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BGR Myspace?
I have created a myspace for us bluegrassrivals members. By doing this hopefully it will bring more members to BGR. For those who wanna join the BGR myspace go here:

Lets bring BGR to the world.
Any Mod/Adim who whould like to help update the myspace site, send me a pm so I can give you the e-mail and password.
Hopefully this is a good idea, seems to be good work WP. Someone should make a BGR layout for it. I would but I dont know how, lol.
yea we should get Q to do it, he seems to be good at that.
I know how to make myspace layouts.
BTW, I think this was a great idea. Can't believe no one thought of it before.
cards_athlete Wrote:I know how to make myspace layouts.

Well if you want to try to make one than send it to me.
cards_athlete Wrote:BTW, I think this was a great idea. Can't believe no one thought of it before.

Pour it on it!
So far we have 8 members on our BGR Myspace (including tom). I know everyone dont have a myspace but come on we should have at least 100. I thought this up as an advirtisment for BGR so I figure more the myspace friends more popular which whould mean more members on BGR.
add me jabrones....
FN it might not work where I just created the myspace today there is some new private setting on it. If you do not recive the invite try adding it again.
I added BGR as a friend lol
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

warriorpride Wrote:FN it might not work where I just created the myspace today there is some new private setting on it. If you do not recive the invite try adding it again.

lol what I mean by this is I havent assigned which email I want to be notified on. Like if one of the admin. want to help me run the BGR Myspace than i dont wanna use my email.
Can one of you guys make this sticky so all the members can read it and join the myspace site. All this is in intreast of BGR.
Well I hate to tell you, your not the first one to think of it, QQ was just waiting on the site to be done before he started one.
Sorry Q, I beat you to the punch.
I added ya as my friend
WP did u get that layout i sent
I sent you a pm about it
WP if you want I don't mind at all helping you out with the Myspace. Message me on MSN or through a PM if you are interested.

I'd be willing to help out. I already keep one up to date for the Tomcats anyways.
Welcome to BlueGrassRivals

If you ever have any questions, problems, or comments, contact me at [][/email] or via PM by clicking here [Image:]
Their Myspace looks good Tomcat.

I do a lot of coding on mine so if I can do anything to help out just let me know.

we have 20 BGR members now.
It will grow. Need to try to get the word out in other forums or through PMs.

whoever has done the work on the myspace page has done an outstanding job..Ive asked for an add, lol...see you all on there!
You can thank Bat for the most of the work.
i like this idea.
great idea
love to help out
my old myspace layout
was a under armor layout
i got it from free hot
Hey all check out the layout now I have on there. Still working on it, if you have any ideas that I can do to it let me know. i am new to the whole coding thing so bare with me.
Batpuff Wrote:Hey all check out the layout now I have on there. Still working on it, if you have any ideas that I can do to it let me know. i am new to the whole coding thing so bare with me.

It looks good Bat, Real good for a first time coder.

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