Leslie
PF - Nick McGuire
C - Lewis Barnette

With Tyler Mullins coming off the bench to help down low, then you have Jordan Hall and Bobby Hughes who can both shoot very well, Lincoln Slone, James Lafferty, and maybe Trevor Patton.

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