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Football Coaching Positions (Truths and Rumors)
Every head coach should be a state certified teacher.

I agree with your statement. But correct me if I am wrong. They do not have to be a certified teacher.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:This happens in a lot of places. Many coaches will assume "athletic director" or assistant athletic director, "guidance counselor" type positions and never step foot in a classroom. Others will retire from the classroom but continue to coach without holding any other position with the school system...ala Mac Whitaker at Harrison Co. Head Coach of Girls Basketball and Boys Baseball.

Thanks for the information. I was not aware of that.
Morgan County coach resigned
The law was changed about 6 years ago. Prior to that a person not employed by the school system was only able to coach a what is considered a minor sport. When the law was changed to included all sports. The job has to be posted inside the school system first and an in system person will get the job over a non-system person.
Just an add on to my last post. The law chage is why a coach can keep the job as coach after retiring as a teacher. As of the 64 credit hours, I'm not sure, but I beleive that is correct.
track Wrote:The law was changed about 6 years ago. Prior to that a person not employed by the school system was only able to coach a what is considered a minor sport. When the law was changed to included all sports. The job has to be posted inside the school system first and an in system person will get the job over a non-system person.

It is not a KHSAA rule that a non school district employee can only be hired as a coach after the job has been posted and no employee wants the job. That may be a local school district rule, but it is not a KHSAA rule. The only KHSAA rule (which was actually mandated by the State Board of Education by the way) is that all non certified, non employee teacher coaches either 1. have graduated from an accredited high school and hold a provisional or standard teaching certificate; 2. have completed 64 semester hours of college credit; or 3 have graduated from an accredited high school and comply with the local school districts standards as a substitute teacher as approved by the Education Professional Standards Board.

And again, the KHSAA rules do not mandate that the school district first has to offer the job to its employees. The rule is By Law 27 and I'm reading it as I type this.
You don't have to be a teacher you just have to have a req. amount of hours. I think it is around 60. If you are a good enough coach, why would it matter if you are a teacher in the school system. IMO that is rediculous. If you had a job making more money than in the school system, should you be forced to quit your job and start in the school. What does it matter where you "work" as long as you are the best candidate for the job.
Possum Bait Wrote:Lets get this straight. A high school coach'es means of making a living is "TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES". Coaching is nothing more than a means of extra income.

A fired coach keeps his real job if he has tenure which is almost always the case. Poor coaches should be fired quickly and with no concern of their financial well being or personal feelings. A poor coach'es extra income is not very important when compared to the damage he can do to 50 or 60 kids in a single season.

The concern should be with the kids not the coach.

Couldn't agree with you more. Outstanding post that I wish some administrators would read and take to heart..
slingblade93 Wrote:You don't have to be a teacher you just have to have a req. amount of hours. I think it is around 60. If you are a good enough coach, why would it matter if you are a teacher in the school system. IMO that is rediculous. If you had a job making more money than in the school system, should you be forced to quit your job and start in the school. What does it matter where you "work" as long as you are the best candidate for the job.

Yes you have to be a certified teacher, unless, the school does not have anyone who has applied that is a cerified teacher. This being said, if a female teacher puts her name in the hat, the school must hire her before hiring someone who is not a certified teacher regardless of worthiness and credientials. Kentucky is one of the few states which require this and it is a very negative repuirement IMO. They must hire a teacher who has no experience if they apply for the job if another certified person does not apply, this is true for any sport in Ky. There are schools however that "beat the system", and are usually more successful than others. Kentucky needs to change the stipulations about being certified before you can be a head coach. Example, by law, if Vince Lombardi wanted a high school coaching job and was not a certified teacher, he would not get the job if a cerified teacher, regardless of experience or gender had applied for it. Major issue with Ky.!
Maybe coaches in Kentucky. can now quit teaching and get a job that they can make a living with and coach during their spare time. Evidently coaching is only a part time job.
State Champs Wrote:Maybe coaches in Kentucky. can now quit teaching and get a job that they can make a living with and coach during their spare time. Evidently coaching is only a part time job.

I sense your sarcasm and agree completely. Coaching is a full time job to thos ewho it means something to. Most of the guyds that I know who coach, spend a lot of time learning and doing.
Journeyman Wrote:Yes you have to be a certified teacher, unless, the school does not have anyone who has applied that is a cerified teacher. This being said, if a female teacher puts her name in the hat, the school must hire her before hiring someone who is not a certified teacher regardless of worthiness and credientials. Kentucky is one of the few states which require this and it is a very negative repuirement IMO. They must hire a teacher who has no experience if they apply for the job if another certified person does not apply, this is true for any sport in Ky. There are schools however that "beat the system", and are usually more successful than others. Kentucky needs to change the stipulations about being certified before you can be a head coach. Example, by law, if Vince Lombardi wanted a high school coaching job and was not a certified teacher, he would not get the job if a cerified teacher, regardless of experience or gender had applied for it. Major issue with Ky.!

They don't have to.
I mean, they can choose not to hire any candidates and keep the vacancy open. If need be, they can hire an interim coach until they fill the opening.
They can't be forced into hiring unqualified personel.
I have heard from a few people that Saunders has talked about applying for the Pikeville job, anyone know about this?
im from the pikeville area but i dont know for sure if has submitted an appli. for the job but i suspect he might have
Journeyman Wrote:Yes you have to be a certified teacher, unless, the school does not have anyone who has applied that is a cerified teacher. This being said, if a female teacher puts her name in the hat, the school must hire her before hiring someone who is not a certified teacher regardless of worthiness and credientials. Kentucky is one of the few states which require this and it is a very negative repuirement IMO. They must hire a teacher who has no experience if they apply for the job if another certified person does not apply, this is true for any sport in Ky. There are schools however that "beat the system", and are usually more successful than others. Kentucky needs to change the stipulations about being certified before you can be a head coach. Example, by law, if Vince Lombardi wanted a high school coaching job and was not a certified teacher, he would not get the job if a cerified teacher, regardless of experience or gender had applied for it. Major issue with Ky.!

No you don't.

Anyone can coach as long as they have 64 hours of college. At the high school level you do not even have to pay the coach, they can be a volunteer.
Morgan County’s Jeff Norman (a Belfry alum) was hired by Iroquois.

Pikeville's Mike Jackson went to Ballard.

VHSL-helper Wrote:Morgan County’s Jeff Norman (a Belfry alum) was hired by Iroquois.

Pikeville's Mike Jackson went to Ballard.

Jackson went to Ballard like 2 weeks ago and people have already stopped talking about it. Just a little late. LOL
PC_You_Know Wrote:I have heard from a few people that Saunders has talked about applying for the Pikeville job, anyone know about this?

Ohhhhh ****! That would be about the worst thing for Pikeville ever!. He can't win at SV so I seriously doubt they would look at him. The committee is meeting on Friday to gather a short list of peolpe to interview so I would suggest to get your application in now or not worry about it since I just heard that the candidate has already been picked.
Saunders would not go to Pikeville. And he has done well at shelby Valley. He won the schools first ever Playoff game and also won over 100 carreer games. He is a very good coach.
cats 6969 Wrote:Saunders would not go to Pikeville. And he has done well at shelby Valley. He won the schools first ever Playoff game and also won over 100 carreer games. He is a very good coach.

That is crazy that he has won over 100 games in the past 2-3 years at SV!
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Well, right there is alot of your problem. Coaches should be certified teachers hired within a system. (Answers to someone & has to be accountable) Now if they've moved along in the system and have administrative positions, that's okay too... but this just bringing folks in and getting "special permission" for them to coach without the necessary hours or even the minimum hours is lame. How on earth can you promote "Education Pays", if you allow folks without the proper credentials into your school like this.... gives such a bad example, and teaches a cruel truth about human nature.

Good post Lisa Douglas !!!
I heard that Bobby Branham resigned as coach of the warriors. Any truth to this?
Uncle Jesse Wrote:I heard that Bobby Branham resigned as coach of the warriors. Any truth to this?

Yes he 3 weeks ago. Where have you been?
Capt. DH Wrote:Yes he 3 weeks ago. Where have you been?

Las Vegas, for two weeks, if you must know.
Has there been any word on the Bullet East position? Who are the candidates?
What is going on with the Shelby Valley coaching situation? Is Saunders staying and who will be the assistants?

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