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New Football Coach at Jenkins: Lincoln Bentley
sherman14 Wrote:Jenkins will definetly field a team this year. There are many new guys playing next season. Maybe this coach wont leave because he sent his son to a rival school.

I think it was very commendable for Coach J to stay as long as he did. How would you like to see your son come to middleschool practice and 7 kids show up accept on game day. What would you do. Where would you send your child to HS if you wanted him to have a chance at getting a scholarship some where. A RIVAL SCHOOL. In football trust me Jenkins is not a rival. Their middleschool team has had one winning season in the last 10 years that I know of. It maybe longer. I am not bashing JMS or JHS just stating facts. How someone can bash Coach J is beyond me. BEST OF LUCK TO LINCOLN. I hope he can get the kids out and keep the program afloat. He will expect the best!
cheese4me Wrote:I think it was very commendable for Coach J to stay as long as he did. How would you like to see your son come to middleschool practice and 7 kids show up accept on game day. What would you do. Where would you send your child to HS if you wanted him to have a chance at getting a scholarship some where. A RIVAL SCHOOL. In football trust me Jenkins is not a rival. Their middleschool team has had one winning season in the last 10 years that I know of. It maybe longer. I am not bashing JMS or JHS just stating facts. How someone can bash Coach J is beyond me. BEST OF LUCK TO LINCOLN. I hope he can get the kids out and keep the program afloat. He will expect the best!

[quote=cheese4me]I think it was very commendable for Coach J to stay as long as he did. How would you like to see your son come to middleschool practice and 7 kids show up accept on game day. What would you do. Where would you send your child to HS if you wanted him to have a chance at getting a scholarship some where. A RIVAL SCHOOL. In football trust me Jenkins is not a rival. Their middleschool team has had one winning season in the last 10 years that I know of. It maybe longer. I am not bashing JMS or JHS just stating facts. How someone can bash Coach J is beyond me. BEST OF LUCK TO LINCOLN. I hope he can get the kids out and keep the program afloat. He will expect the best![/QUOT

I wasn't bashing coach johnson i was also staing fact!

Sure sounded like you bashed Coach Johnson to me. I don't blame him a bit. Just doing what was best for his son! Best of Luck to the Big Green next season and to Coach Bentley!
Is there any chance of east ridge players transfering to Jenkins?
MajorWood22Is there any chance of east ridge players transfering to Jenkins?

I wouldn't think so...This would be a long way for those kids to travel every day...The only way that they could play if they did would be to have a chnge of address and I don't really see any of those kids moving that far just to play football.
If they did move it would have to be because they love their old coach and don't want to play for anyone else...That's just my opinion on the situation...It's just hard on the kids when they lose one of their coaches they are really close to.
I don't see anyone changing school to play football at Jenkins. I was just wondering because like said there are athletes devoted to their coach.
Best of Luck to the Cavs with their new coach, hopefully he can get the excitement built up and get some kids to come out
He is a good coach. He has a great work ethic, and he knows what he is doing.
Who might be on staff with Coach B?
Hmmm, I didn't know that I was going to be on the staff. LOL
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:Who might be on staff with Coach B?
CoachB Wrote:Hmmm, I didn't know that I was going to be on the staff. LOL

It was directed toward coach bently. Good to know you have a sense of humor. Smile

Seriously, how many coaches does he have?
Don't think so!!!!!!!
ERblue4ever Wrote:Don't think so!!!!!!!

I heard he may have some young guys helping him out, maybe as volunteers.
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:I heard he may have some young guys helping him out, maybe as volunteers.

I heard Brandon Ratliff from The Ridge was going with him. He helped coach my Jr and soph year. He is a pretty good coach.
xwarrior Wrote:I heard Brandon Ratliff from The Ridge was going with him. He helped coach my Jr and soph year. He is a pretty good coach.

What are his credentials?
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:I heard he may have some young guys helping him out, maybe as volunteers.
Not heard of any volunteers yet. Ratliff and a guy from Whitesburgh are helping him right now. Neither of them are volunteers I dont think. Someone said that both of them were subs and close to being finished with school. I guess they are para professionals.
Have these guys coached before? This would be a good job for young guys to learn and help grow as a coach.
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:Have these guys coached before? This would be a good job for young guys to learn and help grow as a coach.

Brandon Ratliff has been an asst coach at ER for a few years and last year I believe he was an offensive cordnatior Jackson County.
warriorpride Wrote:Brandon Ratliff has been an asst coach at ER for a few years and last year I believe he was an offensive cordnatior Jackson County.

So he is a para professional at Jackson Co. as offensive coordinator? Why did he leave there? Good luck to him, ER and Jenkins.
Congrats Coach! Good Luck this year!
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:So he is a para professional at Jackson Co. as offensive coordinator? Why did he leave there? Good luck to him, ER and Jenkins.
I would imagine that he came back here to coach basketball at East Ridge....I'm pretty sure that he was an assistant for Eric Ratliff last year. I think he and Bentley were on the same football staff together at ER a couple of years ago also...That too could be the reason he left...Not really sure but I will try to find out.
TarHeel_Fan15 Wrote:I would imagine that he came back here to coach basketball at East Ridge....I'm pretty sure that he was an assistant for Eric Ratliff last year. I think he and Bentley were on the same football staff together at ER a couple of years ago also...That too could be the reason he left...Not really sure but I will try to find out.

I read that the Ratliff kid came back to coach basketball at ER (Basketball program). The coach at Jackson Co. resigned and maybe a new staff was now to be put in place leading to Ratliff coming back to ER.
The former head coach (Harris?) was the OC/DC, basically running the show alone.

Good luck to Jenkins, Bently, Ratliff and all of EKY football programs
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:I read that the Ratliff kid came back to coach basketball at ER (Basketball program). The coach at Jackson Co. resigned and maybe a new staff was now to be put in place leading to Ratliff coming back to ER.
The former head coach (Harris?) was the OC/DC, basically running the show alone.

Good luck to Jenkins, Bently, Ratliff and all of EKY football programs
I dont think that has anything to do with him coming back. I saw him coaching the JV game for ER when they played Shelby Valley at the first of the season. I didn't see the thread about Harris stepping down until basketball season was almost over so I am pretty sure that didnt have anything to do with it. I may be wrong but I dont think so. The first year I think Harris had to pretty much run it himself but not last year. They were at the Bobcat Bowl last year and someone said they had three new assistants that were pretty good....(Ratliff and 2 other guys)
TarHeel_Fan15 Wrote:I dont think that has anything to do with him coming back. I saw him coaching the JV game for ER when they played Shelby Valley at the first of the season. I didn't see the thread about Harris stepping down until basketball season was almost over so I am pretty sure that didnt have anything to do with it. I may be wrong but I dont think so. The first year I think Harris had to pretty much run it himself but not last year. They were at the Bobcat Bowl last year and someone said they had three new assistants that were pretty good....(Ratliff and 2 other guys)

Would the Ratliff kid with his experience (basketball and " O-Coordinator) be up for a head coaching job - Jenkins, Phelps or even ER?

So is Jackson lost everyone? Are the other two assistants w/ Ratliff from Eastern Ky?
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:Would the Ratliff kid with his experience (basketball and " O-Coordinator) be up for a head coaching job - Jenkins, Phelps or even ER?

So is Jackson lost everyone? Are the other two assistants w/ Ratliff from Eastern Ky?
I guess they have.I dont know the other two so I guess they arent from Eastern KY.Seems like they were from somewhere around Danville and Boyle County. Don't hold me to that because I wouldnt swear on it. That's where I am thinking though.
Wow, Danville/Boyle area is a nice area for football. Are those coaches decently football smart? How long have they been coaching?
FOOTBALLFORLIFE Wrote:Would the Ratliff kid with his experience (basketball and " O-Coordinator) be up for a head coaching job - Jenkins, Phelps or even ER?

NO!!! He is a nice guy, and a pretty good volunteer, but he is in no way ready to be a head coach!! You seem awful interested in him though!

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