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Person Above Me GAME!
^^is WWWAAYYYY off!!! Smile (Good try though).... LOL...
^ Has almost 1,000 posts.
^^is a cheerleader from THE VILLE
^ and resides up the creek to your left!!! hahahaha....
^ somehow regained her points......YEAH!!!!!
^^needs to know that I had a wonderful friend donate them to me!!! (she's great)!!
^Needs to donate some more!...haha
^^ still needs to tell me what points are for....LOL
^Would be wierd if this person wasnt a friendofbelfry...lol
^^to bet with and buy with.... FOB... go check out the store icon... top of your page!!!
<<was replyin to FOB but was too slow... YOU actually beat me!!!! LMAO...
^haha...my bad im way too slow
^^is gettin quicker!!!! Smile
^^ Is the fastest
^hasnt posted very much in the thread
^^ Needs To Give Me Some Points
^How many?..lol
^^ 2000 LOL...IDK..Is Very Generous If He Actually Gives Me Points LOL
^Should now check there points out.lol
^^ Is A VERY Generous Guy... MWAH!!!
^Thanks you very much...haha
^ Only gave her 2000. Cheapskate.....Smile
Should Share His Points Too If He Thinks -STAT- Is A Cheepskate
^ Really, really, really needs to pay more attention.
^Is not a cheapskate...lol
REALLY REALLY REALLY NEEDS To Stop Pickin On Me And Makin Me Feel Dumb

^^Slow once again...haha
^ is a good guy lol!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
Is a nice girl!...lol
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