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Paintsville-103 Sheldon Clark- 50
Final congrats tigers
congrats tigers!
Congrats Paintsville !!!!

Slone- 30 ----6 3's pointers
Vanhoose -24 ----8 3's pointers
Grimm -23
Congrats Tigers.
what a way to start the post season...i predicted a 30+ win but i guess even i underestimated the tigers tonight...congrats tigers 4 more games to go....
Congrats Blake and Nice Job TIgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did they break any district tournament 3pt Records??
bleedblue2002 Wrote:did they break any district tournament 3pt Records??

not any district records just all the hearts of the sv sorry im really just kidding i had to...
congrats bundy!!!!
Congratulations Tigers on the win. Sounds like they played an almost flawless game. Big congrats to Blake on reaching 1,000 points. He had quite a bit of assists according to the WSIP guys. Also would like to give a shout out to the guys at WSIP for having the online broadcast for the whole district tournament. Thank you for the dedication in covering the local sports scene.
Conrats Tigers
Congrats Tigers
OMG Wrote:not any district records just all the hearts of the sv sorry im really just kidding i had to...

This is why SV can't be kept out of threads, smart butt Paintsville fans.
Congrats Tigers! If they continue to shoot like this throughout the district and region tourney they may just walk through it all IMO.
Wow... great team play Tigers! Congrats!
Congrats Tigers
How about you tell OMG to stay on topic, he is the one bringing SV into this thread, someone always has to do it.
Sounds like paintsville ran up the score a little bit.
PhiSlamaJama#12 Wrote:How about you tell OMG to stay on topic, he is the one bringing SV into this thread, someone always has to do it.
???? Who said anything about stayin on topic.
True but it usually comes from that end!!
PC_You_Know Wrote:This is why SV can't be kept out of threads, smart butt Paintsville fans.
Don't judge us all on one person there lil fella.
Congrats Paintsville on the big victory.

Glad to see J.D.'s shot comin around. Right at the perfect time.
Redneck Wrote:???? Who said anything about stayin on topic.

Someone (not an admin.) said "STAY ON TOPIC" they pulled that thread though
kysportsguru Wrote:Sounds like paintsville ran up the score a little bit.

Paintsville was playing with reserves in some positions during the 2nd and then with about 2 minutes to go in the 3rd went the majority of the rest of the way with the j.v. squad. When a team is on like that you can't tell them to not scoring regardless who is in the game. It could've been a lot worse....Paintsville was up 79-36 at the end of 3.
Congrats Paintsville.
Warriors23RJ Wrote:Paintsville-103 SC-62

That was Warriors23RJ's prediction of the game. Lol, he was pretty close.
I said it. Every time there is a thread about Paintsville somebody says something about Shelby Valley. It probably isn't even made by a Paintsville fan. I am almost sure that Shelby Valley threads get the same intrusions as Paintsville's does. Around here if you opinion really differs with that of someone with administrator staus your will be censored.
Very Impressive win. If they play like this through the tourney then SV better watch out!
way to run that score up!!! very impressed
Blake had a double double. 1 point short of a triple double.hehad 10 assist 10rebs. 9 points. This wasn't a game from the beginging IMO. they started pulling away early. Congrads Tigers keep it up!!!!!!!!!1

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