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Ashland self-reports possible recruiting violation to the KHSAA
(06-20-2022, 06:02 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-19-2022, 11:11 PM)Fanman Wrote:
(06-19-2022, 11:03 PM)GOREDDEVILS Wrote:
(06-19-2022, 10:58 PM)Fanman Wrote: SocratesKy

If nothing comes of this, then shame on Ashland administration, and shame on KHSAA. Also, Coach Mays will be like Johnson Central football, nobody will schedule him. All the non district 16th region teams except for 2 I believe have kept him off the schedule for next year.

If Russell keeps Ashland, it will be because they are a heated rival.
Beating them last season helps. Also, fun fact, Coach Mays emailed all the referees personally after that loss last season to tell him how bad they were. True story.
I find that hard to believe. That’s not his personality whatsoever. 

I was not going to post again but a few of you guys just keep going on and on and on….
You’ve tried your best to make the coach appear to be some big over the top recruiter that can’t win without doing that, when it truth he has not recruited a single player since he came to Ashland. The first year he coached he won the region and one game at Rupp with zero transfers. The second year Porter transferred in on his own, no recruiting. The third year the Marcum boy’s parents moved to Ashland from West Virginia. I think one of the was one the medical profession and worked at the hospital. No recruiting there, just parents moving and working. The Carter kid came from Greenup from 8th grade. No recruiting there. And 8th graders at the time could transfer legally anywhere they wanted and evidently he wanted to be at Ashland. The fourth year James Mayor transferred from Bath County. So, in Coach Mays’ first four years he had 4 transfers. Yes, only 4, and average of ONE per year, much less than most schools around the state. I think Clark had more than Ashland’s total of 4 in one year alone. This year, coaches’ 5th, the DeBoard kid transferred from Boyd. I’m sure the young man and his parents had their reasons for transferring but I can guarantee you that he was not enticed or recruited into Ashland. 95% recruiting allegations are are baseless. As I have mentioned before, if a program is successful in sports and a school is successful academically they are attractive to parents and students. Just because parents move their kids from one school to another is not always recruiting. Matter of fact, it seldom is. 
As for the dad calling Mays about his son, well, about any coach in the state will most likely listen to what a parent of an 8th grader has to say if said parent is shopping his kid around. As we all are aware, at the time of the phone call 8th graders were not regulated under KHSAA transfer rules. That will change June 30. I know if it had been me in my coaching days I would have definitely spoke with the fellow and listened to what prompted him to make the call. That’s not recruiting. That’s hearing out a parent talking about possibly transferring his kid. Big difference.

He actually made himself look like a great over the top recruiter.
Some of you are about to back track in a hurry. Listen to this, then report back:

I didn’t want to be the one to make the recording public, but now that it seems to be completely public with a guy who has 12K Twitter followers posting it, here’s a few thoughts:

1. I’m not an expert on KHSAA rules, but if this conversation between a coach and a parent of a player from another school along with some of the conversations the coach admits to having with other parents isn’t breaking some of the rules, the KHSAA might as well quit even acting like they have rules.

2. Mays is a good sales guy. He really comes across well as a man who knows what he’s doing, almost as if he’s given this pitch before. The only flaw I saw in his pitch was downing his own players, particular the one who doesn’t make “meaningful” shots and the ones who are “liabilities”.

3. Between potential KHSAA penalties and/or the Ashland school system’s own standards, it would be very surprising if Mays is retained. Particularly since one of the players he downed was the AD’s own son. However, if harsh penalties are imposed, the whole thing runs the risk of setting every crazed sports parent loose with their iPhones across the state of Kentucky in attempts to harm their competition.

4. The parent does not come across as a hero in this by any means. Calling a player from his own team a “cancer” and not a “quality kid” who has been this way for 18 years isn’t a good look at all. It’s one thing to question another player’s basketball ability, but he went right to who the kid is as a person.

5. It seemed apparent that the parent was bringing his son to play for Mays had the other player not enrolled first. Given that, it seems the parent released the recording in an effort to take down the player who enrolled, not necessarily to take down Mays. Mays just turns out to be collateral damage.

Quite a story…sports gone wild. In the People’s Court, this might be the case of “The Delusional Parent vs. The Egotistical Coach”. Sad story all the way around. The KHSAA needs the wisdom of Solomon in deciding what to do here. The Boyd-Ashland game should be something to watch this upcoming season.
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Definitely spreading....
What 10th Region school is the Boyd parent rumored to have been in contact with?

Full recording: https://twitter.com/tenthregion/status/1...m52a8cJvyw
Couple more things…

Terrible job by Mays and the Ashland administration in burying their heads and hoping this all just went away. Should have known the recording would see the light of day at some point. Mays’ only chance was to get out in front of it. The school’s only chance was to fire him immediately and claim they have a zero tolerance policy.

On the other hand, this parent is as “all in” committed to his son’s basketball career as it gets..Lavar Ball level. Being willing to create and publicly release a recording he made on a purported private call in which he utterly disparages one high school kid with defamatory words is pretty gutsy. Also, if this does cost Mays his job and career, I can’t imagine Mays going quietly into the night without seeing this parent in court.

If he isn't fired by the end of the week, I really have to question everything about the Ashland administration and the KHSAA.
After hearing this recording I think the parent is just as guilty as the coach.
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(06-21-2022, 08:51 PM)brooksville Wrote: What 10th Region school is the Boyd parent rumored to have been in contact with?

Full recording: https://twitter.com/tenthregion/status/1...m52a8cJvyw
Probably Bracken County. Text messages are forever.
(06-21-2022, 09:07 PM)16thregioner Wrote: Couple more things…

Terrible job by Mays and the Ashland administration in burying their heads and hoping this all just went away.  Should have known the recording would see the light of day at some point.  Mays’ only chance was to get out in front of it.  The school’s only chance was to fire him immediately and claim they have a zero tolerance policy.

On the other hand, this parent is as “all in” committed to his son’s basketball career as it gets..Lavar Ball level.  Being willing to create and publicly release a recording he made on a purported private call in which he utterly disparages one high school kid with defamatory words is pretty gutsy.  Also, if this does cost Mays his job and career, I can’t imagine Mays going quietly into the night without seeing this parent in court.


No way this ends well for the Coach.
(06-21-2022, 11:52 PM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-21-2022, 09:07 PM)16thregioner Wrote: Couple more things…

Terrible job by Mays and the Ashland administration in burying their heads and hoping this all just went away.  Should have known the recording would see the light of day at some point.  Mays’ only chance was to get out in front of it.  The school’s only chance was to fire him immediately and claim they have a zero tolerance policy.

On the other hand, this parent is as “all in” committed to his son’s basketball career as it gets..Lavar Ball level.  Being willing to create and publicly release a recording he made on a purported private call in which he utterly disparages one high school kid with defamatory words is pretty gutsy.  Also, if this does cost Mays his job and career, I can’t imagine Mays going quietly into the night without seeing this parent in court.


No way this ends well for the Coach.

Nor should it.
Blatant cheating!
First let me say I stopped listening after about 10 min because it was boring.

This parent is willfully engaging with this coach about the possibility of enrolling at a his high school. The coach said some things he should not have but I don’t see it as big if a deal as some are making it out to be unless worse stuff happened after I stopped listening. The parent is a real piece of work for recording/releasing it to set this coach up by baiting him in. Also what kind of person trashes another kid like that and then releases the tape, sounds like that parent may be the team cancer. This is some entrapment type stuff by the parent if I’ve ever heard it and I see this parent as much at fault as the coach. I think if you fire the coach then this player should lose a year of eligibility, just my opinion.
(06-22-2022, 12:26 AM)fansville Wrote: First let me say I stopped listening after about 10 min because it was boring.

This parent is willfully engaging with this coach about the possibility of enrolling at a his high school. The coach said some things he should not have but I don’t see it as big if a deal as some are making it out to be unless worse stuff happened after I stopped listening. The parent is a real piece of work for recording/releasing it to set this coach up by baiting him in. Also what kind of person trashes another kid like that and then releases the tape, sounds like that parent may be the team cancer. This is some entrapment type stuff by the parent if I’ve ever heard it and I see this parent as much at fault as the coach. I think if you fire the coach then this player should lose a year of eligibility, just my opinion.

Absolutely not. Why would you punish the player (a kid) for the actions of two adults?
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(06-22-2022, 12:35 AM)jamesclay Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 12:26 AM)fansville Wrote: First let me say I stopped listening after about 10 min because it was boring.

This parent is willfully engaging with this coach about the possibility of enrolling at a his high school. The coach said some things he should not have but I don’t see it as big if a deal as some are making it out to be unless worse stuff happened after I stopped listening. The parent is a real piece of work for recording/releasing it to set this coach up by baiting him in. Also what kind of person trashes another kid like that and then releases the tape, sounds like that parent may be the team cancer. This is some entrapment type stuff by the parent if I’ve ever heard it and I see this parent as much at fault as the coach. I think if you fire the coach then this player should lose a year of eligibility, just my opinion.

Absolutely not. Why would you punish the player (a kid) for the actions of two adults?
I agree.  This young man has to be a wreck because of what his dad has done.  Yes Mays went too far and stepped over the line but the dad has no spine.   
He said that he was only protecting his son?  If this is true, the recording should have never been released.  Ashland or Mays hasn’t said one thing about his son.  He actually complimented him as a player.  This tells us that it was malicious and pre-meditated.  If the daddy didn’t hear what he wanted then it would be an attempt to go after Mays and Ashland!  And that is exactly what he done.  I just think that we as adults need to let the KHSAA and the administrations take care of it.  We have to remember that there are kids upset at both schools and this guy that recorded this obviously doesn’t care.  It’s all about him and his agenda.  It’s a shame.
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If you're going to recruit, wouldn't you try and do it in a way that would make it hard to prove or get caught? Looks bad for the coach and the parent, IMO.

Feel bad for the kids.
(06-22-2022, 12:35 AM)jamesclay Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 12:26 AM)fansville Wrote: I think if you fire the coach then this player should lose a year of eligibility, just my opinion.

Absolutely not. Why would you punish the player (a kid) for the actions of two adults?

Because the Dad is the guardian of and is acting on the behalf of the player. If this kid were going to college and the dad committed recruiting violations then the NCAA would punish the player, why should this be any different? There is no way to punish the dad and the way you prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future is to punish both parties, coach and player.
All parties involved need punished. Boyd Co, Ashland, Mays, Anderson, the parent, and the kid. The last of those shouldnt be crucified though. I understand how the NCAA works, but this is an 8th grader we are talking about. Not a 18 or 19 yo. The latest bill being passed, is the KHSAA trying to rid itself of dealing with these issues, so i will be suprised if its handled oroperly.
The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct. It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County, where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.

(06-22-2022, 08:25 AM)Scotty_Bronson Wrote: All parties involved need punished. Boyd Co, Ashland, Mays, Anderson, the parent, and the kid. The last of those shouldnt be crucified though. I understand how the NCAA works, but this is an 8th grader we are talking about. Not a 18 or 19 yo. The latest bill being passed, is the KHSAA trying to rid itself of dealing with these issues, so i will be suprised if its handled oroperly.
I think you are referring to the “transfer bill”. KHSAA has been exploring giving the student athletes one free transfer.  The only Bill that has been passed states that after June 30th a transferring student athlete must have a residence in the district or sit out a year.  None of these is a proposed rule to allow recruiting.  Allowing recruiting would drastically change the landscape and position KHSAA in a spot that they can’t regulate.  This is why I feel the consequences for the coach (and subsequently, potentially the school program) will be severe.  Knowing and willful violation of those rules won’t be tolerated.
(06-22-2022, 08:55 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.
Obviously you are a relative of the dad or simply a lifelong Ashland hater and are trying your best to make this sound much worse than it is. I don’t see anything worthy of any penalties here. And the facts are Mays is not this big bad overzealous recruiter you have tried your best to paint him with your countless posts. One transfer per year is not overboard, and it’s not recruiting either. The old saying, “Making a mountain out of a mole hill” applies with your way of thinking and accusations. You are wanting so bad for Mays to be dismissed and penalties levied but I’ve got news for you….it ain’t happening. Because there’s nothing to base it on. This recording exonerates Mays more than the opposite.
(06-22-2022, 09:07 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:55 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.
Obviously you are a relative of the dad or simply a lifelong Ashland hater and are trying your best to make this sound much worse than it is. I don’t see anything worthy of any penalties here. And the facts are Mays is not this big bad overzealous recruiter you have tried your best to paint him with your countless posts. One transfer per year is not overboard, and it’s not recruiting either. The old saying, “Making a mountain out of a mole hill” applies with your way of thinking and accusations. You are wanting so bad for Mays to be dismissed and penalties levied but I’ve got news for you….it ain’t happening. Because there’s nothing to base it on. This recording exonerates Mays more than the opposite.

lol, nothing against Ashland, not a Boyd fan and wish the kids in the program the best but if you can’t hear he is recruiting the kid harder than any college coach would a high school star then you  didn’t listen to the tape.  He even details it out!  
And your saying it’s making a mountain out of a mole hill - all I can say is if you are that close and biased to the program and can’t see it then just prepare yourself to be shocked with the KHSAA enforcement ruling.
(06-22-2022, 09:45 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 09:07 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:55 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.
Obviously you are a relative of the dad or simply a lifelong Ashland hater and are trying your best to make this sound much worse than it is. I don’t see anything worthy of any penalties here. And the facts are Mays is not this big bad overzealous recruiter you have tried your best to paint him with your countless posts. One transfer per year is not overboard, and it’s not recruiting either. The old saying, “Making a mountain out of a mole hill” applies with your way of thinking and accusations. You are wanting so bad for Mays to be dismissed and penalties levied but I’ve got news for you….it ain’t happening. Because there’s nothing to base it on. This recording exonerates Mays more than the opposite.

lol, nothing against Ashland, not a Boyd fan and wish the kids in the program the best but if you can’t hear he is recruiting the kid harder than any college coach would a high school star then you  didn’t listen to the tape.  He even details it out!  
And your saying it’s making a mountain out of a mole hill - all I can say is if you are that close and biased to the program and can’t see it then just prepare yourself to be shocked with the KHSAA enforcement ruling.
Lol, Socrates, the kid is an 8th grader whose father initiated contact with the coach with a phone call (and no, it wasn’t a return call). 8th graders at the time of the call can transfer anywhere. Obviously if the parent implies he is moving said athlete any coach will listen and explain how their program works and they’d like to have him. That’s not recruiting. That’s answering the questions and talking to a parent who is thinking of transferring. It’s as simple as that. One guy selling his son’s talents and the other listening to what he has to say and bragging up his school. Nothing more. Ashland self reported, due to the conversation taking place, and have dealt with it on their end. But you and a few more can’t handle those results, lol. It’s causing you to lose sleep. Relax my good man. It’s not as serious as you have led everyone to believe and the recording proves that. You can’t always have everything like you think it should be, sometimes it has to be how it actually is.
Parents a weirdo! I wouldn’t want that parent or the kid in my system.
(06-22-2022, 10:26 AM)FootballFan1999 Wrote: Parents a weirdo! I wouldn’t want that parent or the kid in my system.
I think I feel for the kid since if I am a coach, a teacher, or a college coach, I would be hesitant to say or do anything, let alone bend the rules in some way (which we all have done for someone at some point in our lives). Dad may have gotten his 15 seconds of fame (or 50 minutes), but after that little bombshell of the convo (including calling a kid's teammate I think a "cancer"), he may have seriously hurt his kid in a lot of ways. Coach Mays is not innocent in this either, but I also think dad has caused some issues at home.
[-] The following 2 users Like OhHereWeGo's post:
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(06-21-2022, 11:03 PM)OldManMountain Wrote:
(06-21-2022, 08:51 PM)brooksville Wrote: What 10th Region school is the Boyd parent rumored to have been in contact with?

Full recording: https://twitter.com/tenthregion/status/1...m52a8cJvyw
Probably Bracken County. Text messages are forever.
Clark County
(06-22-2022, 10:23 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 09:45 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 09:07 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:55 AM)SocratesKy Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!
Obviously you are closely tied to the Coach.  Nobody will just move on.  This is a huge deal.  Severe consequences for the coach will be brought.  “Nothing to see here” attitude will change the landscape of high school basketball as high school programs will be hiring staff based on recruiting ability, promote programs, while boosters pay thousands to have recruits (teens) move to their school.  I don’t see any scenario where the coach remains at the school, nor would any unbiased person outside the Ashland fan base.  The Dad, returning a phone call, exposed a bad egg in Kentucky high school sports, and I’m not seeing any future negative impacts on the kid.  Ballsy, yes.
Obviously you are a relative of the dad or simply a lifelong Ashland hater and are trying your best to make this sound much worse than it is. I don’t see anything worthy of any penalties here. And the facts are Mays is not this big bad overzealous recruiter you have tried your best to paint him with your countless posts. One transfer per year is not overboard, and it’s not recruiting either. The old saying, “Making a mountain out of a mole hill” applies with your way of thinking and accusations. You are wanting so bad for Mays to be dismissed and penalties levied but I’ve got news for you….it ain’t happening. Because there’s nothing to base it on. This recording exonerates Mays more than the opposite.

lol, nothing against Ashland, not a Boyd fan and wish the kids in the program the best but if you can’t hear he is recruiting the kid harder than any college coach would a high school star then you  didn’t listen to the tape.  He even details it out!  
And your saying it’s making a mountain out of a mole hill - all I can say is if you are that close and biased to the program and can’t see it then just prepare yourself to be shocked with the KHSAA enforcement ruling.
Lol, Socrates, the kid is an 8th grader whose father initiated contact with the coach with a phone call (and no, it wasn’t a return call). 8th graders at the time of the call can transfer anywhere. Obviously if the parent implies he is moving said athlete any coach will listen and explain how their program works and they’d like to have him. That’s not recruiting. That’s answering the questions and talking to a parent who is thinking of transferring. It’s as simple as that. One guy selling his son’s talents and the other listening to what he has to say and bragging up his school. Nothing more. Ashland self reported, due to the conversation taking place, and have dealt with it on their end. But you and a few more can’t handle those results, lol. It’s causing you to lose sleep. Relax my good man. It’s not as serious as you have led everyone to believe and the recording proves that. You can’t always have everything like you think it should be, sometimes it has to be how it actually is.
You seem to be confusing transfer rules with recruiting rules.  I’m assuming that is intentional though.  Best of luck to you and your school.
[-] The following 1 user Likes SocratesKy's post:
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(06-22-2022, 10:37 AM)OhHereWeGo Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 10:26 AM)FootballFan1999 Wrote: Parents a weirdo! I wouldn’t want that parent or the kid in my system.
I think I feel for the kid since if I am a coach, a teacher, or a college coach, I would be hesitant to say or do anything, let alone bend the rules in some way (which we all have done for someone at some point in our lives). Dad may have gotten his 15 seconds of fame (or 50 minutes), but after that little bombshell of the convo (including calling a kid's teammate I think a "cancer"), he may have seriously hurt his kid in a lot of ways. Coach Mays is not innocent in this either, but I also think dad has caused some issues at home.

I’d be embarrassed if I was the kid. You know other kids and teammates will give him a hard time too over it.
(06-22-2022, 10:37 AM)OhHereWeGo Wrote:
(06-22-2022, 10:26 AM)FootballFan1999 Wrote: Parents a weirdo! I wouldn’t want that parent or the kid in my system.
I think I feel for the kid since if I am a coach, a teacher, or a college coach, I would be hesitant to say or do anything, let alone bend the rules in some way (which we all have done for someone at some point in our lives). Dad may have gotten his 15 seconds of fame (or 50 minutes), but after that little bombshell of the convo (including calling a kid's teammate I think a "cancer"), he may have seriously hurt his kid in a lot of ways. Coach Mays is not innocent in this either, but I also think dad has caused some issues at home.
The dad openly admits that we all have keys to the gym. (school access) In today’s time, state active shooter laws prohibit this.  Boyd County will be in trouble for this.  You just can’t do that anymore. Not a very smart thing to say but consider the source.  This is that guy’s MO, self motivated and doesn’t care about the kids it hurts in the process.
(06-22-2022, 08:28 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The recording doesn’t illustrate anything overtly negative toward the coach. It does the parent, however. What a piece of work!

The coach simply replied to a parent’s comment that he was going to transfer his eighth grade son and the coach responded if that’s what he is intending then it’s easy and legal because the KHSAA rules (at the time of the call) doesn’t apply to transfers of eighth graders.And he was correct.  It was simple paper work. And he directing him how to do that. He didn’t do anything more than 99% of coaches would have done if they had received the same phone call from an overzealous parent commenting  that he was not happy and was transferring his son somewhere. Eighth grade students at the time of the call could transfer legally anywhere. .
I would like to hear some of the parent-coach calls in other areas of Kentucky, say Jefferson County,  where it’s my understanding that high school coaches from all over the county show up at middle school games to check out the county talent. If they received a call  that their talented middle schooler was transferring and was considering their school coaches will talk to that parent. Yes they will, every time.
Now, coaches wouldn’t probably say too much if the parent said “do you mind if I record this call?” But in a normal conversation most coaches are talkers and Mays is definitely in that category. On hindsight he should have politely referred the fellow to his principal or AD and then said goodbye and hung up but as I mentioned, most coaches will talk to a parent with a kid they’re thinking of transferring. If the kid is eighth grade then it’s a simple transfer.
Mays is not a recruiter that several of the posters on here are trying to paint him to be. Ashland boys have average 1 transfer per year since he’s been there. And if he was all hell bent on winning at all cost why would he encourage his star guard last year to skip his senior season and go on to his D-1 university that he had signed with to play college ball?? Mays is not a guy that picks up the phone or meets people somewhere to convince them to come to Ashland. He just isn’t like that. The situation here under discussion is a parent of an eighth grader who wanted to move his kid to another school and Mays responded by bragging on his school and administration and implying the young man would be welcomed if that’s the dad’s intention. He should have ended the call early with a referral to other higher-ups but he didn’t. But he didn’t do anything illegal or wrong and definitely nothing that would lead to his dismissal as coach. That’s ludicrous. I heard that the Ashland administration is suspending him a few games for the fact that he let the conversation go on too long and that’s their prerogative but I would not have even gone that far. A simple reprimand would have sufficed.
Bottom line, the fact shows that no more players transfer into Ashland’s boys program than most other schools in the state. I don’t think 5 players in 5 years is over the top. And Mays definitely does not recruit. Ashland’s program and school does attract students in sports and academics, though. They have tradition and it’s a good school.
Most “recruiting” allegations are baseless. Parents and players change schools quite a lot all over the nation and in nearly all the cases it is their own decision in doing so.
It’s time to move forward and get on with the rest of the summer and prepare for next season!

You're a fool if you think this isn't a bad deal by the coach.
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