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Cheering Away BB Games
If I'm remembering right it seems like there were hardly ever any cheerleaders from the opposing team at our home games....unless it was a tournament. Do your squads travel or just usually cheer at home?
"BACK in the day".... if the ball team went.... we went too!!! It was a given! I don't understand why cheerleaders don't travel unless it's a tournament. I loved going to away games... AAHHHH.... the good ol' days!!!
The cheerleaders should go to all away games!! It is sad that the atmosphere created by a cheerleading squad is sadly missing in most games. Usually only the home team has cheerleaders which isn't fair to the away team or their fans. Then in most holiday tournaments there are no cheerleaders at all. That is not the way it used to be and it is not a change for the better.

Lets get the cheerleaders to all of the games. I admire those teams that still try to get their squads to the away games.
I know that if it's really close to KAPOS, then many squads have practice instead of going to the game. Maybe with a different competition date, we will be able to go to more away games. I love traveling with our teams. Besides, that is what we are there for, to CHEER on the team. Not just to compete. jmo
phs1986 Wrote:"BACK in the day".... if the ball team went.... we went too!!! It was a given! I don't understand why cheerleaders don't travel unless it's a tournament. I loved going to away games... AAHHHH.... the good ol' days!!!

Yea....I remember those days. There was no such thing as the cheerleaders not going! Soooo much fun!
Prestonsburg usually tries to cheer all the away games. They usually do unless there are back to back away games that are pretty good distances away. The Title IX rule also has some squads cheering every night of the week so I think many teams try to get a break on a night if it is an away game.

Last year Prestonsburg played Belfry the day before KAPOS so I believe that is why Prestonsburg didn't cheer at the game.
i do believe Jc's Squad goes just about to all games unless it's kapos time or they are competeing somewhere else
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:I know that if it's really close to KAPOS, then many squads have practice instead of going to the game. Maybe with a different competition date, we will be able to go to more away games. I love traveling with our teams. Besides, that is what we are there for, to CHEER on the team. Not just to compete. jmo

I think here at Belfry our squads take turns away during BB season............but at home last year I don't think any other squads ever came to cheer, and yes the gym just seemed dead. I think cheerleaders always seem to do better when the other squads show up, gives them soething to work against!
Yea when I cheered, we cheered every game....girls and guys.....home or away....regardless. I am pretty sure my old high school still does that, but after being a fan last year, I see that hardly any one takes their cheerleaders with them, what is up with that?
When I played basketball in high school I always enjoyed having our cheerleaders at away games (though they went to very few unless it was a rivalry game)....I just didn't like it when we had to travel on the same bus as them.
What was the reason?? I can't say I liked riding with the boys either, but only because while their coach was giving them down the road about how they played the game, We had to sit in silence and listen to it. That sucked!! But why didnt you like riding with the cheerleaders? I was just wondering your opinion....
SHEW... not on our bus.. LOL... I can remember one year we were rather good in football.. (not tellin the year of course.. teehee)... and we didn't pull outta the parking lot without a "jam box" as it used to be called! Puttin a little John Cougar in and singing "Jack and Diane" to the top of our lungs was FUN!! I dont' recall that one of those boys could carry a tune but they tried like all H E double hocky sticks!!! LOLOL...Believe it or not,,,, it was one of the coaches who demanded music on the bus.... we all just went along for the ride (and the game of course)!!
phs1986 Wrote:SHEW... not on our bus.. LOL... I can remember one year we were rather good in football.. (not tellin the year of course.. teehee)... and we didn't pull outta the parking lot without a "jam box" as it used to be called! Puttin a little John Cougar in and singing "Jack and Diane" to the top of our lungs was FUN!! I dont' recall that one of those boys could carry a tune but they tried like all H E double hocky sticks!!! LOLOL...Believe it or not,,,, it was one of the coaches who demanded music on the bus.... we all just went along for the ride (and the game of course)!!

Those were the days..........our basketball team always blasted "POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME" of course the 80's music is still where it's at, I think it's makin a comeback. But back to the topic, I think the cheerleaders should go support all games!:Cheerlead
BballRox1135 Wrote:What was the reason?? I can't say I liked riding with the boys either, but only because while their coach was giving them down the road about how they played the game, We had to sit in silence and listen to it. That sucked!! But why didnt you like riding with the cheerleaders? I was just wondering your opinion....

Pretty much just for the reason that there was less room than usual on the bus to be comfortable....nothing personal against the cheerleaders.
We are just going to district away games this year, what with competition and having to cheer for boys & girls the amount of games is somewhat outrageous!!! But I LOVE away games!!!

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