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When do you say no??
I see alot where coaches let kids come out this late in the season already. I myself believe that if you aren't there when the season starts then you tell them to just keep there butts at the house! Kids know when the practices are going on but would rather sit at home in the nice air conditioned house or get outside and ride four wheelers all day long while the other kids are working there tails off in the 100 degree weather! Hate seeing coaches let kids come out, this time of the year. I know some of the smaller schools need numbers or want numbers, but I would rather have my 20 that wants to be there instead of Johnny wanting a jersey to show his girlfriend that he plays football but will end up sitting out of almost every game or practice. I am sure you all know those type of football practices. Does everyone else agree or do you think you should leave it opened until school starts??
Most coachs make them go thru much more in an attempt to see if they are really serious about staying out. They miss out on the bonding that a team has already started. In many cases they just want to wear the jersey and say they are a football player. If they are of no help to the team they do add numbers on the sideline and the team looks like they have alot of players. Not many really make a contributuion the year they come out late or for that fact any year. But it may help a boy feel like he's part of something and has a reason to attend school and make an attempt to have better grades, keeping them out of trouble.
right now. no

if they cant stand the heat..........................:devilflam
Well in that case, most teams have rules that if you are ineligable 2 weeks then you are off of the team anyways! And I think it should be that way!
coach hart won't let people come out after dead peroid unless they just moved here or a good reason.
ahh valley coach wont let that happen unless there coming from another school and he giving the freshman some slack so i believe hes going to let the ones that want to come out when school start back (just the frshamn)
theres alot of kids that jus wanna jersey and the coaches shouldnt let them type of players start after season's began. The only way they should be able to come out is if they just moved or some other good reason, i really cant think of one.
If your not there the first day of practice, working hard then you shouldnt be there in the first place, waiting til school to start shouldnt be a option
well i know some coachs have said any kids who come out late.. its left up to the team if they can play or not.. and if so they have 2 set out the first couple of game.. i kinda agree with this.. but i dont see why some kids, just want to wear a jersay, and say look at me i play football...
Coach J @ Pikeville tells all kids that come out late that they have to stay after prcatice and do extra conditioning until they are caught up with the rest of the team. He makes them stay 5- 10 minutes extra every day till theyve done the same amount. If the kids are willing to stick that out then he lets them stay and Ive seen it myself I guarantee if those kids just didnt want to come out to summer practice theyll wish they would have after that.
PantherPride68 Wrote:Coach J @ Pikeville tells all kids that come out late that they have to stay after prcatice and do extra conditioning until they are caught up with the rest of the team. He makes them stay 5- 10 minutes extra every day till theyve done the same amount. If the kids are willing to stick that out then he lets them stay and Ive seen it myself I guarantee if those kids just didnt want to come out to summer practice theyll wish they would have after that.

I agree.. thats how it should be..
PantherPride68 Wrote:Coach J @ Pikeville tells all kids that come out late that they have to stay after prcatice and do extra conditioning until they are caught up with the rest of the team. He makes them stay 5- 10 minutes extra every day till theyve done the same amount. If the kids are willing to stick that out then he lets them stay and Ive seen it myself I guarantee if those kids just didnt want to come out to summer practice theyll wish they would have after that.
awesome way to take of slackers
i agree..
i can understand freshman that didnt know, but soph. through seniors know that they need to participate in summer activities

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