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Ashland self-reports possible recruiting violation to the KHSAA
(06-22-2022, 10:23 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 09:45 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 09:07 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:55 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.
Obviously you are a relative of the dad or simply a lifelong Ashland hater and are trying your best to make this sound much worse than it is. I don’t see anything worthy of any penalties here. And the facts are Mays is not this big bad overzealous recruiter you have tried your best to paint him with your countless posts. One transfer per year is not overboard, and it’s not recruiting either. The old saying, “Making a mountain out of a mole hill” applies with your way of thinking and accusations. You are wanting so bad for Mays to be dismissed and penalties levied but I’ve got news for you….it ain’t happening. Because there’s nothing to base it on. This recording exonerates Mays more than the opposite.

lol, nothing against Ashland, not a Boyd fan and wish the kids in the program the best but if you can’t hear he is recruiting the kid harder than any college coach would a high school star then you  didn’t listen to the tape.  He even details it out!  
And your saying it’s making a mountain out of a mole hill - all I can say is if you are that close and biased to the program and can’t see it then just prepare yourself to be shocked with the KHSAA enforcement ruling.
Lol, Socrates, the kid is an 8th grader whose father initiated contact with the coach with a phone call (and no, it wasn’t a return call). 8th graders at the time of the call can transfer anywhere. Obviously if the parent implies he is moving said athlete any coach will listen and explain how their program works and they’d like to have him. That’s not recruiting. That’s answering the questions and talking to a parent who is thinking of transferring. It’s as simple as that. One guy selling his son’s talents and the other listening to what he has to say and bragging up his school. Nothing more. Ashland self reported, due to the conversation taking place, and have dealt with it on their end. But you and a few more can’t handle those results, lol. It’s causing you to lose sleep. Relax my good man. It’s not as serious as you have led everyone to believe and the recording proves that. You can’t always have everything like you think it should be, sometimes it has to be how it actually is.

Honest question, what further needs to happen, for all this to not be considered serious?
SocratesKy ….are you the father that recorded this stupid crap?? The way you are going on about this makes me believe you are ?
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I lean more now to a full 4 year eligibility ban for the player. Drop the hammer, send the message that actions like this from parents wont be tolerated.
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After listening to the phone conversation, only person to blame is the Coach. He knows the rules and obviously knew he was violating them. He seems to admit has done this many times before. You can blame the parent for calling him, and I agree he should not and I personally believe it was a underhanded thing to record and report, but the Coach clearly the driving force in the conversation promoting himself as high school basketball messiah for a young talented kid (guarantee spot on national three stripe team or EYBL team., best friends with NBA agent, possible Adidas flagship team, social media guy on staff, trainer on staff, etc.). Hell of a salesman. The ones on here early that said there was nothing to the call, hard to trust your opinions about anything in the future.
(06-22-2022, 12:51 PM)RAMDAD50 Wrote: SocratesKy ….are you the father that recorded this stupid crap?? The way you are going on about this makes me believe you are ?
The way Ashland seems to act like this is nothing and that I’m crazy is why I respond.  Maybe you and your Tomcat pals should log onto social media since you think I’m ridiculous.  Again I wish the best for the kids that play there and am giving my opinion. The Ashlanders that don’t like my opinion want to get personal when they (and you) are the outliers.  By the way I don’t even know the father.
After listening to the entire 50 min call, I am shocked and dismayed that the Daily Independent has not followed up on their June 3 article. Nate Bryan, Larry Vaught and Ryan Lemond have all weighed in, where’s the local coverage from the James A. Anderson gym? Is the DI in so deep with Ashland that they’ve been gagged?
(06-22-2022, 01:26 PM)kai Wrote: After listening to the phone conversation, only person to blame is the Coach.  He knows the rules and obviously knew he was violating them.  He seems to admit has done this many times before.  You can blame the parent for calling him, and I agree he should not and I personally believe it was a underhanded thing to record and report, but the Coach clearly the driving force in the conversation promoting himself as high school basketball  messiah for a young talented kid (guarantee spot on national three stripe team or EYBL team., best friends with NBA agent, possible Adidas flagship team, social media guy on staff, trainer on staff,  etc.).  Hell of a salesman.  The ones on here early that said there was nothing to the call, hard to trust your opinions about anything in the future.
The initial violation was the dad contacting the coach and trying to shop his kid around.  (One of schools contacted evidently). So he is to be blamed as well.  Let’s not cherry pick our violations.  I am hearing the Boyd investigation is next.  Boys and Girls.  We know they don’t want that… lol.   It is personal on many levels now for some.  Buckle up
Fraley and Orem at Pikeville are the two biggest recruiters on the girls side in Eastern Kentucky.

Recruiting happens all over the state, but I think lately Eastern Kentucky has been the worse area of the state.

Until the KHSAA changes the rules its cheating.
(06-22-2022, 01:57 PM)McDowellEagles Wrote: After listening to the entire 50 min call, I am shocked and dismayed that the Daily Independent has not followed up on their June 3 article. Nate Bryan, Larry Vaught and Ryan Lemond have all weighed in, where’s the local coverage from the James A. Anderson gym? Is the DI in so deep with Ashland that they’ve been gagged?

If this was in the 15th region, David and Darryl would have a temporary emergency base set up on the school's football field.
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The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators.
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
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(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
That is definitely a different view
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(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.

You must have missed the bold parts where he told him exactly what he needed to do to move his kid to Ashland and when he needed to do it before his 8th grade school year had finished that way there were no transfer issues. lol

I think after people on hear have now heard the entire recording you would be able to count on only one hand the people who thought the coach did not do anything wrong. I have also heard just from a very reliable source that now that the recording has been put out all around the state that the KHSAA is going to take a lot harder look into this and now they will more than likely deal with this in the next 4 to 6 weeks. I guess we will have to wait and see.
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
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Hmm. Coach told parent he “would love to get his hands on him”, that he would be the all time scorer and ran down the other players in his kid’s position. Coach then gave him the KHSAA benefits of transferring now vs later. Yeah, I can see where you wouldn’t see any violations in all that. ?
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
You are obviously listening to different recording then everyone else.   I agree the parent should have never called, but parent does reference missing call form Coach Mays at the beginning I believe.  Coach also was very interested in speaking to parent, definitely not an unwilling participant, especially since he spent entire call laying out his recruiting/sales pitch for the kid.   Do I think Ashland will do anything to Coach who is winning and making them money, No (administration does not have big enough kahoonas for that). Will KHSAA do anything (laugh out loud).   So I expect nothing to happen and Coach Mays to continue to be good coach and business as usual.   But to say he did nothing wrong and that he was not recruiting is simply absurd.
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(06-22-2022, 03:36 PM)Dean of Dorton Wrote: Fraley and Orem at Pikeville are the two biggest recruiters on the girls side in Eastern Kentucky.

Recruiting happens all over the state, but I think lately Eastern Kentucky has been the worse area of the state.

Until the KHSAA changes the rules its cheating.
His name was Fraley.  Ironic…. Lol
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(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
Conversation wouldn’t have happened if Spurlock doesn’t make the call.  He baited the guy.  Shady at best
(06-22-2022, 05:23 PM)Appalachian Cat Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
Conversation wouldn’t have happened if Spurlock doesn’t make the call.  He baited the guy.  Shady at best
How about (since I know this against the rules) HANG UP lol. Or "let me call ya back" and DONT lol.
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(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
He said these things after the dad told him he was transferring him. He bragged on his program. He commended the young man’s upside in basketball to the dad who was supposedly transferring him somewhere. An eighth grader, who could transfer anywhere and play immediately. Just general chitchat and coach speak. But that’s a long way from recruiting, more of promoting and showing pride for your own program. Remember, the dad called him, not the other way around. Also, the comment about the Russell kid, who Mays told to stay at Russell,….the comment on the recording was obviously him being facetious. As I have mentioned, this was simply an answered call while he was on vacation and if he had known what he knows now he would have kept it short and sweet and referred the dad to the proper school officials. But he is a friendly guy, a talker, and he loves talking basketball with about anyone. 
Most coaches will talk to a dad or mom or uncle or whatever if they call and say they have a kid that might be interested in their school. Once the parent has made the call that takes the recruiting allegations off the table. From there onward it’s all about promotion. And they will precede to tell the the great things about their program once they see the parents intentions. And if they say they wouldn’t they are telling the biggest lie that has ever been told, lol. Especially if the kid is an eighth grader with automatic eligibility wherever he/she chooses.
(06-22-2022, 05:35 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
He said these things after the dad told him he was transferring him. He bragged on his program. He commended the young man’s upside in basketball to the dad who was supposedly transferring him somewhere. An eighth grader, who could transfer anywhere and play immediately. Just general chitchat and coach speak. But that’s a long way from recruiting, more of promoting and showing pride for your own program. Remember, the dad called him, not the other way around. Also, the comment about the Russell kid, who Mays told to stay at Russell,….the comment on the recording was obviously him being facetious. As I have mentioned, this was simply an answered call while he was on vacation and if he had known what he knows now he would have kept it short and sweet and referred the dad to the proper school officials. But he is a friendly guy, a talker, and he loves talking basketball with about anyone. 
Most coaches will talk to a dad or mom or uncle or whatever if they call and say they have a kid that might be interested in their school. Once the parent has made the call that takes the recruiting allegations off the table. From there onward it’s all about promotion. And they will precede to tell the the great things about their program once they see the parents intentions. And if they say they wouldn’t they are telling the biggest lie that has ever been told, lol. Especially if the kid is an eighth grader with automatic eligibility wherever he/she chooses.
He knew he was breaking the rules, cmon. Or he wouldnt have stressed the "confidentiality" of the conversation. Keep thinking he is innocent. Lol.

Looks like it made the Ashland newspaper now:

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Kind of ironic that the parent wants to remain “anonymous” now in the article to “protect his child” when he didn’t mind to release a recording that is now floating around the internet in which he defames another child, calling him out by name for the world to hear.

But hey…whatever it takes…go Lions.
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(06-22-2022, 04:06 PM)jamesclay Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 01:57 PM)McDowellEagles Wrote: After listening to the entire 50 min call, I am shocked and dismayed that the Daily Independent has not followed up on their June 3 article. Nate Bryan, Larry Vaught and Ryan Lemond have all weighed in, where’s the local coverage from the James A. Anderson gym? Is the DI in so deep with Ashland that they’ve been gagged?

If this was in the 15th region, David and Darryl would have a temporary emergency base set up on the school's football field.

David and Darryl have their heads so far up Pikeville rear they cant deal with anything else other than the smell. They constantly defend the cheating thats going on there, which is worse than this case, while acting like they are unbiased. Two HOMERS.
From the Daily Independent article, which seemed to be a very forthright piece on the situation, it appears Ashland isn’t going to budge. They have pretty much proclaimed that Mays is their coach regardless of the recording. More than anything, I’m surprised they would retain him with the things he said about the players currently on his team. In any case, though, it sounds like the only hope that the Boyd crew has of knocking the Tomcats from their perch is Julian Tackett. Good luck with that.
(06-22-2022, 06:10 PM)16thregioner Wrote: From the Daily Independent article, which seemed to be a very forthright piece on the situation, it appears Ashland isn’t going to budge.  They have pretty much proclaimed that Mays is their coach regardless of the recording.  More than anything, I’m surprised they would retain him with the things he said about the players currently on his team.  In any case, though, it sounds like the only hope that the Boyd crew has of knocking the Tomcats from their perch is Julian Tackett.  Good luck with that.
Well, I’m hearing Julian’s crew understands they have to either set an example or just open the recruiting gates.  It’s not looking favorable to even entertain the idea of opening the recruiting gates, so where does that leave things?
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(06-22-2022, 05:29 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:23 PM)Appalachian Cat Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
Conversation wouldn’t have happened if Spurlock doesn’t make the call.  He baited the guy.  Shady at best
How about (since I know this against the rules) HANG UP lol. Or "let me call ya back" and DONT lol.
How about not act like a child and be a man and don't record a conversation.  Man card went out the window and he can't get it back.  He will be labeled with this from now on.  The sad part about it is that it may only hurt his son's chances to maybe play ball one day.  Real adult decision and well thought out....LOL
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(06-22-2022, 09:10 PM)Appalachian Cat Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:29 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:23 PM)Appalachian Cat Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 05:03 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.
“I would love to get my hands on him. Now, I know that’s wrong for me to say because of where he’s at (Boyd County). But if there’s ever a time to do it, it’s right now to where he won’t have to do one ounce of KHSAA paperwork because he’s going to be an incoming freshman.”
“I would love to have him in our program… our program would change him for the better.”
“He would help us win a lot of games.”

Yeah Coach Mays wasn't trying to influence him at all  Big Grin
Conversation wouldn’t have happened if Spurlock doesn’t make the call.  He baited the guy.  Shady at best
How about (since I know this against the rules) HANG UP lol. Or "let me call ya back" and DONT lol.
How about not act like a child and be a man and don't record a conversation.  Man card went out the window and he can't get it back.  He will be labeled with this from now on.  The sad part about it is that it may only hurt his son's chances to maybe play ball one day.  Real adult decision and well thought out....LOL

Again, I DO NOT (have said this on here a few times) condone anything the dad did. But Coach Mays could have hung up the phone, or ended it politely, rather than proceed and violate any rules.


This clarifies it....
(06-22-2022, 04:25 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording shows zero evidence of recruiting. For it to be that Coach Mays would have had to made the call to the dad, which he didn’t. The dad called him with info that he might transfer his eighth grade son. So Mays told him if that was his intention he was welcome. He also added that he didn’t handle transfers but others at Ashland’s system were responsible for that. Mays showed pride in his programs and bragged them up, you know….kind of like a back and forth discussion that was thought to be off the record. I’m sure dad had informed him in advance that he was recording the call Mays would have chosen his words differently and would have kept the conversation short.
Anyway, there is no smoking gun in this recording that shows recruiting or anything more than a rule infraction of talking to the parent, which has already been addressed by school administrators. 
The parent is the one at fault here, not the coach.

(06-22-2022, 06:02 PM)KingCommodore Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 04:06 PM)jamesclay Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 01:57 PM)McDowellEagles Wrote: After listening to the entire 50 min call, I am shocked and dismayed that the Daily Independent has not followed up on their June 3 article. Nate Bryan, Larry Vaught and Ryan Lemond have all weighed in, where’s the local coverage from the James A. Anderson gym? Is the DI in so deep with Ashland that they’ve been gagged?

If this was in the 15th region, David and Darryl would have a temporary emergency base set up on the school's football field.

David and Darryl have their heads so far up Pikeville rear they cant deal with anything else other than the smell. They constantly defend the cheating thats going on there, which is worse than this case, while acting like they are unbiased. Two HOMERS.
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone know D&D and Pikeville doesn’t have a great working relationship.
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